[花邊] 推特上在夯什麼:JR與大麻政策
J.R. Smith trends immediately after reports NBA won't test players for marijuana in 2020-21
JACOB HANCOCK (Sporting News)
Twitter made some highly amusing jokes about the free-agent guard after it was reported Thursday that the NBA plans not to test players for marijuana use in the 2020-21 season, continuing a policy that began last summer in the Orlando bubble.
NBA reporter Ben Dowsett reported that the league's decision is a safety measure related to COVID-19 as it wants to reduce unnecessary contact, though it's possible the policy could become permanent moving forward.
NBA記者Ben Dowsett報導,聯盟的決定是為中國武漢肺炎做的安全措施,希望減少不必要的接觸,而這有可能變成一個永久的政策。
Smith trended on Twitter almost immediately after Dowsett's news broke, and it's pretty obvious as to why. He's a longtime advocate for the legalization of marijuana and promoted a weed company ahead of Game 4 of the NBA Finals,
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