PTT推薦 seguignol 過去發表過的文章
[花邊] 龜龜先發出賽 金塊戰績為18勝5敗Russell Westbrook tonight: Nuggets are 18-5 when he starts. 當龜龜先發時,金塊戰績為18勝5負。爆
[花邊] 龜龜先發出賽 金塊戰績為6勝1敗Russell Westbrook as a starter this season: 龜龜本賽季作為先發球員的表現: 14.3 PPG 5.7 RPG 8.4 APG67
[花邊] 快艇正在積極兜售PJ Tucker、HylandThe Clippers have been active in the trade market shopping PJ Tucker, Bones Hyland and draft capital for a rotational upgrade. Los Angeles is also preparing for Kawhi Leonard’s eventual return from injury soon. 快艇最近在交易市場上非常活躍,他們正積極兜售PJ Tucker、Bones Hyland以及選秀權- 統神蹦闆賽後糾紛影片 聽說好像是蹦闆小弟經過統神那邊叫囂 --
[花邊] 龜龜單節24分 生涯最高Russell Westbrook in the fourth quarter: 24 PTS 8-11 FG 3-4 3P His most points in a single quarter in his career.65
[花邊] 龜龜萬聖節裝扮小丑Russ' fits never miss, even on Halloween 龜龜的穿搭永遠都超強,就算是萬聖節也不例外 --- Kevin Durant since leaving Golden State: 6 — Head coaches 2 — Playoff series wins KD離開金州勇士後: 6 - 主教練
[花邊] Max Christie:我真的很想上場Max Christie: “I really wanted to be out there. It sucks seeing us eliminated because I felt I could've helped the team.” 我真的很想上場。看到我們被淘汰真的很糟,我覺得我可以幫助球隊。40
[花邊] 湖人已經連續四場比賽失分130+The Lakers have given up 130+ points in four consecutive games. 湖人已經連續四場比賽失分130+ --爆
[花邊] 龜龜:我喜歡看到我的隊友表現出色Russell Westbrook: “Leadership is a trait that I really, really enjoy. I love seeing my teammates do great. Having fun is the best part of this game. If yo u’re not having fun, you shouldn’t be playing.” 龜龜:我很享受展現自己的領導力。我喜歡看到我的隊友表現出色。 在比賽中享受樂趣是最重要的,如果你不覺得開心,那就不應該上場打球。28
[花邊] Lue:我們需要龜龜 他對球隊而言很重要Ty Lue on Russell Westbrook tonight: “His energy. He gave us a lot of life… We need him. He’s important to our team. Tonight was a really good job. Lue談論龜龜的表現: 他帶給我們滿滿活力。我們需要他。對球隊而言,他是十分重要的一部份。今晚他做得爆
[花邊] 快艇前5場至少拿115分 哈登來後未破100分The Clippers scored 115 points or more in their first 5 games. They’re yet to break 100 with Harden on the squad. 快艇在前五場比賽中得分至少拿到115分。 但在哈登加入球隊後,他們還未能在比賽中得分突破100分。70
[花邊] 哈登表示龜龜是他想加入快艇的原因之一James Harden says Russell Westbrook was absolutely one of the reasons he wanted to come to the Clippers, and they both have a goal to win a championship. Harden: “What better way to do it than in LA?” 哈登表示龜龜絕對是他想加入快艇隊的原因之一,而他們都有一個共同目標,79
[花邊] PG和可愛明天會上? Lue:我不知道Ty Lue on if Kawhi Leonard and Paul George are playing tomorrow against the Lakers: "I don't know." The Ty Lue special. Lue對於明天對陣湖人隊是否有可愛和PG表示:「我不知道。」87
[花邊] 第四節 AD得13分 太陽隊得11分Points in the 4th quarter: 13 — Anthony Davis 11 — Suns 第四節得分情況: 13-AD94
[花邊] AD下半場6投0中 沒有得分AD was 0-6 in the second half, his worst shooting half as a Laker. AD下半場6投0中(沒有得分),這是他作為湖人球員最差半場命中率。 --48
[花邊] 伊古達拉談FMVP:我知道我對比賽的影響力"Steph [Curry] deserved 1 before the one he got… If it was mine, cool. I know the impact I had on the game. I don't need anybody to tell me that I did." Andre Iguodala on winning the 2015 Finals MVP. 柯瑞在得到他的第一座之前,就應該得到一座,46
[花邊] Kobe生涯對戰球員數據統計Kobe stats vs player opponents: Most wins against: Kevin Garnett (45) Most losses against: Tim Duncan (43)爆
