[閒聊] Alek Manoah
※ PTT留言評論
[分享] Manoah:Cole是棒球史上最糟糕的作弊仔"Who is the worst cheater in baseball history?" Alek Manoah gives his answer (h/t @Jram2TBJ) 藍鳥隊年輕強投Alek Manoah在接受訪問時28
[情報] Alek Manoah被洋基新人聯盟核炸去新人聯盟調整的藍鳥Alek Manoah 剛剛被洋基新人聯盟核炸…. 2.2局狂失11分10
[分享] 今日 Alek ManoahAlek Manoah #06 IP: 7.0 H: 4 HR: 0 SO: 88
[分享] 今日Alek ManoahAlek Manoah IP:0.1 H:7 R:6 ER:68
[分享] 今日Alek ManoahAlek Manoah#06 IP :8.0 H :3 R :1 ER :18
[分享] 今日Alek ManoahAlek Manoah#06 IP: 6.0 H: 4 HR: 0 SO: 55
[分享] 今日 Alek ManoahAlek Manoah #6 IP: 6.0 H: 4 HR: 0 SO: 85
[分享] Alek Manoah為Ryan Aguilar首安球簽名天使外野手Ryan Aguilar在昨日對上藍鳥時 從投手Alek Manoah敲出他MLB生涯首安 藍鳥投手Alek Manoah還幫Ryan Aguilar在他的首安球上簽名認證 這也太讚5
[情報] Alek Manoah將在外卡系列賽首戰對水手先發Blue Jays will start Alek Manoah in game one of this weekend’s wild card series Blue Jays interim manager John Schneider says club is still weighing its options for game two5
[情報] Alek Manoah加薪3.94萬美金Alek Manoah among 15 players with contracts renewed by teams NEW YORK -- Toronto All-Star pitcher Alek Manoah was among 15 players whose cont racts were renewed by their teams rather than reach negotiated agreements. Manoah, who finished third in AL Cy Young Award voting, was given a $745,650 sal ary while in the major leagues and $353,100 should he be optioned to the minors.
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