Re: [閒聊] LTT Review到把人家新創公司搞死QQ

看板PC_Shopping標題Re: [閒聊] LTT Review到把人家新創公司搞死QQ作者
時間推噓10 推:10 噓:0 →:20

關於 Madison 的指控 LTT 剛剛終於在 Youtube 上回應了


We are taking Madison’s allegations seriously. We are conducting an internal
assessment, alongside bringing in a third-party investigator to look into theallegations. We are committed to publishing the findings and implementing anycorrective actions that may arise due to this. Thank you for your patience,
and please allow us the time necessary to be as thorough as possible in this

In addition to our existing report systems – both anonymous and otherwise –
we've proactively reached out internally today to encourage our team members
to report any workplace bullying or harassment they might be experiencing so
we can take quick and decisive action.

These allegations do not align with our company's ethics or the values we
preach internally. We aim to provide an inclusive work environment where
everyone can feel comfortable, and, more importantly, safe.








※ PTT 留言評論
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: (臺灣)
PTT 網址

NoneWolf 08/17 10:32看來me too比侵占更可怕

kisia 08/17 11:19某些程度上來說是這樣沒錯

oppoR20 08/17 11:21Metoo一出來是一大波的 跟單一事件怎麼

oppoR20 08/17 11:21

oppoR20 08/17 11:21當然更可怕

rotalume 08/17 11:21真想為了這個再發一篇但太騙文章數了

a3831038 08/17 11:21這種公司真的倒一倒比較好

rotalume 08/17 11:21這個回覆沒有video沒有pin只在某個

rotalume 08/17 11:22thread裡面回覆,根本沒有誠意可言

bunjie 08/17 11:25感覺大部分是場面話和幹話

Wangsl 08/17 12:22Linus:我不希望我的公司需要員工公會

Wangsl 08/17 12:22這句話現在拿來看真是有夠諷刺

Severine 08/17 12:58第三方aka側翼

seedk869 08/17 13:57完全官腔的東西 看看就好

jamison04 08/17 14:26道歉都一副鳥樣了 這種聲明也只是應付

jamison04 08/17 14:26一下啦

scarbywind 08/17 15:10第三方(我找來的

scarbywind 08/17 15:10但我覺得自己職場內部的事跟原本的爆

scarbywind 08/17 15:11點沒啥關係

sporocyst 08/17 15:12到底是調查還是統一口徑?不好說

oppoR20 08/17 15:26原本爆的東西跟這個當然不一樣 這個是支

oppoR20 08/17 15:26線 但這個支線的火爆程度我是覺得比主線

oppoR20 08/17 15:26還勁爆啦

Bustycat 08/17 15:46當年特聘Madison可是形象大加分

Bustycat 08/17 15:46但從出鏡率和目前事件看顯然不被善待

q0325 08/17 22:21支線不敢碰吧 炸下去一堆大公司都會轉頭

tom282f3 08/18 00:21Metoo比啥亂賣人家東西還狡辯嚴重多啦

tom282f3 08/18 00:21弄不好要被主流文化cancel掉了

tom282f3 08/18 00:21當然要(至少看起來)嚴正處理

tom282f3 08/18 00:21太失望了 我之前也是粉絲 這次也退訂了