[花邊] 2010年季後賽起,LBJ對東區系列賽26勝0敗Since 2010, LeBron James is 26-0 in Playoff series vs Eastern Conference teams. King of the East. 自2010年以來, 詹姆斯在季後賽對陣東區球隊的系列賽中取得26勝0敗的驚人戰績。45
[花邊] Lue:我愛龜龜 他對我們做出了巨大貢獻Stephen Jackson on Russell Westbrook: "He don't know me like that but I'll die for Russ." Ty Lue: "I love Russ. From Day 1. What he did for our season, he saved us. PG goes down & he went to another level. I can be real with him, he can be real with him."爆
[花邊] ESPN公布最新球隊實力排名ESPN’s power rankings: ESPN公布最新球隊實力排名: 1. Nuggets 2. Bucks 3. Celtics爆
[花邊] 上賽季罰球得分佔比排名Highest percentage of total points from the FT line: 罰球得分在總得分中所占比例最高的球員 1. Butler—32.2% of his points from FTs 32.2%的得分來自罰球 2. SGA—31.4% 3. Embiid—30.2%57
[花邊] 選3人對抗柯瑞、LBJ、字母哥? Giddey:SGA選3人對抗柯瑞、LBJ、字母哥? Giddey:SGA、KD、小丑 當被問到如果挑選三個球員對抗Curry、LBJ、字母哥打3V3比賽 Josh Giddey:SGA、KD、小丑 --55
[情報] 隊記:我認為Poole被交易更大的原因在於他隊記:我認為Poole被交易更大的原因在於他和Kerr的關係 虎撲07月07日訊 今日,勇士記者Jason Dumas在播客節目中談到了Poole被勇士交易一事。 “老實說,我認為他和Kerr之間的關係比他和Green的關係更加促使了他被交易,我只是 覺得他有點受夠了Poole一直在抱怨他不適合他被給予的角色。”Dumas說。爆
[花邊] T.Bryant:龜龜是我合作過最包容隊友的人T.Bryant:龜龜是我合作過最包容隊友的人之一 "He’s one of the most brilliant, accepting guys that i’ve ever played with. With Russ he's always coming in with a great attitude, and he's always there for you.” — Thomas Bryant talks about being teammates with Russell Westbrook82
[情報] 湖人底薪簽約目標:TT、Gab、Love、Brown湖人底薪簽約目標:TT、GAB、LOVE、Brown、Reddish 虎撲06月30日訊 今日,《洛杉磯時報》湖人隨隊記者Dan Woike撰文報導了湖人的自由球 員市場前景。 關於湖人可能的底薪簽約人選:TT、Gabriel和Brown Jr都有可能回歸。 球隊可以把目光投向LBJ的前隊友Kevin Love。62
[花邊] 湖人在最近強烈考慮獲得併使用全額中產The Lakers getting to (and using) the full MLE has been an option the team has strongly considered in recent days. Bruce Brown is most definitely the kind of player they'd want from a mindset/skill department. 湖人獲得(並使用)全額中產一直是球隊在最近幾日強烈考慮的一個操作選項。 Bruce Brown 絕對是他們在心態和技能方面希望得到的球員。爆
[情報] 湖人很可能交易17號籤和Bamba和Beasley湖人很可能交易17號籤和Bamba和Beasley以得到先發級別的補強 虎撲06月17日訊 據The Athletic湖人隨隊記者Jovan Buha報導,湖人在2023年選秀大會 上進行交易的可能性越來越大,可能會把他們的17號簽連同Bamba和/或Beasley一起作為 交換,以得到先發級別的提升。 “我認為他們交易這個選秀權的可能性越來越大。我一兩週前就聽說了,並報導說他們不爆
[花邊] Perkins:假如CP3加盟湖人,將會撼動聯盟"Chris Paul to the Lakers would shake up the league... We heard LeBron James talking about retirement... But what it did make me realize is that is he losing a little motivation right now? ... CP3 would be the missing piece." — Kendrick Perkins Perkins:95
[花邊] D'Angelo Russell談G4替補:接受替補很難"It was tough to agree with it, obviously. But in the short period of time, to not be a distraction to your teammates...I knew that was where you had to be professional," Russell said of moving to the bench for Game 4 Russell: 「很明顯,同意這一點對我來說很難。但在這短期的時間內,不要干擾妳的隊友...爆
[花邊] D'Angelo Russell 西區冠軍賽目前數據D’Angelo Russell in the WCF: 9.0 PPG 43.4% TS 36.8% FG 12.5% 3PT爆
[情報] 湖人隊內擔心讓DLO替補出場會讓球隊失去湖人隊內擔心讓DLO替補出場會讓球隊失去他 虎撲05月17日訊 今日,湖人126-132客場不敵金塊,系列賽0-1落後。 賽後,據ESPN湖人隨隊記者Dave McMenamin報導,湖人在G2將八村壘放入首發陣容似乎是 很明顯的舉措,DLO將會自然而然地被考慮調入替補陣容,但多位隊內消息人士透露,有 人擔心球隊可能會“失去”DLO,如果他把這次調整看作是降級,因為他在季後賽的每一45
[花邊] 金塊教練:我們對付DLO這方面做的非常好Michael Malone: "I thought we did a really good job on D'Angelo Russell, so much so that he wasn't in the game in the second half." 金塊教練: 我認為我們對付DLO這方面做的非常好,以至於他下半場大部分時間都沒有上場爆
