[花邊] 青賽Smart跳球後讓人無法理解的投球

看板NBA標題[花邊] 青賽Smart跳球後讓人無法理解的投球作者
時間推噓96 推:104 噓:8 →:27

來源: Yahoo Sports

Marcus Smart's head-scratching shot off a jump ball
在跳球後Marcus Smart令人費解的出手

There's a lot of beauty in the game of basketball. The way that the ball goesthrough the hoop barely grazing the net on a perfect 3-point shot. The way
that players like Robert Williams can seemingly stop mid-air to convert
dunks. The way that Jayson Tatum can dribble around the court and sink a shotwith ease.
籃球比賽裡面有很多美麗的畫面。像是三分球空心入網,或者像是Robert Williams這樣的球員跳到空中像是停滯一般的灌籃,或者像是Jayson Tatum流暢運球後輕鬆投進的球。

But then there are the head-scratching plays like the one Marcus Smart made
on Monday night against the New Orleans Pelicans.
但是也有那種實在令人想不透的球,就像是今天晚上Marcus Smart在面對鵜鶘時所做的。

To set the stage, Payton Pritchard had just made a great hustle play to forcea jump ball against Brandon Ingram. With 0.3 seconds left on the shot clock
for the Pelicans, possession was going to go to Boston one way or another
regardless of what happened on the jump ball.
先把狀況說明好,青賽Payton Pritchard奮力搶球,讓鵜鶘Brandon Ingram得要跟他跳

Well, the C's did get possession. But Smart didn't exactly make the most of
his opportunity.

Here's a look at the play via the Celtics on NBC Sports Boston Twitter

What a disaster.

Of course, Smart obviously thought that once the ball was touched, the clock
would start running, but off a jump ball, the shot clock doesn't start until
a team has possession. So, when the Celtics possessed the ball, the clock
reset to 24.

And then... yeah.

That may well go down as one of the lowlights of Smart's career. It certainlydidn't help the C's, as the Pelicans were able to get a 3-point make from
Ingram after Smart's missed shot.


"He accidentally pressed the shoot button instead of the pass button. We've
all done it before"

"Lmao he pulled a JR"

"Nah man, he pulled the opposite of JR. JR should've shot it rather than
drilling out the clock "

"Marcus not smart"

"I love how the pels didn't even want to win the jump ball for 0.3s and
subsequently got a full possession, very zen."




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※ 編輯: pneumo ( 臺灣), 03/30/2021 13:48:21

yasan1029 03/30 13:50笑死

jay991113 03/30 13:50他JR了 超好笑

wei33huang 03/30 13:50有夠鬧…XDD

Alipapa 03/30 13:50聰明跟嘴綠哪一個比較聰明啊?XDDD

iamjojo 03/30 13:50主播笑到不行

arashicool 03/30 13:51為了搶年度俠客富不擇手段

leophior 03/30 13:51出包還在跟walker大聲XDD

leophior 03/30 13:51我要是walker會直接嗆你要上俠客富了懂嗎XD

a1773042 03/30 13:52Shaqtin a fool +1

ya17120 03/30 13:53青賽的主播球評為何影片一開始就在笑?看完這球又繼

ya17120 03/30 13:53續笑 XDDDDD

madeathmao 03/30 13:53主播:你看英滾快笑死了

v00001 03/30 13:54他到底在衝三小XD

bbbruce 03/30 13:54Smart又頑皮了

pf775101 03/30 13:54每每看到聰明哥打球總讓我想到鬣狗

MK47 03/30 13:54XDDDDDDDDD

kyo06 03/30 13:54他是把對手進攻時間記成自己的?

