[情報] 兩位家暴仔加入大聯盟韓國戰名單

看板Baseball標題[情報] 兩位家暴仔加入大聯盟韓國戰名單作者
時間推噓27 推:30 噓:3 →:13



Randy Arozarena(光芒)
Domingo German(洋基)
Kolten Wong(釀酒人)
Jorge Mateo(金鶯)

其中Domingo German、裴智桓都有打女友事蹟啊XD

In September 2019, Germán and his girlfriend attended a charity gala held by then-teammate CC Sabathia. Many of Germán’s 2019 teammates were also there withtheir families. Sources said Germán slapped his girlfriend at the event, but the MLB investigation focused primarily on what happened at his home later that night.



According to multiple league sources, including a person with knowledge of the MLB investigation, Germán was intoxicated and became physically violent toward his girlfriend until she hid in a locked room. She reportedly contacted the wifeof one of Germán's teammates, and the couple drove to Germán’s home late at night.



In April 2019, Bae was questioned on charges of assaulting his girlfriend whilein high school.[23] As a result of the allegations that he slapped, choked, andkicked the girl, he was convicted of assault in court in Daegu and required to pay a fine of 2 million.[24] Following the conviction, Major League Baseball also suspended Bae without pay for 30 games.




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cena060510/20 22:07家暴的可以 霸凌的不行

FK8428810/20 22:07沒有韓國當地手機號碼沒辦法買票 原本想去的XD

brabra10/20 22:07不知道會不會有人說不想跟家暴仔當對手

yuetsu10/20 22:07OK的 很適合參加這個比賽

terry104310/20 22:07阿扁巴巴大俠

sesd10/20 22:07 家暴仔

eddy1235710/20 22:07噓家暴仔

saiulbb10/20 22:08打女人不OK 該禁賽處罰是對的

MDay5610/20 22:08反家暴

ChrisDavis10/20 22:08歐巴正常發揮

tzcoba0110/20 22:09中職酒駕都還能打了

hdotistyle10/20 22:10勇士歐豬要不要也加入一下

vcr10/20 22:10林哲瑄霸凌隊友 也可以打國際賽啊

LastDinosaur10/20 22:10Arozarena也有疑似 但沒後續

chaobii10/20 22:10果然還是白男比較優質

f2231346710/20 22:11曹錦輝可以考慮看看

flame103010/20 22:11但這是大聯盟隊 所以也不甘韓國的事

flame103010/20 22:12不然我很想看裴智桓如果加入WBC 韓國會不會雙標

dragon5011910/20 22:12Arozarena不是也揍女友老爸?

f2231346710/20 22:12看錯 以為是國際賽

flame103010/20 22:12然後這個星度...韓國座得滿嗎?

diabolica10/20 22:13歐爸浪漫><

gundam007910/20 22:13打女人正宗韓國文化 邱瓦邱瓦

flame103010/20 22:13*能滿坐嗎? 塞了好幾個韓國人湊數

FRANKYCHang10/20 22:14哈哈哈哈哈哈太扯了怎麼都有家暴相關XD

f2231346710/20 22:16陳江和都能入選中華隊了 還好吧

gn169810/20 22:24歐巴超man的

gogoto99010/20 22:25歐爸貼心浪漫 怎麼可能

k2201598710/20 22:27準備去韓國扁人

qaz12244410/20 22:28反觀兄弟掐掐好好的

MarcPolo10/20 22:29高中有女友還打的下去

jimm90010/20 22:29German在慈善晚會打人巴掌是在想什麼

dbdudsorj10/20 22:39八卦是 韓國觀光公社在宣傳大家去看

dbdudsorj10/20 22:39結果外國人根本購票困難

society10/20 22:41可能韓國打女友老婆正常,不然80仔那成績選不上?

Stras3710/20 22:49German不用打季後賽嗎

playerhuang10/20 22:53有人可以分享售票資訊嗎

reeed011610/20 23:18越打越好_ _ _?

funmicky10/20 23:19韓國買球票在網路上都要實名制 只能現場買或者找代購的

funmicky10/20 23:19樣子

kiwi4710/21 00:21家暴還好吧 不是什麼大事

KarlMarx10/21 00:23鐵拳歐爸隊。

eddy1235710/21 01:29家暴不是大事??

eddy1235710/21 01:29某樓可能就是家暴仔吧?

sinon640210/21 02:13高中打然後進職業被禁賽是不是怪怪的

WasJohnWall10/21 04:27家暴可以,拿球棒扁學弟的不行