[花邊] 嘴綠談AD受傷:頭部受傷可能會改變人生"I saw a lot of people laughing. But it's a hit to the head. One small hit to the head can change everything in your life. So I don't really understand the joke." Draymond Green on Anthony Davis's head injury 嘴綠談AD頭部受傷:8X
[花邊] Kerr:我喜歡嘴綠的比賽方式Steve Kerr on Draymond Green, who had 20 points tonight. "When he's aggressive like that, looking to attack, it definitely adds another dimension to our team. I loved his approach to the game, he was aggressive right from the start." Kerr談嘴綠拿20分:9X
[花邊] Kerr:NBA應該借鑒FIBA對假摔的處罰方式Steve Kerr says the NBA should take note from FIBA on penalizing flopping: “ Oh 100%… In FIBA the referee has the ability to call a flop… It’s very penalizing and the results in the players just don’t do it.” 昨天Steve Kerr賽後表示,湖人有幾次假摔,而裁判給了他們回報。 今天Steve Kerr說NBA應該借鑒FIBA對假摔的處罰方式:32
[花邊] Kerr:我們失誤太多 湖人罰球太多Kerr postgame: “We had 26 assists and 19 turnovers, That's criminal. Those 19 turnovers turned into 27 points. They shot 20 more free throws than we did. So if you put all those numbers together, this was a Lakers game.” Kerr: 我們有26次助攻,但卻產生19次失誤,這太糟糕了。62
[花邊] 太陽教練:最後沒上Ayton是因為狀況不好Monty Williams addressed playing Jock Landale instead of Deandre Ayton late, saying Ayton wasn't having his best game, but praised Landale's energy and running the floor opened up lanes for teammate. 比賽後面讓Jock Landale上場而非Deandre Ayton 太陽教練Monty:60
[情報] Kerr談Curry12助攻:他非常無私Steve Kerr liked seeing Steph Curry (20 PTS, 12 AST) be a facilitator tonight: "He’s so unselfish. 12 assists tonight, he’s willing to do whatever it takes to win." Kerr談Curry: 他非常無私,今晚送出12次助攻,他願意做任何事情來贏得比賽68
[花邊] 魔術強森:Kerr在進攻端做了出色的調整Coach Steve Kerr made excellent adjustments on offense putting Jamychal Green in the line up to spread the court as well as adjusting their offensive plays. Defensively they kept the Lakers out of the paint. 魔術強森: Kerr在進攻端做了出色的調整,將 Jamychal Green 放入陣容中以增加空間,並調整了爆
[情報] Kerr:如果能重來 Poole會調整最後一擊Steve Kerr believes that if Jordan Poole could do it over again, he would make this one adjustment to his final shot Steve Kerr: 如果能重來,相信Poole會調整最後一擊爆
[花邊] Embiid季後賽對塞爾提克 戰績為1勝9敗Joel Embiid is 1-9 vs. Celtics in his playoff career Embiid季後賽對塞爾提克 戰績為1勝9敗 --77
[情報] 為何AD打滿下半場? 火腿:AD想繼續打下去Darvin Ham says on @SpectrumSN that AD playing the entire second half was them making a conscious decision through consistent communication to see how he felt, and he wanted to continue. 火腿在SpectrumSN頻道上表示,AD打滿下半場是他們通過持續溝通做出的決定,以及了解 他的感覺,而且AD希望繼續打下去。66
[花邊] 記者:狄龍想要更大的角色 灰熊無法提供At the end of the day, Dillon Brooks wants a bigger role, and the Grizzlies can't offer that. DB on Sunday: "I was just there to three-and-D, shoot and play defense. I got way more to my game than that." My story on how the two sides came to a split.XX
[花邊] 嘴綠:對小沙失去尊重 輸球不和對手握手"Lost a lot of respect for Sabonis. You don't shake guys hands after you lose? I don't respect that… You lost, deal with it. Pay your respect." — Draymond Green 嘴綠: 對Sabonis失去了很多尊重。輸了後你不跟對手握手嗎?我不會尊重這樣的事情,爆
