PTT推薦 SeeGhost 過去發表過的文章
[翻譯] Nosleep-我才剛從醫學院畢業(10)原文網址: 原文標題:I just graduated from medical school, and this is how it burned me out 我才剛從醫學院畢業,而這就是它將我燒得如此焦頭爛額的方式 原作者網址:18
[翻譯] Nosleep-我才剛從醫學院畢業(9)原文網址: 原文標題:I just graduated from medical school, and today I found out what my hospital's mysterious rules mean 我才剛從醫學院畢業,而今天我總算明白這醫院神秘規則的意義 原作者網址:16
[翻譯] Nosleep-我才剛從醫學院畢業(8)原文網址: 原文標題:I just graduated from medical school; here's what's been driving me through the worst of it 我才剛從醫學院畢業,這就是一直驅使我熬過最糟糕時期的存在 原作者網址:13
[翻譯] Nosleep-我才剛從醫學院畢業(7)原文網址: 原文標題:I just graduated from medical school, and I think the dead patients are coming back to haunt me 我才剛從醫學院畢業,而我想那些死去的病患會再回來糾纏不休 原作者網址:29
[翻譯] Nosleep-我才剛從醫學院畢業(6)原文網址: 原文標題:I just graduated from medical school, and I finally learned the most important rule about being a doctor 我才剛從醫學院畢業,而我終於學會作為一名醫生最重要的規則 原作者網址:23
[翻譯] Nosleep-我才剛從醫學院畢業(5)原文網址: 原文標題:I just graduated from medical school, and it turns out that every rule on my list has a meaning 我才剛從醫學院畢業,而顯然清單上的每條規則都具有絕對意義 原作者網址:29
[翻譯] Nosleep-我才剛從醫學院畢業(4)原文網址: 原文標題:I just graduated from medical school, and the voices from my past are getting stronger 我才剛從醫學院畢業,而那些來自過往的聲音正變得越來越喧囂 原作者網址:25
[翻譯] Nosleep-我才剛從醫學院畢業(3)原文網址: 原文標題:I just graduated from medical school, and my new hospital has rules that seemed designed to kill people instead of saving them 我才剛從醫學院畢業,而新醫院的規則似乎比起救人更為了殺人22
[翻譯] Nosleep-我才剛從醫學院畢業(2)原文網址: 原文標題:I just graduated from medical school, and my list of rules led me down a bizarre hallway 我才剛從醫學院畢業,而我的規則清單引導我步上一條怪異走廊 原作者網址:24
[翻譯] Nosleep-我才剛從醫學院畢業(1)原文網址: 原文標題:I just graduated from medical school, and my new hospital has some very strange rules 我才剛從醫學院畢業,而我任職的新醫院有一些非常奇怪的規定 原作者網址: