[外絮] 嘴綠回擊灰熊總教練Taylor Jenkins

看板NBA標題[外絮] 嘴綠回擊灰熊總教練Taylor Jenkins作者
時間推噓20 推:29 噓:9 →:14

Draymond fires back at 'janky' Jenkins, Edey over foul

"You got janky Taylor Jenkins, who's a softie. ... Bro, this is Game 11 (of the season), you're runnin' to the media crying about a foul," Green said Tuesday on his podcast.
嘴綠:Taylor Jenkins是個軟蛋,賽季才第11場比賽,你就去跟媒體哭訴一次犯規。

"Guess what you just taught your 7-foot-3 rookie? How to be emotional and run to the media talking about a foul. We big men, you don't run to the media talking about a foul. He's supposed to protect Ja Morant, you're setting him up to where Ja Morant's going to be protecting him."

"He's big enough to possibly have fooled people that he could be a little tough, and now nobody believes you," Green said. "Now, Joel Embiid gonna try to put his chest into the stanchion just to see. Like, 'Huh, I think he might be a little soft.'"

Green hooked his elbow around Edey's foot to cause the rookie to fall to the court during the third quarter of Friday's contest. Refs assessed the Warriors veteran with a transition take foul, but the NBA upgraded it to a flagrant 1 the following day.

Edey said postgame that the foul 'definitely wasn't a basketball play.' Jenkins expressed his disappointment that the incident wasn't reviewed during the game.





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WIGGINS22 11/20 22:08樓下開噓

f77928 11/20 22:09綠師傅這play算點到為止吧 抱怨哭哭真的軟

ZIDENS 11/20 22:11我要看的不是這種反擊

e8e88 11/20 22:12畢竟是假硬漢...只會隔空放話或小動作

kingbar815 11/20 22:13綠師傅是唯一什麼都敢做的人......

archer523 11/20 22:14他應該踩回來的,這才夠硬

e8e88 11/20 22:15嘴綠哪天敢跟別人互毆 我還會敬他是條漢子

e8e88 11/20 22:16*才會

love1500274 11/20 22:20嘴綠頭上長痘痘

fish0112 11/20 22:20嘴率就是缺人去踩他

chinhan1216 11/20 22:21夾人家腳還是閉嘴啦

Vincent233 11/20 22:21最好是 真的互毆你也只會說沙瓦郎正常發揮

Sessyoin 11/20 22:23金州出品 ˊ_>ˋ

jack34031 11/20 22:31原來志豪算軟嗎?

riddickwu 11/20 22:32嗆別隊教練真沒格調,輩份又不同,也不想想自己以前

riddickwu 11/20 22:32做的事

Kazmier 11/20 22:33夾腳仔

kem0606 11/20 22:34自己問題怪別人 勇士出品就是這樣的嗎

cangyisu 11/20 22:37你那個拉腳這麼明顯 還不能嘴 可悲

ru8cj86 11/20 22:39聯盟這麼挺嘴綠囂張正常啊

s07y06 11/20 22:40有綠我就噓

nowitzki020711/20 22:41黑人日常

st890284 11/20 22:42嘴綠都踩胸鎖喉飛拳了還要被嘴只會小動作喔

asidy 11/20 22:45鉛筆:怎麼又提我....

hunt5566 11/20 22:46鉛筆:我已經變成衡量軟不軟的工具了??

Athchen 11/20 22:46對Edey沒使出戰爭踐踏感到失望 這樣才硬

gentleman31711/20 22:55想看勇士跟灰熊再打一場 Edey 也是蠻悍的球員的

zego41 11/20 22:59志豪下一場該教訓他了吧

aa89028500 11/20 23:00志豪很派欸,下次可能會尻回來

yueyi313 11/20 23:03好有既視感!態度強硬!

risingsuns 11/20 23:04嘴綠到底什麼時候離開球場 髒死了

b54102 11/20 23:10不要敗人品了

Trulli 11/20 23:11這咖真的沒救了

cow7913 11/20 23:15提到鉛筆那段有點好笑 是硬還軟啊

MoWilliams 11/20 23:17以綠師傅過往事蹟來看這次的確沒啥

midevening 11/20 23:21這麼噁心 拉別人腳還怕別人說耶

izacc 11/20 23:24第2段最後面"setting him up"那句不是跳過JA保護他

izacc 11/20 23:25而是指造成JA以後去要保護他

kaga1991 11/20 23:27鉛筆:

teren 11/20 23:31綠師傅我警告你 你功夫再厲害也沒有洋槍厲害

greedfat 11/20 23:31哈哈看文字都有畫面欸這很嘴綠

enen7456 11/20 23:34垃圾嘴綠真的欠噓

GleybeTorres11/20 23:46以綠師傅標準來看,勾腳算點到為止吧?

GleybeTorres11/20 23:47還有一堆連擊技沒用

GleybeTorres11/20 23:47倒是鉛筆無端被波及XD

Windows11 11/20 23:48敢髒還要怕人講

Scinfaxi 11/20 23:49你拉腳被判犯規 怪別人教練?

Scinfaxi 11/20 23:51另外以前的硬漢球員也不是像他一樣常踢人下體 踩倒

Scinfaxi 11/20 23:52地的人胸口 拉別人的腳等等

ogc891017 11/20 23:52鉛筆:你禮貌嗎

csticker 11/20 23:58下次Edey懂了 被踹就不要叫

yaody 11/21 00:03應該直接對嘴綠開槍的