Fw: [新聞] Valorant比賽時不得出現血腥

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Valorant tournaments will have to censor the blood

On Wednesday afternoon Riot provided its first full update to the community
on how Valorant esports are going to work. Rather than running official
tournaments or a league, Riot will instead partner with third-parties to
create tournaments and events. But the developer still has a few specific
rules for the tournament organizers, including that blood effects have to be
turned off during the tournament.

Inside Riot’s official tournament rules for organizers, there’s a section
about broadcasting the game. One of the bullet points in this section says
that the “Show Blood” option from the in-game menu has to be set to off.
This doesn’t change anything about the game other than the fact that sparks
explode from players when they’re shot instead of blood.

For most standard, large-scale tournaments this option will only need to be
enabled for the observers in each game. But if a tournament is streaming
different perspectives, or using footage from streamer’s first-person views,
then every streamer will have to have blood disabled as well.


Why Valorant’s anti-cheat system has to launch when your computer starts
While at first glance blood may not seem like a big deal, it can make a big
difference to advertisers, who have content guidelines. Turning off blood
during events can help make the game more attractive as a potential partner,
since it won’t have so much objectionable content — apart from the massive
amount of shooting.

Aside from just the rules on in-game blood, Riot has a few other regulations
for broadcasters to follow as well. For instance, it’s a requirement for all
broadcasted tournaments to moderate the chat and “prevent vulgar, abusive,
or otherwise mean spirited environment.” Riot also includes a list of
prohibited forms of advertising which include things like other games,
alcohol or tobacco products, gambling, and firearms.

As long as tournament organizers stay within these regulations, anyone can
host a Valorant tournament. While individuals and smaller tournaments don’t
need to register with Riot at all, larger events and international tournamentorganizers will have to partner with the developer for their events.








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※ 編輯: wizardfizban ( 臺灣), 04/16/2020 11:17:20

peter082504/16 11:18之後就是人物不可以死亡 改成揮白旗投降後消失

winnie199504/16 11:19笑死

breast3004/16 11:22騰訊爸爸表示喜歡

f1234567890004/16 11:22至少還有特效 還行 不是關掉 沒特效死去就好XD

saya218504/16 11:23看看背後金主就知道了

yulunyeh04/16 11:23改成拿玩具槍 只能噴泡泡

john2990804/16 11:23還好不是綠色的血喔

ab4daa04/16 11:32笑死

gremon13104/16 11:34可笑

FragrantJo04/16 11:34還好吧 老實說覺得下面更好看

max9028304/16 11:35第一眼看到真的還好不是變成其他顏色的血 而是用其他光

max9028304/16 11:35影效果代替

taleschia04/16 11:39乾脆死了 用氣球吊走算了

Korsechi04/16 11:41還好不是石油血xd

teddy04/16 11:54改成噴墨汁 潛地可以補子彈好了

z8342012304/16 12:03選手畫面也沒差就ob而已吧

Kenqr04/16 12:04中國遊戲不准流血

z8342012304/16 12:04不過老實說以valorant整體的美術風格下面反而比較符合

z8342012304/16 12:04調性

Fairytale92904/16 12:13被爆頭會造成訊號中斷人物消失 其實瓦羅蘭只是一個

Fairytale92904/16 12:15虛擬的世界觀 人們只是瓦羅蘭巨型電腦的玩家們而已

ziso04/16 12:32這種風格的可以一開始就不用做噴血吧 事後改反而更好笑..

kuninaka04/16 12:33我覺得可以啊 這是競技遊戲

kuninaka04/16 12:33做成闔家觀賞 不噴血OK

kuninaka04/16 12:33噴泡泡也可以啊

kuninaka04/16 12:33任天堂就有烏賊娘示範給你看了

kuninaka04/16 12:33遊戲競技噴寫不是重點吧

dominik199604/16 12:34像生存遊戲一樣啊,被打到自己舉手走出場

kuninaka04/16 12:34遊戲美術風格適合不噴寫

hduek15304/16 12:36事後更改特別好笑 騰訊爸爸表示滿意

z8342012304/16 12:39沒事後更改啊 比賽都沒有何來事後

patrickleeee04/16 12:42智障

tliu25704/16 12:47真的還好,不用太激動= =

kaj198304/16 12:51覺得還行,我以為會噴彩虹

dlshao04/16 12:53無聊乾脆改成泡泡槍好了

gustavvv04/16 12:53有中國特色的射擊遊戲

cms638404/16 12:55遊戲已經不是很刺激了

SharkHOT04/16 12:56中國手游本來就不能血腥了,很合理啊

garcia04/16 12:56武器改彈弓或橡皮筋好了 降低暴力元素

gg06818704/16 12:58哈哈騰訊把拔哈哈

KHopper04/16 13:17符合中國的價值

dreamnook04/16 13:20開漆彈模式就好惹

katana8904/16 13:20先別急著笑中國 20年前超級英雄片會爛掉 也是美國一批怪

katana8904/16 13:20物家長一直叫暴力元素會教壞小孩 英雄片只好越拍越歡樂

katana8904/16 13:20最後變成真人卡通風格 只怕電競哪天也走向一樣的路

Innofance04/16 13:27EVO最多人報名的電競項目就是卡通歡樂風格,也沒爛掉

JhouHank04/16 13:51下面真的還好,只是從原本噴血再改就讓人覺得噁心

d092203004/16 13:52原來有做血腥特效喔 感覺跟遊戲美術好不合

Korsechi04/16 14:09跟遊戲風格一致倒也還好 反正這款設計貼圖偏卡通風格

EvilKnight04/16 14:12中國價值

horstyle041104/16 14:13為了那個國還是為了小孩

kuninaka04/16 14:14電競歡樂有啥問題?

