Re: [新聞] 藥華藥 獲美國 FDA核准一線用藥

看板Stock標題Re: [新聞] 藥華藥 獲美國 FDA核准一線用藥作者
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※ 引述《sandya ()》之銘言:
: 原文標題:FDA Approves Treatment for Rare Blood Disease
: 原文連結:
: rare-blood-disease-301423378.html
: 發布時間:Nov 12, 2021, 16:55 ET
: 原文內容:SILVER SPRING, Md., Nov. 12, 2021 /PRNewswire/ -- Today, the U.S.
: od and Drug Administration approved Besremi (ropeginterferon alfa-2b-njft) inj
: ection to treat adults with polycythemia vera, a blood disease that causes the
: overproduction of red blood cells. The excess cells thicken the blood, slowin
: g blood flow and increasing the chance of blood clots.
: "Over 7,000 rare diseases affect more than 30 million people in the United S
: tes. Polycythemia vera affects approximately 6,200 Americans each year," said
: Ann Farrell, M.D., director of the Division of Non-Malignant Hematology in the
: FDA's Center for Drug Evaluation and Research. "This action highlights theFD
: A's commitment to helping make new treatments available to patients with rare
: diseases."
: Besremi is the first FDA-approved medication for polycythemia vera that pati
: ts can take regardless of their treatment history, and the first interferonth
: erapy specifically approved for polycythemia vera.
: Treatment for polycythemia vera includes phlebotomies (a procedure that remo
: s excess blood cells though a needle in a vein) as well as medicines to reduce
: the number of blood cells; Besremi is one of these medicines. Besremi is beli
: eved to work by attaching to certain receptors in the body, setting off a chai
: n reaction that makes the bone marrow reduce blood cell production. Besremiis
: a long-acting drug that patients take by injection under the skin once every
: two weeks. If Besremi can reduce excess blood cells and maintain normal levels
: for at least one year, then dosing frequency may be reduced to once every fou
: r weeks.
: The effectiveness and safety of Besremi were evaluated in a multicenter, sin
: e-arm trial that lasted 7.5 years. In this trial, 51 adults with polycythemia
: vera received Besremi for an average of about five years. Besremi's effectiven
: ess was assessed by looking at how many patients achieved complete hematologic
: al response, which meant that patients had a red blood cell volume of less tha
: n 45% without a recent phlebotomy, normal white cell counts and platelet count
: s, a normal spleen size, and no blood clots. Overall, 61% of patients had aco
: mplete hematological response.
: Besremi can cause liver enzyme elevations, low levels of white blood cells,
: w levels of platelets, joint pain, fatigue, itching, upper airway infection, m
: uscle pain and flu-like illness. Side effects may also include urinary tract i
: nfection, depression and transient ischemic attacks (stroke-like attacks).
: Interferon alfa products like Besremi may cause or worsen neuropsychiatric,
: toimmune, ischemic (not enough blood flow to a part of the body) and infectiou
: s diseases, which could lead to life-threatening or fatal complications. Patie
: nts who must not take Besremi include those who are allergic to the drug, thos
: e with a severe psychiatric disorder or a history of a severe psychiatric diso
: rder, immunosuppressed transplant recipients, certain patients with autoimmune
: disease or a history of autoimmune disease, and patients with liver disease.
: People who could be pregnant should be tested for pregnancy before using Besre
: mi due to the risk of fetal harm.
: Besremi received orphan drug designation for this indication. Orphan drug de
: gnation provides incentives to assist and encourage drug development for rare
: diseases.
: The FDA granted the approval of Besremi to PharmaEssentia Corporation.
: 心得/評論: 台灣之光
: 市場之大 後續看好
: 一線用藥股價才便宜的100
: 感謝全額交割股 讓小股民有機會進場
有人表示 一線用藥跟放血阿斯匹靈一樣

但事實是,放血跟阿斯匹靈根本只能治標,不會治療PV ET疾病,許多病人後來只好吃HU(便宜),但是承受副作用。

負擔得起的病人就用Pegasys (無FDA)or Jakafi (第二線)

加上原本使用Jakafi的二線病患,也有可能轉換過來(之後Besremi還有ET MPN的研究)




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kairiyu 11/15 11:57反觀高X

SRadiant 11/15 13:03這個疾病本來就只能治標啊,能治本?

SRadiant 11/15 13:03治本要找基因療法囉

ichitakajoe 11/15 14:34SR大馬上出來囉~

ichitakajoe 11/15 14:34干擾素可以減少PV轉成MPN的機率 不是嗎?

ichitakajoe 11/15 14:36所以你說的其他一線跟Besremi一樣嗎 科科

ichitakajoe 11/15 14:40研究都還在做 你就知道不能改善?

KID0924 11/15 15:39明天市價買買的到嬤

s821088 11/15 16:32裝睡的人叫不醒

zks6699 11/15 19:19歐洲的用量用法值得研究一下,不要一昧聽新聞講的,

zks6699 11/15 19:19一針250ug,在歐洲真的有人打過嗎

woods0598 11/16 08:53用量沒差,美國是賣療程的

woods0598 11/16 08:54SR大 基因是改變不了沒錯 但類似TKI在CML中的角色

woods0598 11/16 08:54能夠達到分子學反應且停藥後可維持 基本就等於治本

woods0598 11/16 08:55可以看incyte的營收, 美國自己做, 全球給諾華做

woods0598 11/16 08:56結果諾華在jakavi的全球營收還低美國15%..

woods0598 11/16 08:59

woods0598 11/16 09:03干擾素可抑制疾病進展

woods0598 11/16 09:04去年就在ASH發表,今年3月正式在Leukemia發表

ichitakajoe 11/16 09:36看來woods大懂我的意思 (握)