PTT推薦 cross980115 過去發表過的文章
[花邊] 獨行俠曾試圖和灰狼討論77換AE 但被拒絕NEWS: League sources tell @sam_amick that the Mavericks and Timberwolves informa lly discussed the prospect of swapping Luka Doncic for 23-year-old, three-time A ll-Star Anthony Edwards in the weeks before the Lakers deal went down. 在獨行俠跟湖人達成交易的前幾週13
[快報] VenusBlood系列新作 (3/3公布新消息)ナニかなナニかな???( #9tail ——————34
Re: [花邊] 斑馬右肩血栓賽季報銷(馬刺樂觀看待)Per source, to @TheAthletic, Victor Wembanyama had experienced low energy latel y that was causing concern. When he still had low energy at All-Star weekend, and through his two-day vacati on after it, the tests began that ultimately uncovered the deep vein thrombosis.37
[花邊] 明星賽前近十場各隊攻守效率值(至2/14)10 Free Takes 1. Defense Wins Championships 2. But DAL can't defend爆
[花邊] 達拉斯SMU學生們在比賽中高呼FIRE NICOSMU students begin the “Fire Nico” chants at Moody Coliseum with Nico Harrison in attendance. 達拉斯的南方衛理會大學(SMU)的球隊野馬隊 在主場Moody Coliseum對戰匹茲堡大學24
Re: [情報] 老鷹騎士交易補一下內容的一些東西 Marks的薪資列表 To Atlanta Caris LeVert: $16.6M, UFA 202570
[花邊] 騎士賽後發推慶祝勝利:It's 1000% realIt's 1000% real. #LetEmKnow 騎士在今天創下多項隊史紀錄 痛宰獨行俠後11
[閒聊] 風都偵探 158 A哥復活前情提要 翔太郎跟菲利普跟所長被高密度房間貨櫃關起來丟風都灣 在所長缺氧快昏過去時,貨櫃被A哥以Accel Booster從海中扛回岸上 本話開始 A哥先以引擎劍的maximum一刀削出貨櫃的缺口 讓空氣流通還有極限鳥跟Fang能進去40
[情報] Kenny Atkinson將擔任明星賽總教練Cleveland Cavaliers head coach Kenny Atkinson has earned a spot to coach one of the four teams in the 2025 NBA All-Star Game. Atkinson clinched the honor with the Celtics' loss to the Lakers tonight. 隨著今天青賽輸給湖人33
[情報] Embiid左膝腫脹,7到10天後將重新評估76ers: Joel Embiid will be re-evaluated in 7 to 10 days. He will receive treatme nt to address swelling in his left knee. 將治療左膝腫脹,7~10天後會重新評估2
[閒聊] 又撐過一年的龍跟連上兩年班的蛇呼…這次總算也是撐過來了… 一年不見 大家新年快樂 今年也請多指教了7
[討論] 到底有多少人搞不清楚起訴書何時公布?如題啦 一群搞不清楚狀況的成天在喊等起訴書公布 現在連那個蔥都在那邊喊要北檢公布起訴書跟證據清單 還法學博士呢 笑死人17
[情報] Dru Smith 阿基里斯腱撕裂 賽季報銷Miami Heat guard Dru Smith has suffered a season-ending torn Achilles tendon, so urces told ESPN. Absolutely devastating after the two-way guard made a tremendou s recovery from a torn ACL just over a year ago to the Heat’s rotation now and was on cusp of a standard NBA contract36
[閒聊] あきのそら推特 媽祖同意辦個展對 標題沒打錯 你沒看錯 異世界来たのでスケベスキルで全力謳歌し 的作者 今度台湾で個展を開く事になりました ( 'ω' )5
[閒聊] 你做了個好夢了嗎如題 閃靈二人組的美堂蠻 用邪眼時的名台詞 剛好一分鐘 你做了個好夢了嗎 我做了個好夢 而且成真了12
Re: [新聞] T112步槍裝彈器採購案疑專利侵權 以色列原條文 用作侵害他人發明專利權行為之物,或由其行為所生之物,得以被侵害人之請求施行假扣 押,於判決賠償後,作為賠償金之全部或一部。 當事人為前條起訴及聲請本條假扣押時 ,法院應依民事訴訟法之規定,准予訴訟救助。 這條文是舊的,現行條文不存在這條了...23
