[外絮] AGG 談及導致突然退役的「最可怕的夜晚」

看板NBA標題[外絮] AGG 談及導致突然退役的「最可怕的夜晚」作者
時間推噓60 推:62 噓:2 →:29



作者:Liz Roscher


It was a stunner when 35-year-old LaMarcus Aldridge announced his retirement
in April after a 15-year career. He'd been playing great basketball and was
part of a Brooklyn Nets team that was destined to make waves in the playoffs.

當 35 嵗的 LaMarcus Aldridge (下稱 AGG) 在四月宣佈退役並結束十五年的職業生涯時,令許多球迷感到驚訝。從他過去出色的表現可見,假如他如今還在籃網隊中,他應該會在季後賽中為隊伍掀起波瀾。

With all that in his favor, it wasn't a decision he reached lightly. Aldridgeplayed his entire career with Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome, a heart
condition that can cause a rapid or irregular heartbeat. He'd had it under
control for years, but as he told The Athletic's Shams Charania in his first
post-retirement interview, one tough game followed by a very scary night
changed his entire perspective on continuing to play.

在一切對他有利的情況下,要作出退役的決定實在不易。AGG 在整個職業生涯中,一直都跟沃夫巴金森懷特症候群(WPW ,一個會導致心跳加速或不規律化的心臟疾病)相伴。過去數年,他努力控制下來了,但在他退役後首次接受《The Athletic》記者 Shams Cha-rania 的訪問中表示,緊接一場艱苦比賽的一個可怕的夜晚導致他對是否要繼續其職業生涯的看法有所改觀。

'Scariest night ever'

Aldridge had only been with the Nets a few weeks when he had a heart
incident. He had signed with them on March 28 after reaching a buyout
agreement with the San Antonio Spurs, where he'd played since 2015. He'd playjust five games for the Nets, and the game on April 10, which would end up
being his last NBA game, is when he experienced an irregular heartbeat he
just couldn't shake.

在有心臟問題的情況下,AGG 僅僅在籃網隊待了數個星期。他於03月28日在跟馬刺隊達成買斷協議後,轉會到籃網隊。他只為籃網隊打了五場比賽,最後一場落在04月10日,那時出現了他無法擺脫的心律不齊現象。

"I had irregular rhythm the whole game, and I hadn’t experienced that
before," Aldridge told Charania. "Normally when I get on the court, my case
study is that I would go into regular rhythm as I got my heart rate up. It
had never been out of rhythm in a game and then it was out of rhythm for the
Lakers game and I was just off and couldn’t get no energy. I just couldn’t
get myself going. I couldn’t figure out what was going on."

「在整場比賽中,我一直感到前所未有的心律不齊現象。來到場上時,從個案研究來看, 一般上當心律上升時,就會來到正常的頻率。在比賽期間,這頻率從未下降過,但在對 湖人隊的比賽中,就突然『脫節』了,我突然感到四肢乏力,無法自主行動。我根本不 知道到底發生了什麼事。」

Aldridge told Charania that normally, when his heart rate goes up, his
heartbeat returns to normal. So he tried multiple things to get excited and
hyped up about the game, including repeatedly crashing shoulder-to-shoulder
with assistant coach Ime Udoka. Nothing worked, and when he got back to his
hotel room, his heart rate didn't improve.

AGG 向 Charania 表示,當他的心率正常上升時,心跳就會回歸正常。因此他嘗試讓自己對比賽感到興奮,例如跟助理教練Ime Udoka 肩並肩對撞。結果沒用,且當他回到旅館客房時,他的心律沒有獲得改善。

"It was still off after the game, but at like two, three in the morning, it
got really, really crazy. My heart was beating really crazy, and that’s when
it got really bad for me. From two to five in the morning, I was just trying
to evoke some breathing and then around 5:30 or so, I texted the team doctor
and I went to the hospital. It was probably the scariest night ever."