CycleEnergy 03/30 13:56他看到剩0.3嚇到啥都忘了

hsmeal 03/30 13:56通常名字取聰明的人

chrisplash 03/30 13:56Marcus Not Smart

s9415154 03/30 13:57他的名字在這球之後看起來格外嘲諷XDD

erosha 03/30 13:57笑死 這在衝三小啊??

randymarch 03/30 13:58Smart no smart

HellFly 03/30 13:58The JR

sk050607 03/30 13:59綠賽真的..把好的球員都趕跑,只剩年輕人ww

TheoEpstein 03/30 14:00我常按錯投球鍵這樣投出去

jason856876603/30 14:01他以為那球一定吹0.3秒過了重新發球吧

cktony 03/30 14:01switch陀螺儀故障

Myosotis 03/30 14:01按錯鍵

hcder4126 03/30 14:02他好像被走路人講完都還沒發現錯誤

ltmps 03/30 14:03不聰明的聰明哥XDD

Gwendaline 03/30 14:03原來全世界的鄉民都懂按錯鍵的哽

Carriena 03/30 14:03聰明哥居然還敢嗆走路人 xD

flicker36 03/30 14:03技能都點去氣氛了

corlos 03/30 14:03丁尺:

kgii 03/30 14:04Smart這場黑成這樣 下一場對手小心了

CCFACE 03/30 14:06欠什麼取什麼名

lancerjump 03/30 14:06

Tabrisyang 03/30 14:08做錯事還能理由伯

chinhan1216 03/30 14:08場邊計時器有馬上重製嘛

Brucetk 03/30 14:09主播笑到快岔氣,是沒看過這麼蠢的嗎

Kazmier 03/30 14:10傻眼 根本JR

bob1012 03/30 14:10123

chinhan1216 03/30 14:11影片裡右下角一樣0.3秒跑完 或許他也被誤導了吧

cloud777717 03/30 14:12送幸福~

magamanzero 03/30 14:13帥哥教練表示:有速效救心丸嗎~~

alen0130 03/30 14:13來鬧的喔

hank7218 03/30 14:14有內鬼,停止交易!

HONYLO 03/30 14:14搞笑

SkyReaching 03/30 14:18他是搞錯誰剩0.3秒吧...........

LAKobeBryant03/30 14:18嗯… very smart

GoodDonkey 03/30 14:20耍笨之後還可以跟隊友解釋半天....臉皮真厚

heisnyrd 03/30 14:20被賽評的問句逗笑了XD

Ethan45 03/30 14:20他以為自己進攻時間剩0.3秒

linyi781227 03/30 14:25IG在旁邊快笑死XDD

ymca8 03/30 14:27這種咖 青賽還當寶 笑死

CW4 03/30 14:28按到投籃鍵 玩2K都碰過

yellowboy 03/30 14:28俠客福預定

LiamMcMorrow03/30 14:30很明顯啊,他以爲只剩0.3秒

w9 03/30 14:31反JR

sky87630 03/30 14:33

irvinglove 03/30 14:36SMART不SMART 了

dwiee 03/30 14:37笑死 秒送欸 ig本來連跳都不想跳的 球權又回來了

bobby94507 03/30 14:38有在看錶比jr好了

firemm444 03/30 14:42通常一個人缺什麼名字就會取什麼

martinshi 03/30 14:42他JR了 超嘴XD

YamagiN 03/30 14:44IG笑到快內傷XDDDD

okichan 03/30 14:44省智慧

a28200266 03/30 14:49被指正還在硬凹 可憐

josephpu 03/30 14:55BS:......

ger1871 03/30 14:56按錯鍵啦 沒事沒事

peanut7516 03/30 14:56沒事沒事,誰打2K21沒按錯鍵過(誤

thindust 03/30 14:59聰明的就懂

Ethan45 03/30 15:00聰明反被聰明誤

chenghow 03/30 15:01重點是聰明到底要回嘴什麼??滿智能不足的一球

OnePiecePR 03/30 15:02他 JR了

CW4 03/30 15:11我們其實是活在虛擬世界的證據

to087851285 03/30 15:12Macus Stupid!

magamanzero 03/30 15:13另一個合理的可能是 他生涯都沒碰過這類情況?

momowawa198103/30 15:19好尷尬喔

carey1119 03/30 15:21隊友看起來也沒怪他的意思還一直在解釋XD

Happpppy 03/30 15:22走路人人真好啊

Siika 03/30 15:22笑死 一臉尷尬

lkk88 03/30 15:23舉手發問 跳球之後鵜鶘拿到球剩0.3秒沒疑問 但若綠

lkk88 03/30 15:23賽搶到球 時間會從0.3秒變成24秒?