[情報] Ausar Thompson(血栓)已被聯盟准許回歸Detroit Pistons G/F Ausar Thompson has been cleared to play by the NBA’s fitnes s-to-play panel, sources told ESPN. The 2023 No. 5 pick has been sidelined since March due to a blood clot issue and will now begin ramping up and preparing to make season debut in near future.30
[花邊] 東區目前只有兩隻球隊勝場數比活塞多Eastern conference teams with more wins than the Pistons: — Celtics — Cavs That's it.84
[花邊] 騎士成為2000年以來第六隻開季9-0的球隊The @cavs now have their best start in franchise history at 9-0, breaking the pr evious mark set in 1976-77 (8-0). Cleveland is just the 6th @NBA team since 2000-01 to start 9-0. 24-25 CLE 9-025
[情報] James Wiseman已進行阿基里斯腱修復手術Wiseman underwent successful surgery last night to repair his left Achilles tend on, league sources said. The surgery was performed by Dr. Martin O’Malley at th e Hospital for Special Surgery and a full recovery timeline will be established in the coming weeks.4
Re: [閒聊] 喜歡Hgame的畫風去搜尋結果有恐怖內原文吃掉 其實原po沒提到 不只封面圖 就連op都是 賣萌的電波曲風跟畫面X
Re: [討論] 尚毅夫:李文宗曾酸蔡英文來跟柯文哲求和噓 halfyearlies: 推文裡的英粉說蔡英文是李登輝關門 09/08 01:08 → halfyearlies: 弟子可遇不可求,也是典型活在濾鏡 09/08 01:08 → halfyearlies: 太重的英粉幻想裡,怎不說李登輝不 09/08 01:08 → halfyearlies: 只在賴清德2010年選台南市長時就力 09/08 01:08 → halfyearlies: 挺他 09/08 01:0822
[閒聊] CGSS 9週年限定 鷺沢文香、佐久間まゆ[夜想に泳ぐ華] 鷺沢文香 [永久に終わりを知らぬ愛] 佐久間まゆ2
[創作] 江城子 柯文哲版 十年粉黑兩茫茫僅獻給全台各地的柯黑 十年粉黑兩茫茫,不思量,自難忘。 千里北檢,無處話激昂。 縱使相逢應不識,房滿地,錢如沙。 夜來幽夢忽還向,初時昧,素人望。84
[討論] 彭振聲遭檢方聲押剛剛在聯合看到的 北檢複訊後 檢方依涉犯貪汙圖利重罪嫌疑重大 有串證、逃亡之虞 向法院聲請羈押禁見21
[討論] 彭振聲與太太移送北檢複訊如題 剛剛新聞的跑馬燈 從廉政署出來之後要去北檢複訊了 光是廉政這邊就拖到11點半 那代表案情相當的複雜 後面複訊痛苦的地方才要開始呢…12
[討論] 王瑞德認為柯被羈押的機會比較高如題 剛剛民視台灣最前線的Live 王瑞德提到 包含今天的7張,這案目前50幾張的搜索票代表檢方手上具有相當的證據 而彭的妻子跟PG以證人身分傳喚,當中如果講錯話 就有可能有偽證的嫌疑 所以早上柯講的那一段話20
[閒聊] 接受權貴宴請的貪婪醫生慘遭警察搜索踢爆假面騎士W中的敵役 醫生 井坂深紅郎 aka Weather Dopant 明明是個醫生 卻將女性患者作為自己的實驗素材8
[情報] 9-nine- スピンオフ (新作?)推特上看到的 來源應該是官方YT 但放上之後馬上就轉非公開 但還是被不少人存了下來28
[情報] 青空下的約定 重製版跨日時駿河屋推特發了篇推 說12/19發售 然後有補充說是全年齡版的 op當然是那首 但畫面會重新製作爆
[花邊] 巴黎奧運金牌戰 美國隊預計讓KD先發Team USA is planning to start all-time leading scorer Kevin Durant vs. France in Saturday's Gold Medal game at the Paris Olympics, per sources. Jrue Holiday is expected to come off the USA bench. 預計讓KD先發 假日替補爆
[花邊] Kobe第二座雕像正式揭幕如題 The Kobe & Gigi statue has officially been unveiled Kobe跟Gigi的雕像已正式揭幕3
Re: [閒聊] 霹靂 【三先天精彩片段】24小時馬拉松剛剛兩輪播完 結束直播了 忽略天罪後那堆三教土丘~三教海溝的時期 馬拉松一輪60小時有很長一段時間在播碧血 而梵宇線部分算寫得相當不錯 至少佛劍有類似當初的剛登場的沈默不多言但字字珠璣,實力上武戲有數場一人包圍一群人也都展現足夠的強度,跟問菩提之間的文戲互動也寫得夠好 難怪之前有人說想看佛劍 天罪完直接跳碧血 中間可以全忽略10
[花邊] Shams Charania 即將成為FA來源是紐約郵報的Ryan Glasspiegel 簡短節錄重點 Shams Charania’s deals with The Athletic — now under the New York Times umbrella — Stadium and FanDuel are all up in the next month or two, sources7