「賽後還是沒什麼感覺,但來到凌晨兩點、三點時,就變得越來越瘋狂了。我的心跳跳得 非常異常,使得我感覺情況糟糕。從凌晨兩點到五點,我嘗試深呼吸,到了約 05:30, 我決定發訊息給隊醫,然後前往醫院。這大概是最可怕的夜晚。」

His heart had started to return to normal by the time he got to the hospital,but the experience had changed the way he felt about continuing to play. He
decided that the risks were too great.


"I can be in rhythm one second and out of rhythm the next second. No one can
pinpoint when it can happen. It’s very unpredictable, and I didn’t want to
keep playing and feeling the way I felt that night anymore and risk … no one
knows for 100 percent if you can have something bad happen. My first time in
2006, I blacked out on the bench. That’s when we first found out that I had
this condition. So what if I’m on the court and a big guy is coming down the
lane, my heart is beating funny, and then I black out? He runs into me, and Ican hurt my head on the floor. I can be paralyzed. What if I’m going for a
dunk and I black out? There’s so many things that can happen in a bad way."

「我可能上一秒還在節奏中,但到了下一秒就失去節奏。沒人可以準確預估何時會發生。 這是非常不可測的,因此我不想繼續上場比賽、不讓自己繼續有那晚的噩夢、不想冒著 風險……沒人能百分百知道你會否遭遇噩兆。2006年,我第一次在板凳上暈倒,也是第
一次發現有這種情況的時候。所以,如果那時我在場上,一位球員衝著我而來,心跳也 跳得非常奇怪,接著暈倒的話,該怎麼辦呢?他衝向我,我的頭可能會直接跌在地上並 受傷。我可能會因此而癱瘓。如果我正準備灌籃時就暈倒,該怎麼辦呢?有很多不好的 事,隨時會發生。」

Dealing with his new reality

Aldridge made the decision to retire in the span of a few days, but dealing
with the aftermath of that decision has been hard. He told Charania that he'sstruggling to figure out who he is now that he's no longer an NBA player.

在短短數天內,AGG 決定退役,不過要解決該結果所產生的後遺症,實在很麻煩。在訪問中,AGG 表示正努力分辨清楚他如今不再是球員時的身份。

“I’ve been depressed, and I’m trying to figure out how to navigate through
not competing on the floor, learning not to be depressed,” Aldridge told The
Athletic. “I still love basketball. I still feel like I have a lot to give.
But even now, I’m still trying to find myself. When you go from doing
something you love for so long and you lose it overnight, it’s a shock. Even
though I knew it was the right decision, those next couple days there was a
lot of back and forth with my family, my agent, with the Nets, and they
definitely supported me either way."

「我仍然喜歡打球,我覺得自己還可以打很長時間。即便是到了現在,我還在努力尋找自 己,當你一夜之間放棄了你喜歡了這麼久的事情時,這對我真的是一種打擊。儘管我知 道退役是一個正確的決定,但在接下來的幾天裡,我還是和我的家人、經紀人和籃網聊 了很多。他們很坦率,他們說無論我最終選擇哪種方式,他們都支持我:『這取決於你 ,我們會聽你的』。我覺得他們真的很棒,我沒有感受到任何復出的壓力,也完全不需 要根據這個賽季來做決定。他們完全理解我在經歷什麼,也支持我做的一切。」

What made everything more difficult was how at home he felt on the Nets.
Aldridge said that he embraced the team and they embraced him right back,
giving him the "cohesiveness that I had wanted for a while in a group." Not
being on the team and having to watch them in the playoffs has been the
hardest part of retirement for Aldridge.

讓一切變得更加困難的是,他在籃網隊中有一種賓至如歸的感覺。AGG 說,他跟球隊相互擁護,給了他「在一個團隊中想要的凝聚力」。對於他而言,只能在場邊觀看季後賽是他退役後最艱難的部分。

"That was the hardest part. Being in a position to get to the Finals and havean opportunity to be on that stage and be a part of history and make my mark.I had never been to the Finals. I’ve been to the West Conference finals, but
not the actual NBA Finals. So it was a chance for me to make that next step,
a chance for me to add to my legacy and see what it feels like. I’ve always
prided myself on embracing moments and trying to grow and learn from every
moment. I wanted to get there and see what it’s like, help those guys win
and be a part of the journey. And then if we got there, hopefully we would goback two or three more times. So that was definitely the hardest part for me."

