Re: [問題] 求《百年孤寂》西譯中版的一段譯文

看板book標題Re: [問題] 求《百年孤寂》西譯中版的一段譯文作者
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Aureliano smiled, picked her up by the waist with both hands like a pot
of begonias,and dropped her on her back on the bed. With a brutal tug he
pulled off her bathrobe before she had time to resist and he loomed over
an abyss of newly washed nudity whose skin color, lines of fuzz, and
hidden moles had all been imagined in the shadows of the other rooms.
Amaranta Ursula defended herself sincerely with the astuteness of a wise
woman, weaseling her slippery, flexible, and fragrant weasel’s body as
she tried to knee him in the kidneys and scorpion his face with her
nails, but without either of them giving a gasp that might not have
been taken for the breathing of a person watching the meagerApril sunset
through the open window. It was a fierce fight, a battle to the death,
but it seemed to be without violence because it consisted of distorted
attacks and ghostly evasions, slow, cautious, solemn, so that during it
all there was time for the petunias to bloom and for Gaston to forget
about his aviator’s dreams in the next room, as if they were two enemy
lovers seeking reconciliation at the bottom of an aquarium.
Suddenly, almost playfully, like one more bit of mischief, Amaranta
Ursula dropped her defense, and when she tried to recover, frightened by
what she herself had made possible, it was too late.
A great commotion immobilized her in her center of gravity, planted her
in her place, and her defensive will was demolished by the irresistible
anxiety to discover what the orange whistles and the invisible globes on
the other side of death were like.

而在一開始反抗的階段,那個反抗的力道是極為強烈的。有多強烈呢?從這句可以看出:『It was a fierce fight, a battle to the death....』
orange whistles and the invisible globes的典故是什麼,就無從而知了,但那也不是重點。
重點在於最後的death不是指死亡,更不應該翻譯成死亡,它指的是之前反抗階段的力道。※ 編輯: heavenbeyond ( 臺灣), 02/07/2021 23:17:35

※ PTT留言評論

minwei88802/07 23:47感謝回覆~ 你的詮釋把death的含義解釋得更好了~

minwei88802/07 23:48不過這樣我更好奇哨子跟隱形球為何會出現在這﴿?

decorum02/08 00:25不必求深反惑 whistles globes 都是男性器官的形狀

Hans1402/08 00:37原來如此

xform02/08 05:06感覺orange whistles and the invisible globes指的就是生

xform02/08 05:06殖器

minwei88802/08 05:32如果以具象來看,的確感覺合理多了~~感謝各位~

medama02/08 19:20推三樓 合理