kuninaka04/16 14:14遊戲又不是只有電競

kuninaka04/16 14:14英雄片也有血腥成人阿

horstyle041104/16 14:14那一開始不要做噴血不就好了

dkfs78904/16 14:15騰訊爸爸開示啦

watwmark04/16 14:49死掉後不能有屍體 原地會出現一個墓碑(疑...?

rofellosx04/16 14:57就地火化成罐子

MEVIUS04/16 15:05中資不意外

yangtsur04/16 15:33中國把拔表示高興

oscarss0704/16 15:37要怪就怪奧運啊 奧運就貼標籤說電競崇尚血腥暴力

oscarss0704/16 15:38會出現這種規定不太意外 我是覺得跟中國沒有太大關係

smallcar80104/16 15:44中國公司不意外

blackbigbig04/16 15:49支持擊殺改成舉白旗,之後互相握手退場

wizardfizban04/16 16:04其實有人說的對..既然不想見血為啥不一開始就做成

wizardfizban04/16 16:04不見血...現在才加個規定說不行

tindy04/16 16:07工殺小..一堆遊戲都有改血腥的功能

shadowdio04/16 16:08還好不是會噴出粉紅色的愛心泡泡

impact99904/16 16:14開槍的遊戲太暴力 改成水槍好多了

picklecak04/16 16:17原本的就很假了 是有差逆

tindy04/16 16:24不做噴血說你河蟹,做了說你不如一開始就別做

max9028304/16 16:29關鍵—全齡化電競,拳社在一開始就做兩種顯示,然後在

max9028304/16 16:29封測就表明比賽轉播採用沒血模式,大概在下很大的一盤

max9028304/16 16:29棋吧

Weith72604/16 16:43tf2美術風格看起來也是人畜無害 結果一發火箭下去爆成

Weith72604/16 16:43屍塊 主要還是想全年齡通吃吧

lpsobig04/16 16:58感覺沒差

whale1204/16 17:11TF2爆炸屍塊是延續HF系列的設定吧 早期FPS遊戲不都那樣?

whale1204/16 17:55 HL

cow0942104/16 18:27和平精英化

KHopper04/16 18:40炸屍塊的開山元祖是Quake,HL和TF都是延續這引擎過來的

gibson87081104/16 18:57把槍改成泡泡槍吧,太暴力了

jakechen102704/16 19:06假道學

Myosotis04/16 19:27畫面已經很可憐了 還要限制別人的自由喔

jokerming84704/16 19:28後面是騰訊喔?那要考慮玩不玩ㄌ

jokerming84704/16 19:29要做成闔家遊戲為什麼不把噴血當作額外的設定 預設

jokerming84704/16 19:29不會噴血?

oscarss0704/16 19:37那樓上可能一半的steam遊戲也刪一刪了 因為unreal引擎

oscarss0704/16 19:37是epic 全資騰訊公司的產品

jakcycoco04/16 19:39不如做成漆彈遊戲zz根本脫褲子放屁

SH5604/16 19:47EPIC不是騰訊全資 用引擎是另一回事 扯在一起

stkissstone04/16 19:49就也沒啥差 算了吧

rhox04/16 20:35騰訊爸爸說的是

z8342012304/16 20:38各家廠商大多現在都在做這件事情 也不是因為中國

z8342012304/16 20:39各國衛道人士都不少49比賽主播不能用kill要用eliminate

z8342012304/16 20:39SFV比賽我記得也開始限制一些SKIN DOA5更是把自己搞死

z8342012304/16 20:40更正一下 DOA6

z8342012304/16 20:40pubg韓國也是綠血 因為韓國也是類似分級制度

z8342012304/16 20:45還有上面也提到的奧委會直接說奧運不可能會有CSGO

z8342012304/16 20:45因為殺人不符合奧運的價值觀

jim859604/16 20:50哪有差 奧運今年又辦不成(笑

wlwillwell04/16 20:51這其實跟近年政治正確深入各領域也有關

oneoreo04/16 21:45換成下方的特效還不錯

Luciferspear04/16 23:50還好吧 就變成SONY的遊戲那樣

LaplaceDemon04/17 00:42上面的血畫得太爛 下面勉強能接受

damnedfish04/17 09:27智障

r8527060704/17 12:39少在那滑坡 Unreal引擎是中國研發跟管裡?

r8527060704/17 12:40全球化浪潮下 各國參與是無可避免的

r8527060704/17 12:40反感的是那些明明就共同參與 卻講得像是我中國首功

r8527060704/17 12:40你們都得聽我的 那種大天朝思維

r8527060704/17 12:41我給你們賺錢是賞臉 賺你們的錢也是賞臉

r8527060704/17 12:41回主題 以V的風格 這圖比對還是下面好看些

r8527060704/17 12:41看上圖的血反而有種更假的模樣

rex778804/17 18:40老實說,下面的比較好看..噴血做得好看的遊戲不多