[外絮] Silver:我強烈相信NBA將會加入季中錦標賽

看板NBA標題[外絮] Silver:我強烈相信NBA將會加入季中錦標賽作者
時間推噓26 推:31 噓:5 →:17

來源: NBC Sports

Adam Silver: I ‘strongly believe’ NBA will add in-season and play-in
Adam Silver說:我強烈相信NBA將會加入季中錦標賽及挑戰賽

CHICAGO – NBA commissioner Adam Silver wanted to overhaul the schedule –
including in-season and play-in tournaments – for the league’s
75th-anniversary season, 2021-22.
NBA聯盟主席Adam Silver想要大幅改變賽制--包括季中錦標賽及挑戰賽--在2021-22賽季,也就是NBA第75年的賽季實施。

Instead, the Board of Governors vote planned for April was canceled.

Not because the ideas were unpopular, according to Silver. Because they were
too popular.

“When we went to our teams, the Players Association and our media partners
– probably the most important constituents in making changes,” Silver said,
“the response we got was that, frankly, there was so much interest that they
didn’t think it made sense to do it as a one-off.”

It’s easy to be skeptical of spin. But Silver is adamant.

“I strongly believe we will end up with some sort of in-season tournament
and a play-in tournament,” Silver said.

The NBA will probably eventually have a play-in tournament. It makes a lot ofsense, both competitively and financially. When those considerations align,
things usually get done.

The league might even also add an in-season tournament. But it’s hard to
find people actually enthusiastic about that idea.

Play-in games (Wiki): A play-in game is a game at the beginning of a tournamentthat forces the lowest qualifiers for the tournament to play each other beforethe main portion of the tournament begins. This gives an added advantage to thehigher qualifiers, allowing them to rest, while the lower teams extend
themselves by playing.



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e7660239 02/17 11:55分上下半季好了 學種花職棒如何

f22313467 02/17 11:56中職果然是走在世界潮流的

s4511981 02/17 11:56中職引領世界,NBA還在草創期。

gowang19 02/17 11:58別亂改 現在就很好

kent0405 02/17 11:58東西區上下半季冠軍直接打四強

wastedoor 02/17 12:00先改明星賽吧 那麼無聊

Angel0724 02/17 12:00樓上被打臉

chenming867 02/17 12:00VPBL領先全球

chenliu0716 02/17 12:01真的要相信中職

MilkTea0509 02/17 12:01幹....你想怎樣也沒人可以反對啊

mozi 02/17 12:02阿銀別亂改...是比賽內容問題 不是賽制

※ 編輯: pneumo ( 臺灣), 02/17/2020 12:03:18

Wavecloud 02/17 12:03不要增加裁判瞎搞比賽的機會才最重要

Y1999 02/17 12:05上下半季,要不要加個季後挑戰賽

tj2061 02/17 12:06從來都不是什麼樂趣性或觀賞性的問題 為什麼不去檢

tj2061 02/17 12:06討比賽尺度的問題呢

IRPT001 02/17 12:11參加歐冠

GABA 02/17 12:13中職……

k62300 02/17 12:14裁判改成10個,1人盯1個球員

kai08130623 02/17 12:15你乾脆把NBA30隊搬去中國

breadsuper6 02/17 12:30打季末狀元爭奪錦標賽比較有趣

Alun021 02/17 12:35狀元爭奪是要怎麼比?打輸的拿狀元?

johnson2052402/17 12:36三小啦

DirkMavs 02/17 12:36裁判問題處理好就好

grimnir158 02/17 12:37上下半季?

cool34 02/17 12:39繼581三分風潮影響NBA後,中職又領先全球了

MONGA7 02/17 12:39問題在於比賽內容

MattiaPasini02/17 12:39灌籃大賽的評審先改啦幹

Kazmier 02/17 12:42所以冠軍是看要哪一個?

Kazmier 02/17 12:43中職上下半季制還被國內嘲笑呢

yujchen 02/17 12:45中職引領世界潮流

AJIMMY 02/17 12:48阿銀真的很愛搞事

smalldata 02/17 12:49你說的算

ZaneTrout 02/17 12:50季中錦標賽改成3對3感覺不錯

BusterWu 02/17 13:00冒泡賽?

nakinight 02/17 13:07先處理裁判問題好嗎

KillLakers 02/17 13:08傻傻的 叫Kobe錦標賽 一定大家都參加 >.^

cvn21 02/17 13:18IEM

kaede0711 02/17 13:26先把東西區打散季後賽改成16強淘汰賽吧

terrykoc 02/17 13:34先處理裁判問題吧!

sammy5062 02/17 13:34足球的聯賽盃都是二線去踢的捏

lens82801 02/17 13:35英雄聯盟那邊是把play-in翻成入圍賽

mengjia0720 02/17 13:46LoL冒泡賽?

hanway 02/17 14:03電競界翻冒泡賽

pf775101 02/17 14:17我感覺NBA最後會被搞壞...

bcqqa7785 02/17 14:57原來是季中邀請賽阿~

lens82801 02/17 16:12play-in不是冒泡賽

wittmannvor 02/17 16:24升降制啦 尼克擺爛直接踢到發展聯盟

choosin 02/17 16:28LoL是翻入圍賽

choosin 02/17 16:29戰賽意思也差不多 反正就是高順位保送第二輪

hannah5269 02/18 03:38不要亂改

cury 02/18 15:17比照今年明星賽用搶分制,五戰三勝,類似排球賽

cury 02/18 15:17應該蠻好玩的

cury 02/18 15:18不一定要24分,可以少一點