[情報] Cruise L4自駕配備人類駕駛
齁,cruise配備這麼多感知設備,一堆光達,也有備援系統,且通過政府法規認證可以運行無人計程車,啊 怎麼車上又放人了,那我可以認為「人」才是備援嗎?那些光達根本沒屁用…..
Starting this week, Cruise AVs will begin supervised autonomous driving in Phoenix as Cruise takes further steps towards returning to its driverless mission.
For the past several weeks Cruise has been mapping and collecting road information in Phoenix. Now, we will validate our AV’s end-to-end behaviors against
our rigorous safety and AV performance requirements. During this phase, the Cruise vehicles will drive autonomously with a safety driver present behind thewheel to monitor and take over if needed.
Supervised autonomous driving is a critical validation phase prior to driverless deployment and builds on our extensive work in simulation, closed-course driving and more than 5 million driverless miles previously driven by our fleetto ensure safe performance on real-world roads and driving scenarios. Safety drivers play an important role in testing the AV’s performance and the continuous improvement of our technology. We’ll begin supervised autonomous driving
in the city of Phoenix and will gradually expand to Scottsdale, Paradise Valley, Tempe, Mesa, Gilbert and Chandler measured against predetermined safety benchmarks.
Safety is the defining principle for everything we do and continues to guide our progress towards resuming driverless operations. From comprehensive vehicle management before our AVs depart the garage to continuous driver monitoring and roadworthiness of the vehicle, we deploy rigorous safety procedures, protocols and performance requirements to ensure supervised autonomous operations are safe for operation on public roads.
Our safety measures and procedures are multifaceted and can be grouped into three pillars:
Product Safety: Cruise AVs are fully-integrated autonomous vehicles derived from the Chevy Bolt EV platform, manufactured by General Motors, and tested to validate that the vehicles meet all motor vehicle safety requirements after the addition and installation of Cruise AV hardware (sensors, etc.). We have procedures in place to ensure our AVs are appropriately maintained and that new software is thoroughly tested and validated through a measured release processprior to deploying to the fleet.
Operational Safety: We have documented procedures and protocols in place to ensure the safety of our fleet operations for those in our vehicles and those we share the road with, including driver training, ongoing performance management processes, and responsible scaling of operations.
Enterprise Safety: Safe operations start with a safety-focused culture, and every worker at Cruise is empowered and responsible for the safety of our product and operations. We enable safety culture through appropriate governance, policies, reporting mechanisms, and regular safety training.
We are committed to partnering with the communities we serve, so whether human-driven or autonomous, we encourage any community member to report driving concerns to our Community Feedback portal. When a concern is submitted, we will investigate the claim and, as needed, take appropriate action. Our feedback form: getcruise.com/support-center
As we continue through this journey, we look forward to working with local communities to jointly achieve our shared mission of making transportation saferfor all.
我知道有家公司的Full Self Driving也是需要人類駕駛
人家是Lv2 而且便宜
※ 編輯: LimYoHwan ( 臺灣), 05/14/2024 10:02:31而且還是 法律上的 LEVEL 2
Lv2 > Lv4 無區域限制屌打有區域限制
※ 編輯: LimYoHwan ( 臺灣), 05/14/2024 10:02:57 https://i.imgur.com/ESQ2aol.jpeg※ 編輯: LimYoHwan ( 臺灣), 05/14/2024 10:04:25
有限制才是躲 高速公路上不去
※ 編輯: LimYoHwan ( 臺灣), 05/14/2024 10:05:20Cruise花錢請人做安全監督員,特斯拉是車主花錢做小白鼠?
花少少錢就可以玩到世界頂尖AI 很便宜
無限制? 你要確定喔
哪裡有限制? 說來聽聽
※ 編輯: LimYoHwan ( 臺灣), 05/14/2024 10:55:59用各種影片暗示不用人介入 但出事就是車主負責 然後出
事還說只是Lv2 但Lv2就是不能宣傳「要不要介入」 Lv2就
是人要全程駕駛 這就像賣保健食品但讓網紅但宣稱有藥品
Lv2 sae規定就是這樣 有違反嗎? 反觀cruise Lv4 dmv帶頭違反 要求需要人類接管
說明書有寫 你的推文是不是造謠?
Fsd死亡率多少 ? 怎麼一堆特黑都騙不到?
※ 編輯: LimYoHwan ( 臺灣), 05/14/2024 13:04:09 ※ 編輯: LimYoHwan ( 臺灣), 05/14/2024 13:06:13 ※ 編輯: LimYoHwan ( 臺灣), 05/14/2024 14:17:27 ※ 編輯: LimYoHwan ( 臺灣), 05/14/2024 14:21:44暗示哦?這個字有夠陰謀論的
不是拿牌了? 為什麼還要評估 ?
確保系統是OK 的,而不是把駕駛跟乘客當小白鼠做試驗
即使特斯拉FSD在怎樣先進,終究就是 Level 2
L4的cruise也要人類接管還有區域限制 L2的fsd一樣人類接管沒有區域限制
任何超過 LV2 的使用都是車輛所有人"擅自所為"
看八月的robotaxi 怎樣演吧.....
LV2 的 robotaxi
不要被轟時,辯robo只是名稱而非功能,就跟 FSD只是名稱
Crosstalk 可能也有影響
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[情報] IIHS: 無人駕駛可能難以消除大多數事故這篇文章其實已經有幾家媒體寫成新聞,但是不少媒體卻很故意的將標題下成 很聳動,像是"自動駕駛只能阻止三分之一的車禍"之類,這完全誤解了文章內 容,很容易讓人對無人駕駛有錯誤的認知。所以轉發原文過來,加上個人簡略 翻譯,若有錯誤麻煩告知指正,謝謝。X
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