Re: [轉錄] 劉宇FB:麥玉珍論文比對結果先上個網址博碩士論文網的網址 現在非特殊原因(內容含有專利等等)進行申請以外都要進行公開 簡單辦個帳號 簡易查詢那邊打麥玉珍 勾選研究生 就能找到並下載62
[情報] 活塞#37新秀Bobi Klintman 簽約4y/7.99MDetroit Pistons No. 37 pick Bobi Klintman is signing a four-year, $7.99 million rookie contract, sources tell @TheAthletic @Stadium. First two seasons are fully guaranteed for the big man. 4y/7.99M49
[情報] 76人裁掉Paul ReedThe 76ers will waive F/C Paul Reed, whose contract is non-guaranteed for next se ason, sources tell ESPN. 非保障 被裁了 應該是因為前面那篇補到Martin30
[情報] 暴龍#45新秀 Jamal Shead 簽約 3y/6.11MSources: Toronto Raptors No. 45 overall pick Jamal Shead has agreed to a three-y ear, $6.11 million rookie contract. The former University of Houston star guard starts his pro career on a standard contract with the first two seasons guarante ed.6
[情報] Aaron Holiday 續約火箭 2y/10MFree agent guard Aaron Holiday plans to sign a two-year, $10 million deal to sta y with the Houston Rockets, sources tell @TheAthletic @Stadium. Holiday played 7 8 games as a reserve guard for Rockets' turnaround season last year. 去年打了78場50
[情報] Batum去快艇 2y/9.6MFree agent F Nic Batum has agreed on a two-year, $9.6 million deal to join the L os Angeles Clippers, sources tell ESPN. 2年約56
[情報] Wyc Grousbeck 考慮賣出青賽的股份BREAKING: The Boston Celtics majority ownership group — led by Wyc Grousbeck— is planning to make the franchise available for sale, sources tell ESPN. The in vestment group purchased the team in 2002. Massive development for one of sports ’ most valuable properties.22
[情報] Delon Wright 去公鹿1y/3.3MFree agent guard Delon Wright has agreed on a one-year, $3.3 million deal with t he Milwaukee Bucks, sources tell ESPN. 一年約 3.3M 油箱內應該還有油才對30
[情報] Luka Garza 2年回灰狼Free agent C Luka Garza is returning to the Minnesota Timberwolves on a two-year deal, sources tell ESPN. 兩年約 woj沒有提到薪資或選擇權 依照推文所提spotrac 來源爆
[情報] Kelly Oubre Jr. 續約76人 2y/16.3MESPN Sources: Free agent G Kelly Oubre Jr., has agreed on a two-year, $16.3 mill ion deal to stay with the Philadelphia 76ers. Deal includes a player option on t he 2025-2026 season for Sixers’ starting two-guard. 兩年16.3M 第二年PO80
[情報] 活塞預計將續約 Cade 5y/226MThe Detroit Pistons plan to sign Cade Cunningham to a five-year, $226 million ma ximum rookie extension, sources tell me and @JLEdwardsIII. 活塞打算跟Cade續約 開出5y/226M的新秀延長合約16
[情報] Zach Edey退出加拿大國家隊候選名單Zach Edey has pulled himself from consideration for the Canadian Olympic team. In a statement, he said he needs to focus on preparing for his rookie season, which is understandable. Still, a big loss for a team that lacks side. Edey聲明說需要專注在新秀賽季上55
