[花邊] Westbrook賽後訪談

看板NBA標題[花邊] Westbrook賽後訪談作者
時間推噓推:124 噓:7 →:34

Russ the first of all, what did you make of this that entire game seemed to be an offensive explosion?

問: Russ, 請問你對整場比賽進攻大爆發的情況有何感想?

Yeah. I don't know , that's crazy, if I've ever been a part of a game with thatmany points in it , but fresh off the All-Star break i guess .

答: 我不知道,這場比賽得分這麼高,真是瘋狂,但我想這可能跟剛過完全明星賽有關吧。

Q:And then second you seem to kind of fit in seamlessly, I think you had the 14assists, just what did you make of your fit? and how was it like playing with the guys out there.

問: 你似乎很順暢的融入了球隊,你有14次助攻,你是怎麼看待自己的狀態的?和其他隊員一起打球是什麼感覺。

A:It's was great just to get back on the floor. Just You know, obviously want to win and that's the most important part but, you know, watching film get ready to go on Sunday.

答: 能夠重新回到球場真的很好。 當然,我們最重要的目標是獲勝,我們會觀看影片並為周日的比賽做好準備。

Q:Russ, I saw in this game, like you tried to do some things that we've seen you do before, but like a lot of screens, a lot of off-ball stuff, what was your Takeaway on what you felt like was most different in your debut with the Clippersversus, you know.

問: Russ,我看到你在比賽中試圖做一些我們之前看過的事情,比如很多的掩護和無球戰術,你認為在快艇的首秀最不同的地方是什麼?

A:Just trying to find ways to to be effective. While I'm on the floor and whatever asking me screening, whatever that may be cut. Just try to different things to impact the game, and using my IQ to be able to make plays for others.

答: 我只是嘗試找到在場上有效的方式,無論是掩護、控球還是切入,只要是對球隊有益的,我都會去做。 我試著嘗試不同的方式來影響比賽,並利用我的智商為其他人做球。

Q: What do you think was most challenging about what the Kings offense was bringing?

問: 你認為國王隊進攻帶來的最大挑戰是什麼?

A: They made some shots early and it seemed like they never missed. They playedat a good pace, but they made some tough shots. It was a scoring battle throughout the game, but we can be better defensively, starting with myself. I need to defend at a high level, which we know how to do, and set the tone for the team.

答: 他們一開始就命中了一些投籃,並且似乎從未失手。 他們打得很有節奏感,但也打進了一些困難的球。 整場比賽都是互相得分,但我們在防守方面可以做得更好,首先要從自己做起。 我需要在高水準上防守,我們知道如何做到這一點,並為球隊樹立榜樣。

Q: Russ, you got a big ovation. Obviously, when you heard your name announced, you also got a big ovation, and when you checked out for the final time, I saw you hyping up the crowd a little bit there, down the stretch. I just wanted to ask you specifically about the fan support that you had here in this debut.

問: Russ,你得到了很大的歡呼聲。 當你聽到你的名字被宣佈時,你也得到了很大的掌聲,當你最後一次下場時,我看到你在場邊拉高氣氛讓球迷興奮起來。 我想問你關於你在這場比賽中得到的球迷支持的看法。

A:This is a blessing you know just to excitement in the building the enthusiasmfrom fans and just the support they have its not just for me. But for overall team was great and, you know, hopefully we can able to keep that going as the season goes along and I'll do my part by playing as hard as I can. You know, when giving opportunity.

答: 這是一種祝福,你知道,球迷們的期待、熱情和支持不僅僅是為了我,而是為了整個球隊,這很棒。 希望我們在賽季進行的過程中能夠保持這種氛圍,我會盡我所能地打好每一場比賽,為球隊貢獻力量。

Q:Russ you're obviously going to learn more about your teammates Kawhi and PG. But what do you take out the tonight, your first taste of playing alongside themand how you can fit in with this team and how far this team?

