Re: [問題] 自古傳武兵擊可能無法實戰?

看板Warfare標題Re: [問題] 自古傳武兵擊可能無法實戰?作者
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Gentlemen, it may be there are not many here who have ever been in a Battel before, and therefore let me tell you, that if we take our Pikes by the hinder end, and right at the length of the Pike, we shall be defeated; for the Germans are more dextrous at this kind of fight than we are: but you must take your Pikes by the middle as the Swisse do, and run head-long to force and penetrate into the midst of them, and you shall see how confounded they will be。

這不證明德意志傭兵在point of pike 方面很利害嗎?你要取勝,只能靠push of pike。

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