[情報] Harden續約快艇 2y/70MJames Harden plans to sign a two-year, $70 million contract to return to the Los Angeles Clippers, sources tell @TheAthletic @Stadium. Harden’s agents – Mike Silverman, Troy Payne and Brandon Grier of Equity Sports – have been working wi th Clippers officials to finalize new deal.58
[情報] 勇士裁掉CP3Golden State is waiving Chris Paul, sources tell @TheAthletic @Stadium. Paul had a $30 million guarantee date today. He now becomes a free agent. CP3成FA了6
[情報] 2024-25賽季薪資上限更新 140.58MThe NBA informed teams that it has set the 2024-25 salary cap: $140,588,000 mill ion; Luxury tax: $170,814,000. Slightly less than $141M prior salary cap estimat ion.10
[花邊] 76人試圖同時追求PG跟KCPMarc Stein的消息 League sources tell The Stein Line that the ever-ambitious 76ers have explored the feasibility of/cap gymnastics required to try to land both Paul George and Kentavious Caldwell-Pope in free agency.15
[花邊] Love不執行Po,預計跟熱火重談新約ESPN Sources: Miami Heat F/C Kevin Love is declining his $4M player option, but both sides are enthusiastic about negotiating a new deal in the opening days of free agency. The five-time All-Star has played the past two seasons with the Hea t.- ESPN Sources: Nine-time All-Star G Russell Westbrook is picking up his $4 millio n option and returning to the Los Angeles Clippers. Westbrook averaged 11.1 poin ts, 5 rebounds and 4.5 assists a season ago. 撿Po續留了
[情報] KP今天(G3)不打Celtics say Kristaps Porzingis is out for Game 3 of NBA Finals vs. Mavericks. KP今天確定不打 看小犢有沒有辦法把握機會了 ----X
[討論] 官昌現形記道德的長城 自由的燈塔 民主的防波堤 正義的北極星 公理的馬奇諾防線 智慧的巴特農神殿 黃公國昌先生 堂堂一個法律學者 十年前跟十年後嘴臉天差地遠57
[情報] Mitchell 明天預計會缺席G5Cavaliers All-Star Donovan Mitchell is expected to miss tonight's potential elim ination Game 5 vs. Boston, sources tell me and @joevardon. Mitchell is dealing w ith a calf strain. 米丘因小腿拉傷,預計缺席G568
Re: [情報] Mike Bud預計接任太陽總教練Mike Budenholzer has agreed to terms on a five-year, $50-plus million deal to be come the new head coach of the Phoenix Suns, league sources tell @TheAthletic @S tadium. Suns land the two-time NBA Coach of the Year and Arizona native. 談好了 價碼5y/50+M5
Re: [閒聊] 新ipad廣告大炎上 apple跪了姑且先把那個廣告放一旁 上山道郎想了個在日本較不易被批判的廣告CM JOJO的宮本輝之輔 能力是把任何東西收進紙張中爆
[情報][閃星] クルスタキラキラ放送局!GW生放送開發團隊愛角 *副長かんなぎれい愛角是阿波羅 還沒出 序號 有三組11
Re: [快報] エウシュリー新作 百千の定にかわたれ剋【更新情報】 公式サイトにて『百千の定にかわたれし剋』の体験版を公開しました。DLをしてゲーム機能などをお試しください! また、ページ内に体験版専用アンケートフォームを設置しておりますので、プレイした感想などたくさん送ってくださいね☆ 推特公告 官網已經有體驗版了16
[討論] 洪孟楷/葛如鈞 文化委員會質詢iwin影片同一天上午的文化委員會質詢影片 就丟在同一篇文了 兩位委員都用了3分鐘左右質詢iwin相關問題