問: Russ,你顯然還需要更多地了解你的隊友Kawhi和PG。 但是,從今晚的比賽中,你對與他們一起打球的第一次體驗有何看法,你如何適應這支球隊,這支球隊能走多遠?

A:Yeah, but you know, so many I see so many things. Just that I'm just thinkingabout now, I'll go home and watch the film tonight. Just how I can be able to help make the game even more easier for them. So they don't have to work as hard and you know, we'll get there. Obviously first game, I'm gonna do my part and make sure I can do my homework and continue to make the game easy for guys around me.

答: 是的,我發現有很多事情需要改進。現在我正在思考,今晚回家後我會觀看比賽的影片,嘗試找出如何幫助我的隊友更加輕鬆地打比賽的方法。我希望能夠減少他們的負擔,並且讓我們的比賽變得更加容易。當然,在第一場比賽中,我會盡力扮演自己的角色,做好我的功課,繼續讓身邊的人更輕鬆的打比賽。

Q:What will you remember the most about your debut tonight?

問: 關於今晚的首秀,你最難忘的是什麼?

A:Um, you know, just ability be to go out compete, you know, I think that's something I don't take for granted being somewhere. Not just that, but the support of organization, my teammates, the fans overall. It's a great, you know, debut, but just didn't get the win And that's the sad part about it, but taking that out of it, just being able to go out and compete, the support system around this was at an all-time high. So I'm very appreciative of that.

答: 能夠出去比賽競爭,這是我不會將其視為理所當然的事情。此外,從球團、隊友到球迷的支持也是非常重要的。這是一個很棒的首秀,但遺憾的是我們沒有贏得比賽,這是令人傷心的一點。身邊周遭對我的支持是有史以來最高的,所以我非常感激這一切。

Q: And Russell. Lawrence Frank said you bring a dynamic that this team has doesn't have and today it was a different pace that this team was playing with when you got the ball. I seen guys, like PG, Kawhi Norman, looking from the outlet for you, from you. So do you see yourself being in that role where it's constant go once, you're on the floor and guys got to be able to keep up.

問: Lawrence Frank說你為這個團隊帶來了一種獨特的能量,而今天當你手握球權時,團隊的節奏會有所不同。我看到像PG、Kawhi和Norman這樣的球員在等你傳球。是否覺得自己能夠扮演這樣的角色,一旦上場,就讓整個球隊保持快節奏,讓其他球員跟上你的節奏?

A:Yeah, that's I bring to the game. My pace and speed, and I want to be able tobring that to this team and bring it in a way where Guys feel comfortable knowing that if they run, they're gonna get it and that's my jobs it's better to findthem in scoring position and make the game easy for me.

答: 對,那就是我為球隊帶來的東西。我的節奏和速度,我想要以一種讓大家感到舒適的方式將它們帶給球隊,讓他們知道只要跑位,球就會傳到位,讓他們能夠在得分位置拿到球,這樣讓我可以更輕鬆的將比賽帶動起來。

Q:Russell offensively tonight, even Beyond 175 points, the way that you guys played on that end of the floor, even with it being, the first game, does that give you some kind of confidence, like as a team going forward?

問: 今晚你們進攻方面表現得非常出色,甚至超過了175分。即使是第一場比賽,這種表現給你們的整個球隊帶來了信心嗎?

A:Yeah, yeah, definitely. Scoring won't be a problem at all for us, as we can see, but we just gotta a lock in and defend how we know how to we some great Defenders on the floor. We just gotta do a better job of containing play without filing and Defender that's what we know

答: 是的,絕對是的。我們的得分不會是問題,這一點我們已經看到了,但我們需要更加專注於防守,我們有很多偉大的防守球員在場上,我們需要更好的控制比賽,不要犯規。

Q:Russ. Teammate, a franchise-record 26 Threes, And it coincided With your debut, It's one thing to say you have the shooting of to go out there and you have all those Shooters out there just what's that? Like knowing you have four guys out there who shoot the ball and you're able to attack the way you want it.