[情報] Curry:相信Poole能為下一場帶來能量Steph Curry voiced his support for Jordan Poole: "I have nothing but confidence in him to bring the right energy for the next game." Curry表達了對Poole的支持: 我對他充滿信心,相信他能為下一場比賽帶來正確的能量。爆
[花邊] LBJ 關門戰 40勝12敗 歷史第一The first player with 40+ wins in closeout games. LBJ關門戰40勝12敗,歷史第一 --爆
[花邊] 快艇總裁:希望龜龜留下來Lawrence Frank praised Russell Westbrook for being a top-75 player and future HOFer and yet still doing whatever the Clippers asked of him. Said again the Clippers want him back. 龜龜是一位75大球員和未來的名人堂球員,並且願意遵從球隊要求他完成的任務。 他再次表示希望留住他。爆
[情報] 湖人使用小陣容 被灰熊打20:4AD's time sitting (pre-bench emptying): 3:19 at the end of Q1 w/LA small: 13-4 MEM 3:21 to start Q2 w/Gabriel in: 5-4 MEM 1:29 towards end of Q3 w/LA small: 7-0 MEM 2:43 to start Q4 w/Gabriel in: 7-6 MEM34
[花邊] 湖人教練:沒有壓力 大家不認為我們能進Darvin Ham: “We were told we won’t be here in the first place. So it’s no pressure. Just basketball.” 哈姆:大家不認為我們能進季後賽,所以沒有壓力,只是打籃球而已。 不緊張75
[情報] Lue:希望明年能繼續擔任快艇隊教練Tyronn Lue says he expect to coach the LA Clippers next year Lue:希望明年能繼續擔任快艇隊教練 運球就看Uncle Drew 戰術就看Coach Lue --爆
[花邊] 快艇記者:龜龜這輪系列賽盡力了Really rough final game, but I can’t get behind any Russell Westbrook slander after this series. He joined the Clippers to be a 3rd option at most, and ended up being their primary option while guarding Kevin Durant and Devin Booker. Rough final game, but he battled all series.- 多支隊伍對Cameron Johnsonu有興趣,火箭是其中之一 虎撲04月24日訊 今日,據HoopsHype記者Michael Scotto報導,6位球隊高管認為, Cameron Johnson在這個夏天可以得到一份4年9000萬美元的合約。 消息人士告訴HoopsHype,包括休斯頓火箭在內的幾支球隊都對Cameron Johnson有興趣。 Cameron Johnson在休賽期將成為受限制性自由球員。
[花邊] 天空貝:Edwards 可能是下一個MJ“He could be the next Michael Jordan” - Pat Bev on Anthony Edwards 天空貝:很多人可能會說我瘋了,但Edwards可能是下一個Michael Jordan。 天空貝認證78
[花邊] LeBron 季後賽第145次 25分5籃板5助攻LeBron tonight: 25 PTS 9 REB 5 AST The only player with 100+ 25/5/5 playoff games. LeBron has 145.爆
[情報] 記者:太陽今日46罰 自17年以來所有正式比記者列數據:太陽今日46罰,自17年以來所有正式比賽中隊史新高 虎撲04月21日訊 快艇對陣太陽的系列賽第三戰已經結束,快艇主場124-129不敵太陽,系 列賽1-2落後。 本場比賽,太陽全隊獲得46次罰球。 記者Justin Russo列出一組數據:太陽今日46罰,為其自2017年以來所有正式比賽中隊史37
[情報] Russell:我不是湖人的控球後衛D'Angelo Russell: "I'm a basketball player with this team, not a point guard." Russell: 我在這支球隊中的身份是一名籃球運動員,而不是一名控球後衛。 氣氛??30
[花邊] 魔術:湖人只能怪自己 他們沒有做好準備The Lakers have no one to blame but themselves. They didn’t come ready to play, that’s why they lost 101-93 to an undermanned Memphis team. 魔術: 湖人只能怪自己,他們沒有做好準備,這就是為什麼他們輸給了人員不足的灰熊隊。爆
[情報] 勇士記者:勇士內部對Green被禁賽感到驚訝勇士記者:勇士內部對Draymond Green被禁賽感到驚訝 虎撲04月19日訊 勇士隨隊記者Anthony Slater表示,勇士內部對Draymond Green被禁賽的 反應是"極其驚訝"。 一位球隊消息人士在當地時間週二晚上說,他們沒有預料到會有額外的處罰。球隊內部認 為Draymond Green最多只會面臨額外的罰款。但是,聯盟在一個小時前放下了錘子,還在爆
[情報] 記者:如果小沙不抓嘴綠腿 這一切不會發生You just can’t throw Draymond out for that. None of it happens if Sabonis doesn’t grab Green’s leg. Flagrant one, tech, whatever. But you can’t toss him from a game like this over a play like that. 記者Chris Mannix: 你不能因為那樣的動作就把嘴綠趕出場。如果小沙沒有抓住嘴綠的腿,這一切都不會發生