「有機會進入總冠軍賽,有機會登上那個舞台,成為歷史的一部分,留下我的印記,這是 最艱難的部分。我從來未曾進過總冠軍賽。我曾參加過西部決賽,但沒有參加過真正的 NBA 總冠軍賽。因此,這是我邁出下一步的機會,是我為自己的遺產添磚加瓦的機會, 看看那是什麼感覺。我一直為自己擁抱時刻,並試圖從每一個時刻成長和學習而自豪。 我想去那裡看看是什麼樣子的,幫助那些人贏得比賽,成為旅程的一部分。然後如果我 們到了那裡,希望我們能上兩、三次。所以對我來說,這絕對是最艱難的部分。」




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k7202001 06/02 19:30可惜 還能打的話現在籃網才是完全體

matsuwu 06/02 19:31籃網對球星目前看起來是挺好的

Mezerized 06/02 19:32在我刺扛了這麼久 好不容易有機會證明自己 真的可惜

TheoEpstein 06/02 19:32看完了,謝謝翻譯,AGG辛苦了。

AtomCat 06/02 19:33我以為AGG證明自己很久了?

efreet 06/02 19:37可惜,很好的球員,但人生不是只有籃球,好好保重吧

benny185777 06/02 19:38AGG還要證明啥?

Joey1999 06/02 19:39怕爆

scsajk01 06/02 19:39籃網現在這總管上任後,大多離隊的隊員都對籃網好評

scsajk01 06/02 19:40相對來說比較重視跟球員關係

roger262390006/02 19:43退役真的很可惜 不過生命最重要

laptic 06/02 19:45的確 QQ

idlewolf 06/02 19:46真的很可惜 如果能打沒退 現在看來籃網應該99%冠了

idlewolf 06/02 19:46不過還是命重要 這種病說來就來實在太危險了

Ten6666 06/02 19:47對兩邊都很可惜 但真的也沒辦法

HONYLO 06/02 19:47命最重要

Coffeewater 06/02 19:49他沒退,籃網內線就不會破洞

morris591 06/02 19:50如果籃網奪冠他有戒指嗎?

laptic 06/02 19:51要看球團的心意吧...