問: 你的隊友們打破了球隊記錄的26個三分球,而這恰巧是你的首秀,你知道你有四個可以投射的隊友在場上,你可以按照你想要的方式進攻,這是什麼感覺?

A:I mean, it's as great, as a point guard, you better have many options and it's hard for the defense because they don't know what to take away. Maybe they'll be driving to the basket touching the paint and spraying off to guys to open 3 miss a make, we live with open shots and you know it's my job to be able to findthem.

答: 我的意思是,作為一個控球後衛,你必須要有很多選擇,對於防守來說這很困難,因為他們不知道應該如何去限制。也許我們會向籃下推進,吸引防守者,然後將球傳到空檔的隊友,無論進還是不進,我們都可以接受。我的工作就是要找到這些空檔。


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terrychan49 02/25 20:40推我龜

mama21949 02/25 20:43推龜龜

nick091008 02/25 20:44得體

doooooooooog02/25 20:44第一場就是史詩大戰

noah5566 02/25 20:44我歸!

seguignol 02/25 20:45推龜 得體

k7881683 02/25 20:45龜:可愛真香

ezpznigahiga02/25 20:46得體龜

alittleghost02/25 20:46利用我的智商為其他人做球

phf5566 02/25 20:46得體 希望小弟pg不要再軟手軟腳了

seguignol 02/25 20:47龜龜是高學歷畢業的 說智商沒問題

Iamtony11 02/25 20:48問就是提速

cloki 02/25 20:48推龜 就看接下來幾場了

CCOOGG 02/25 20:48第一場就創造歷史

mscmobitai 02/25 20:49龜有智商?

CCOOGG 02/25 20:49提速 提分 大家一起刷

mark31326 02/25 20:49團隊士氣+10,粉絲+3200

alex8725 02/25 20:50龜是學霸

asn789451 02/25 20:50可惜

alex8725 02/25 20:51雖然常常在場上腦衝 但論智商這邊恐怕不少鄉民是比

alex8725 02/25 20:51不上他的

kashnes 02/25 20:51聖光龜

tako24145 02/25 20:51推我龜

alittleghost02/25 20:52龜龜高智商沒問題,GPA4

mic1007 02/25 20:53Russ比想像中好許多,再降低一些失誤ㄅ

kakain 02/25 20:54得分高當然不是壞事啊,問題是對手得分沒比你少

mic1007 02/25 20:54半場進攻很敢切,快攻找人也很準

totoro7923 02/25 20:56龜龜高學歷畢業貨真價實,跟某個抄襲畢業不同,是

totoro7923 02/25 20:56「球商」有時不好使會腦衝

sasha8317 02/25 20:56龜龜加油!

jyekid 02/25 20:56一龜四射

live147222 02/25 20:57太經典啦 主將高效率40+還是55開打OT沒力輸球

basterds 02/25 20:57龜龜:利用我的智商為其他人做球

kickvsbrad 02/25 20:58加油

nt880245 02/25 21:01有龜龜有激情

zuzinajp 02/25 21:01龜龜一直以來職業態度都很好沒問題

yayiisme 02/25 21:01推!

zuzinajp 02/25 21:01只是現在能力沒有4700萬而已 但拿底薪真的太香

heavensun 02/25 21:02龜龜是數學高手 高智商

camelot0603 02/25 21:02龜是讀書人,腦衝那是球商

a0987761110 02/25 21:02龜龜常常腦衝但是高材生沒毛病 麥基跟JR也都高材生

alex8725 02/25 21:03有球商跟學霸是兩回事啊

Mentha 02/25 21:03高材生跟場上打球的方式還真的是未必高度相關

allse1032 02/25 21:03真的是有唸書跟沒唸書的差距

JayJayC 02/25 21:06聖光龜

alittleghost02/25 21:06對欸,JR也是GPA4.0的學霸

demon616 02/25 21:07加油!

ji394tb 02/25 21:07加油

may2012xp 02/25 21:09有看的都知道今天有幾球失誤也不是他的問題

may2012xp 02/25 21:09隊友根本沒預期到有人可以傳出球來

kevin852 02/25 21:10林書豪也是學霸

MaRin0725 02/25 21:10推 抱歉 我喬戳了

creative 02/25 21:11球商跟智商是有關係喔? 還可以討論這麼久..