ltmps 03/30 15:27總算知道為什麼臥龍需要球哥了,氣氛+組織+腦袋勝

ltmps 03/30 15:27過smart太多

ltmps 03/30 15:29這回合是鵜鶘的進攻權,Celtics跳球取得球權,有24

ltmps 03/30 15:29秒。鵜鶘取得球,時間剩0.3秒。

mose56789 03/30 15:30因為如果是青賽這邊拿到球進攻回合就重置

williamtuuu 03/30 15:30看到0.3秒 嚇到直接按到投籃鍵

ltmps 03/30 15:31Ingram心情愉快

ltmps 03/30 15:32把問題歸到投籃鍵,我可以接受XD

Bibby33 03/30 15:33俠客球前5必進

a28200266 03/30 15:350.3秒也只能用點球的 他這像嗎XD

tommica33 03/30 15:45做錯事的人還一堆屁話

starchiang 03/30 15:46JR加盟賽隊?

starchiang 03/30 15:48IG直接放棄跳球,JR直接送球

lkk88 03/30 15:50了解 進攻回合重置 腦袋沒轉過來 跟Smart一起恍神

lkk88 03/30 15:50了XD

edshen 03/30 15:54聰明反被聰明誤

jitaomef 03/30 15:55哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈

madyoungN 03/30 16:00幹超雷 笑死

※ 編輯: pneumo ( 臺灣), 03/30/2021 16:06:38

KeN52710 03/30 16:16smart是姓吧...不是名字內你各位到底??

sbflight 03/30 16:41低能兒

jyunwei 03/30 16:41中間名是Not

waiting0801 03/30 16:46.....

Redchain 03/30 16:49他應該誤以為誰拿到都只剩0.3秒

kawhiHarden 03/30 16:51今天是Marcus Stupid

icoann 03/30 16:54有內鬼 終止交易

parnshan 03/30 17:03聰明過頭啦

zaza1128 03/30 17:26他是不是記錯進攻時間0.3是對面的

rj486 03/30 17:32他JR

histing 03/30 17:42人家想投壓哨logo shot嘛~~~

hhoo32 03/30 17:47聰明反被聰明誤

killer922 03/30 18:07就傳球按成投籃沒錯啊

TungHan8787 03/30 18:07這我2k玩過XDD

s9300093 03/30 18:34應該是手把沒放好壓到投籃鍵

fegat 03/30 18:36就是記錯邊了阿

cowbay5566 03/30 18:53還從Walker前面把球攔截過來,Walker應該zzz

VrGnKiler 03/30 19:13Marcus dumb

skery3188 03/30 19:18笑死

Muma5566 03/30 19:25沒有 我賽迷現在巴不得休賽季安吉趕快把這毒瘤交易

Muma5566 03/30 19:25

s8900117 03/30 19:30笑死

JOGIBA 03/30 19:30Smart一直以來都是塞爾提克的毒瘤,一直

dkl1027 03/30 20:14主播笑到岔氣比較好笑

YamagiN 03/30 20:18JR Smart

YamagiN 03/30 20:19搞錯做錯就承認說一句my bad, sorry就好 在那裏跟

YamagiN 03/30 20:19走路人不知道是在凹甚麼講一大堆

u104001032 03/30 20:21他歸隊前的青塞強多了 他回來整天在打鐵

ken720331 03/30 20:37聰明哥聽說很聰明?

ken720331 03/30 20:37真的JR smart

gp03dan 03/30 21:45IG笑死

LeonGreen 03/30 23:00全場都快笑死了

thedan 03/31 00:16smart從來都不smart只是很會搞小動作而已

babyMclaren 03/31 01:00這規則我打了一輩子籃球都不知道,沒有仔細想過

WADE0616 03/31 08:26樓上是打一輩子三打三還是全場盃賽

a103232 03/31 09:48不想贏就不要贏