dan540760 06/02 19:52沒打比賽有戒指有洨用

CLawrence 06/02 19:54還能打就這樣退一定很不甘心,Bosh那時候也是

bluemei 06/02 20:05看文字都覺得超可怕

centiyan 06/02 20:11斷然下車真的有勇氣

TimmyJiang 06/02 20:14那種戒指跟你自己去訂做買的一樣啦,NBA官方不會認

TimmyJiang 06/02 20:14定沒被登錄的球員有拿冠軍

kashnes 06/02 20:15籃網要給有意義嗎,以AGG格局拿一個安慰的戒指不如

kashnes 06/02 20:15不要了,好好過人生對他來講是最重要的事了

TimmyJiang 06/02 20:15老巴他爽,他現在就能訂製七個戒指然後說「我戒指數

TimmyJiang 06/02 20:15量超越喬丹了」

TimmyJiang 06/02 20:15但冠軍數依然是0

hayabusa200406/02 20:19可惜了 4星網歷史級進攻隊 誰打得贏呀

aitj5799 06/02 20:22他沒退的話 天元網應該沒懸念了

ahinetn123 06/02 20:25真的滿可惜的 籃網還有AGG的話差很多

sasewill 06/02 20:27超希望他有冠

takoQAQ 06/02 20:27超喜歡AGG

MarsCrp1 06/02 20:27哇咧四月中進成功嶺現在才知道他退役...可惜啊

MasqueRade0006/02 20:29很可惜 沒退籃網就無敵了 但是人生比冠軍重要多了

a509170123 06/02 20:35真的超可惜

smallhonda 06/02 20:36完全什麼啦都老化了

lexus3310 06/02 20:38只能說 可惜了

rondoya 06/02 20:42真的可惜QQ

kkb512sk 06/02 20:43他不是賽季打過幾場外圍傳導不錯,也有無解中距離

tassadar1 06/02 20:48再打就要掛了,怕

h321123aa 06/02 20:50命最重要

seemoon2000 06/02 20:52可惜了 今年是他生涯離冠軍最近 籃網也給了他重要

seemoon2000 06/02 20:52位置

roygg 06/02 20:53WPW我也有,曾經在上班的時候發作過,據同事所說:`

roygg 06/02 20:53發作的時候,離我30公分的距離聽到心跳聲

dxnkone 06/02 20:54可惜了

jeffsayshi 06/02 20:55沒事,加油!命沒了什麼都不用談

ocean921 06/02 20:57謝謝翻譯!

Wall62 06/02 21:01如果還能打的話真不知道天元網要怎麼輸 可惜啊 不過

Wall62 06/02 21:01命比較重要

matsuwu 06/02 21:02有AGG真的其他隊就不用打了

sezna 06/02 21:03真的是可怕經驗 生命重要

Coffeewater 06/02 21:05籃網沒有AGG差很多 有看比賽就知道BG根本不行

iamnotme 06/02 21:06健康重要 籃網夠強了 不需要賣命

ymsc30102 06/02 21:08Bosh:我懂

a11011788 06/02 21:10沒差啦 上車了 籃網奪冠也拿得到戒指

GABA 06/02 21:42這種病對常人都很艱困 何況職業運動員

gotohikaru 06/02 21:42活著陪家人更重要

puro 06/02 21:43籃網自從Marks上任之後 沒幾個球員抱怨過休息室有問

puro 06/02 21:43題的 也都說隊內氣氛是很好的 他這方面真的是做得不

puro 06/02 21:43

sixis 06/02 21:45生命比較重要,不過確實能打的話籃網就完全体了

tenka92417 06/02 21:53籃網真的打進總冠軍賽的話,希望可以邀請阿雞雞一

tenka92417 06/02 21:53起去

DJKENNY 06/02 22:02有錢沒命花也沒用 正確的決定

gju88888 06/02 22:03聽他這樣形容超可怕的啊

fascinated 06/02 22:23BG真的是來亂的,比brown還爛。如果AGG還在籃網,禁

fascinated 06/02 22:23區KD+AGG是超強雙塔組合

rial 06/02 22:39真得很可惜,要是身體沒這麼大的問題,他跟籃網都會

rial 06/02 22:39一起圓夢

a3221715 06/02 22:42差點就能看籃網六巨頭虐菜

dexcom 06/02 23:21

SaChiAgrass 06/02 23:27感謝翻譯

raywilly 06/02 23:31真的可惜了

umyiwen 06/03 00:00這就是人

umyiwen 06/03 00:00

ctes940008 06/03 00:01可惜

apple15518 06/03 00:17sad

hcrcool 06/03 00:33不覺得可惜 他的NBA旅程已經很成功豐富了 身體跟未

hcrcool 06/03 00:33來才是一切

semicoma 06/03 02:45不講都忘了籃網原本還有AGG LOL

shawncarter 06/03 02:49真的可惜 好不容易上了奪冠列車

meson 06/03 02:54祝福AGG身體健康

silentsky55506/03 03:51WPW真的很危險啊

KirkSynder 06/03 07:15一開始很震撼怎麼突然宣布退休,特別是在搭上奪冠列

KirkSynder 06/03 07:15車,但是真的要放棄這一切他的煎熬也是難以想像,能

KirkSynder 06/03 07:16健康活著還是比冠軍重要,謝謝翻譯

turkey7315 06/03 07:28急流勇退是對的 沒什麼比好好活著重要

iceteeth 06/03 09:07還能打 籃網根本直接冠軍

XoPXoP 06/05 12:59yes