YAHOOOOOOOO 02/25 21:12淚推龜龜

xra686 02/25 21:13今天表現真的好 又穩

aa52189 02/25 21:15PG沒雷正規賽就結束了

hui000807 02/25 21:16底薪龜就很香了

YellowTiger 02/25 21:18他這場表現遠超他的身價

QoGIVoQ 02/25 21:20不到穩啦 但跟PG和Plumlee比就還行

inuyaksa 02/25 21:21龜殺隊敗興而歸

sony0223098 02/25 21:22PG不要再搞了

a453014 02/25 21:26有三分的隊友龜龜才能打的舒服

Aggro 02/25 21:29快艇這補強只看第一場是沒問題的 龜有補到點

creative 02/25 21:31剩下20場了要衝排名了,才在為了龜重新磨合

creative 02/25 21:33實在是莫名其妙,然後公開遙控GM交易的打最差

russ666 02/25 21:33推龜龜

baigyatsh 02/25 21:35龜本來就能打啊 之前只是太溢價而已

baigyatsh 02/25 21:35領底薪就是超值

tomoti 02/25 21:37他的助攻一直都沒問題啊,只有在湖人才會說什麼憑什

tomoti 02/25 21:38麼把球權給龜控,龜去替補...

sk050607 02/25 21:40一切都沒問題,但就是會輸球

ads56 02/25 21:40龜的問題是無球 不會助攻是刷不出大三元的

YellowTiger 02/25 21:41希望阿龜可以加油

JayceYen 02/25 21:45得體

tomoti 02/25 21:45Cp3表示:輸球我也會啊,沒拿到冠都的問題都是會輸球

truejoker 02/25 21:47推龜龜,離開是非之地好好磨合準備季後賽

md3q6e 02/25 21:49龜球商其實蠻好的 但腦衝起來也是很恐怖

webberfun 02/25 21:56加油 盡量減少失誤吧

jyekid 02/25 21:56他私下應該是個頭腦直率的人 他外線假瞄籃真的很明

jyekid 02/25 21:56

robinnibor 02/25 21:57真瘋狂我還是輸球了。沒關係換隊ptt會支持我

jojoestar 02/25 22:01UCLA 還有人懷疑智商 太怪了吧

cheesecake9302/25 22:01推我龜

cor1os 02/25 22:03智商跟球商又沒關wwww

cor1os 02/25 22:03你即便書都看第一頁也能自吹GOAT啊

lafeelbarth 02/25 22:120.78M

Qorqios 02/25 22:14ya

x23602360 02/25 22:14有人以為10助攻以上真的是沒智商的求援打的出來的數

x23602360 02/25 22:14據?!

alex80327 02/25 22:15加油龜哥 新舊情人都很好只是不適合

kyoko367890602/25 22:21好 下場加油

flame1983 02/25 22:24怎麼一堆無視7失誤的

lsgsl 02/25 22:25我們都沒錯,只是不適合~

rea1 02/25 22:25坐等發作

sean811004 02/25 22:26樓上是不是只會看BOX

cor1os 02/25 22:27只看box誰贏了 輸的數據再怎麼樣都不重要

ivanxx0633 02/25 22:28輸球就不用講那麼多了

tim12345682 02/25 22:29神龜加油!

whitePlume 02/25 22:30強制五五開

LukaDoncic7702/25 22:38香爆了

raywilly 02/25 22:39

Niro 02/25 22:41身為奧克拉休華頓杉磯迷 由衷感動

ak74box 02/25 22:42好棒的回答,滿分

mib999888 02/25 22:47

ym60606 02/25 22:47#相信龜龜 #給龜投!

