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原標題:The Nuggets’ coaching staff is running it back in 2023-24
(金塊教練團成員將在 2023-24 賽季全部留隊)


作者:Harrison Wind


After coaching the Nuggets’ to the first NBA championship in franchise
history, Michael Malone’s entire coaching staff is expected to return for
the 2023-24 season, a source told DNVR.

在成功率領金塊奪得隊史首座總冠軍後,某消息人士告知 DNVR,Michael Malone 的整個教練團成員將在 2023-24 賽季全部留隊。

That group includes Malone’s front-row assistants — David Adelman, Ryan
Saunders, and Popeye Jones — as well as Charles Klask, Ogi Stojakovic, and
more of Malone’s support staff.

團隊成員包括前線助教 David Adelman、Ryan Saunders 和 Popeye Jones,以及包括
Charles Klask、Ogi Stojakovic 等在內的支援人員。

Several key members of Malone’s staff are entering the final year of their
contracts, a source told DNVR. Most of them have options in their contracts
for the 2023-24 season that have yet to be picked up.

該消息人士表示,許多 Malone 麾下的主要成員將進入本身合約的最後一年,當中大多數都有尚未執行的選擇權。

Adelman, the Nuggets de-factor offensive coordinator and son of Hall of Fame
coach Rick Adelman, is considered by many around the NBA to be a rising star
in the coaching ranks and is expected to be on many teams’ short-lists for
future head coaching openings. Entering his sixth season in Denver, Adelman
has repeatedly drawn praise from the Nuggets’ roster and many throughout the
organization for his coaching acumen and preparation.

Adelman 是金塊隊的進攻協調員,也是名人堂教練 Rick Adelman 的兒子,他被NBA 周圍的許多人認為是教練團中的一顆新星,有望進入許多球隊未來主教練職位的候選名單。他在金塊的執教歲月已進入第六個賽季,他的敏銳度和準備工作多次得到金塊隊隊員和整個球團的稱讚。

“I really think DA is a guy who’s going to be a head coach,” Nikola Jokic
said last season. “He knows the answers. He reads and reacts.”

阿肥上賽季說:「我真心認為 David Adelman 有成為主教練的潛力。他曉得答案,也懂得如何反應。」

Another coach expected to return to Malone’s staff is Stojakovic, a Nuggets
assistant and the director of Denver’s player development. Stojakovic has
been on staff in Denver since the 2013-14 season and is a trusted confidant
of Nikola Jokic. He was on Serbia’s coaching staff during their recent
silver medal run at the 2023 FIBA World Cup.

另一位預計將回鍋的是專責球員發展的 Stojakovic。他自 2013-14 賽季以來,就待在金塊的教練團陣容中,也是阿肥的知己。他在過去的世界盃賽事中,是塞爾維亞隊教練團的成員之一。

Nuggets player development coach Boniface N’Dong and video coordinator
Connor Griffin were both on former Nuggets assistant and Canada head coach
Jordi Fernandez’s staff during the World Cup as well. Canada captured the
bronze medal.

至於球員發展教練Boniface N’Dong 和影片分析員 Connor Griffin,他們在世界盃期間,都是加拿大國家隊主教練 Jordi Fernandez 的團隊成員,而加拿大也獲得了銅牌。


準備踏上衛冕之路的好開始 (?)


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LukaDoncic7709/12 08:36湖人老爹又來惹

fxm20334 09/12 08:36奪冠隊除了退休都會留吧

clotha52181 09/12 08:45不是靠砸破記錄豪華稅堆出來的冠軍團隊 值得給推

k7202001 09/12 08:51BB離隊的洞沒補 不看好能衛冕…

k7202001 09/12 08:51下季冠軍不是湖人就是太陽吧

k7202001 09/12 08:52我實在想不到德軟+AR 加上兩老 怎麽輸..

s880036 09/12 08:54嗯?德軟明明去暴龍了,樓上在說啥

hughjetman 09/12 09:00金塊奪冠靠的是聯盟最強先發組,先發沒動又多累積一

hughjetman 09/12 09:00年經驗,BB離開影響是很大但沒這麼誇張好嗎

monkeyyao 09/12 09:21德軟去暴龍領錢了啦

fireforce 09/12 09:22原班人馬繼續發車

ilovenynyny 09/12 09:37BB真大腿 15分效率的洞

jameslin510 09/12 09:52某樓還在臭啊~

x73831 09/12 09:53蒿吐露絲

HellFly 09/12 10:22某樓資料還沒更新

f77928 09/12 10:37理髮師團隊全員回歸

stand1234 09/12 10:45有奪冠經驗的成員能留則留,不曉得之後會不會被挖角

karmel 09/12 10:45勇士第一年也沒繳稅 但要長期維持陣容就要花大錢 金

karmel 09/12 10:45塊未來也會遇到一樣的問題

karmel 09/12 10:47甚至KD勇第一年也沒有豪華稅

minelee 09/12 11:12肯定可以第二冠了吧

TimmyWendell09/12 11:12奪冠教練團沒被挖走?!強

dogtsai 09/12 11:30德軟去暴龍領錢,脫離低薪了啦~

white12107 09/12 12:26我實在想不到德軟+AR 怎麼贏 已示範過 就被金塊打

white12107 09/12 12:26崩了啊

Satomisan 09/12 12:274樓造謠可以桶了吧

bearKQG 09/12 12:55二連霸!!

jeff102951 09/12 13:47今年再拿一冠!

BL4CK 09/12 13:49進攻協調員是做啥的?跟球員溝通?

tw52024 09/12 15:12MPJ不要繼續睡,沒BB也會奪冠啦

ZIDENS 09/12 15:20確實 BB後面是因為MPJ睡死了才扛的 MPJ自己也有說

ZIDENS 09/12 15:20打不好不如給BB打 追根究柢其實還是MPJ的問題

eric003a 09/12 16:39可以啦 就算以後這一冠吹20年也很感人

q888atPt 09/12 17:55很扯 都只看總冠軍賽? MPJ只雷決賽吧

boyea55 09/12 21:00MPJ只雷冠軍賽+1

alex0973 09/12 22:29想不到怎麼輸 哈哈 坦白自己的貧乏很好唷

kixer2005 09/12 23:01拼王朝

dazzzlee 09/12 23:42冠軍賽就是BB抵消MPJ的雷 XDDD

GBF8U572 09/13 08:13KD勇第一年有豪華稅就沒有KD了