[情報] 泰國海軍素可泰號護衛艦進水沉沒

看板Military標題[情報] 泰國海軍素可泰號護衛艦進水沉沒作者
時間推噓20 推:21 噓:1 →:15
Thai Royal Navy Vessel HTMS Sukhothai Sinks

The Royal Thai Navy has confirmed that the HTMS Sukhothai, a
Ratanakosin-class corvette commissioned in 1987 has sunk, one hour ago.

“Today (18 December) from Sukhothai Luang Case, the boat had an incidence of
tilt due to encountering strong waves, causing some seawater to flow into theelectrical system through the exhaust pipe next to the ship, causing the
power engine to be off and causing the big machine to stop working, causing
the ship not to sink. Control the boat and allows water to get inside the
hull to tilt later.

At 11:30 pm Navy reports Sukhothai main ship has sunk under the surface due
to high water entering the ship. All of the forces are safe.


大浪打進船體 導致電力等系統停止運作 最終沉沒





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flameblade 12/19 08:06???

Nexdous 12/19 08:06莫斯科號:first time?

ricky8978 12/19 08:07船況太差吧?1000噸級的小船,也快40年了

s3z15a3z15a 12/19 08:23應該是太老舊了...

geesegeese 12/19 08:24台灣老軍艦也不少,引以為戒

keither1009 12/19 08:26保養不確實+損管兩光吧?說真的看泰國這幾年的表現

keither1009 12/19 08:26一點也不意外

geordie 12/19 08:28泰國的都這樣了,他週邊國家的軍武豈不是更....

Rinehot 12/19 08:30加拿大的維多利亞級潛艇也發生過大浪進水後動力喪

Rinehot 12/19 08:30

lc85301 12/19 08:40人沒事就好

suitup 12/19 08:52樓下支援052C被大浪打破艙門gif

hansvonboltz12/19 08:53似乎無人傷亡

driver0811 12/19 08:57600噸的加油,小心點

DDG114514 12/19 09:21怎麼這樣

HenryLin123 12/19 09:25連續三個causing ,這間媒體英文要再加強。

pooznn 12/19 09:37軍艦會沈 應該和軍紀比較有關啦!艙間水密門沒在關的

colorghost 12/19 09:55我們600噸的錦江在凶險的台灣海域都沒出這種事怎麼

colorghost 12/19 09:55泰國近千噸的船就這樣沉了?泰國附近海域海象更差

colorghost 12/19 09:55嗎?

AIRWAY1021 12/19 10:38上報有影片

kuroro94 12/19 10:42泰國觀光遊輪搞不好比軍艦更耐打擊...

kuroro94 12/19 10:43還以為軍政府專政能買新式軍備,不曉得

kuroro94 12/19 10:44規模小,妥善率差

OpenGoodHate12/19 12:11來跟台灣訂船吧

cityman9999 12/19 12:15台灣的會倒爐

huckerbying 12/19 12:46這艘也不是大船,是滿載940噸的小船

A1pha 12/19 13:07東南亞國家海軍好像都不太精實。

blade0314 12/19 13:09你應該說海軍只有美軍的才算精實

mtcoat 12/19 13:12號稱有航母的國家

JOHN117 12/19 13:23小船搞不好沒有水密門

driver0811 12/19 14:49網上居然有視頻不知道真的還假的

maxjeng 12/19 15:29maid in China?

saccharomyce12/19 15:34made

Ghostchaos 12/19 21:24只能停在港口的航母都還沒沉

maxjeng 12/19 23:58查了一下 原來是美國製

hitlerx 12/21 09:58maid in heaven