AlJohnny 02/25 22:48推龜龜

realmiddle 02/25 22:55龜粉戰姆咪 笑死

tzimo 02/25 22:58幹不要再講龜殺隊三小了,龜自己講要大家配合他打

tzimo 02/25 22:58球了

tzimo 02/25 23:01龜在那一隊不論是先發還是替補只要龜在場就得配,

tzimo 02/25 23:01同城都秀給你看了

pp3435 02/25 23:02加油,衝擊冠軍!

eno03 02/25 23:06反觀之前的糨糊 整隊三分跟屎沒兩樣

eno03 02/25 23:07要不是逼死你加入爆發 還是很屎

walter5663 02/25 23:09一龜四射射起來

arrfu 02/25 23:25講的好像贏球一樣

CSKING777 02/25 23:27推龜龜!

dreamerlucky02/25 23:31推我龜

bakaka 02/25 23:33防守最爛的就是你

frank901212 02/25 23:35

BYBkiyo 02/25 23:36推龜龜

blademan 02/25 23:58我龜加油

lowww 02/26 00:00龜gogo

a23395080 02/26 00:047失誤還是很多吧

hardy8463 02/26 00:04我湖對不起龜

bigstreet 02/26 00:05說輸了數據不重要的要想清楚欸,山羌可是被吹上天

skylove21 02/26 00:16推阿龜

kkl522608 02/26 00:19希望龜能找回快樂! 繼續加油!

HFang 02/26 00:25

HFang 02/26 00:25可以看這篇 書豪高中GPA4.2

a26480924 02/26 00:44龜下場被打一波7-0逆轉 我龜真核心

a11011788 02/26 00:45第一場被PG戳到輸有夠虧

melzard 02/26 00:57完全沒有用到Next question 龜龜心情好到不行

lexus3310 02/26 01:00阿龜加油 不要再輸球了

Xliao 02/26 01:03加油 打爆湖人

hannah5269 02/26 01:06蠻有趣的 得體但想起他的打法就三條線

Wind8713 02/26 01:11推龜龜

Danteva 02/26 01:207失誤犯滿在湖人會被怎麼酸呢

saTUnotSATO 02/26 02:05球商有很大部分受情商影響 關鍵時刻判斷力情商不好

saTUnotSATO 02/26 02:05的會大幅下滑 做出愚蠢決策 談球商只提智商是不對的

k1k2k367 02/26 02:16阿龜加油

BET365 02/26 02:21講得好像贏球一樣

DiaBill 02/26 02:27哇難得龜龜回那麼多話

seafire 02/26 02:33感覺在釣魚耶

asd860079 02/26 03:25今天記者真友善 阿龜心情也好 沒有next question

utim 02/26 03:33推龜龜

WBYY 02/26 03:49這篇小羊迷也太氣 笑死

sctty 02/26 04:34說實話 看Pg 今天這樣 要不是有龜龜早垃圾時間了

xlargebing 02/26 08:01龜龜就是給推

andieschen 02/26 08:23智商?

kinve1014 02/26 08:23只要不腦衝爛投 還是有影響力

jorden 02/26 09:11得體

iorittn 02/26 09:41底薪能有龜龜,真的香爆

ponguy 02/26 10:08那個很會說場面話的龜龜回來了

ki523898 02/26 10:36內容一半是在聊怎麼融入團隊跟輸球遺憾羌迷是怎麼

ki523898 02/26 10:36看成好像贏了 這閱讀能力是不是有問題啊

whhw 02/26 11:08

babyMclaren 02/26 11:46啊奇怪快艇雙星就不需要他蹲底角

alex8725 02/26 12:12快艇雙星又不黏球

hgt 02/26 12:38咱山羌全能王阿!!! 站底角算恩賜,不然連上場機會

hgt 02/26 12:38都沒有!!

kuo3027 02/26 15:12聖光龜!

SirCrocodile02/26 15:15龜龜讚

sinben 02/26 17:12推龜龜

nostar 02/26 20:35龜龜!