[情報] 霍納否認投訴Wolff夫妻,其他隊紛紛澄清
標題: Red Bull boss Christian Horner denies submitting complaint to FIA
over Susie and Toto Wolff as other teams follow suit
來源: Sky體育
Wolff夫妻分別擔任賓士車隊領隊及F1 Academy女子系列賽總經理
We can confirm that we(或代換成車隊名稱) have not made any complaint
to the FIA regarding the allegation of information of a confidential
nature being passed between anF1 Team Principal and a member of FOM staff.
We are pleased and proud to support F1 Academy and its managing director
through our commitment to sponsor an entrant in our liveries from next season.
我們很高興也很自豪能透過下賽季的塗裝贊助支持F1 Academy及其總經理
Mercedes' Formula 1 rivals have dramatically united to deny making complaintsto the FIA over the alleged exchange of confidential information between the
team's boss Toto Wolff and his wife Susie Wolff, the head of F1 Academy.
The FIA, F1's governing body, announced an investigation into the pair's
conduct on Tuesday, stating its compliance department was looking into the
The FIA has rejected any notion that the launch of its investigation has beenprompted by misogyny, stating that it is following due process. Sources
within the governing body have suggested to Sky Sports News that more than
one F1 team principal raised a concern about the Wolffs.
With F1 and Mercedes having rejected the allegations on Tuesday, the other
nine teams spectacularly united on Wednesday evening with the coordinated
release of a statement across their social media channels denying the
submission of a complaint.
The statement said: "We can confirm that we have not made any complaint to
the FIA regarding the allegation of information of a confidential nature
being passed between an F1 Team Principal and a member of FOM staff.
"We are pleased and proud to support F1 Academy and its managing director
through our commitment to sponsor an entrant in our liveries from next
Horner: Red Bull were surprised by FIA statement
Speaking live on Sky Sports News earlier on Wednesday, Red Bull chief
Christian Horner had said neither his team nor their junior squad AlphaTauri
had submitted an official complaint, and that he had been "surprised" by the
FIA statement.
"We have a big rivalry [with Mercedes] on track but we haven't raised any
official complaint either about Susie or Toto or Mercedes to the FIA.
"In fact, Red Bull has been the team that has got most involved with F1
Academy since its inception, to the point that between the two Red Bull-ownedteams, we'll be entering three cars in 2024. So we've been working closely
with Susie, who's been doing a great job on F1 Academy.
"So I think we, like others, were quite surprised by the statement that came
out last night, but it certainly wasn't instigated or required or set off by
Red Bull.
"We've not raised any official complaint or made any requests to the FIA or
to FOM.
"As far as the other teams, I can't talk on behalf of others. This is an FIA
thing, they've taken this action, but as I say, certainly nothing to do with
Red Bull."
Wolff 'deeply insulted' by 'misogynistic' allegations
Discussions on the matter between the FIA and FOM are understood to have
taken place on Wednesday. But while F1 is believed to have received a letter
on the matter, Mercedes have not yet received correspondence on the
investigation from the governing body.
In the hours after the FIA's press statement on Tuesday evening, both F1 and
Mercedes released statements, with the former claiming the FIA investigation
was based upon "imprudent and serious allegations without substance".
Wolff, who was the last woman to drive in an F1 practice session and was
appointed managing director of F1 Academy in March 2023 ahead of the
all-female series' inaugural season, then used her Instagram account to
directly address the allegations.
"I am deeply insulted but sadly unsurprised by the public allegations that
have been made this evening," she wrote.
"It is disheartening that my integrity is being called into question in such
a manner, especially when it seems to be rooted in intimidatory and
misogynistic behaviour, and focused on my marital status rather than my
"Throughout my career in motorsport, I have encountered and overcome numerousobstacles and I refuse to let these baseless allegations overshadow my
dedication and passion for F1 Academy.
"As a woman in this sport, I have faced my fair share of challenges but my
commitment to breaking down barriers and paving the way for future
generations to succeed remains unwavering.
"In the strongest possible terms, I reject these allegations."
Toto Wolff has become one of the most powerful figures in the sport since
taking charge of Mercedes in 2013, guiding the team to eight successive
constructors' titles between 2014 and 2021.
A Mercedes statement said: "We note the generic statement from the FIA this
evening, which responds to unsubstantiated allegations from a single media
outlet, and the off-record briefing which has linked it to the team principalof Mercedes-AMG F1.
"The team has received no communication from the FIA Compliance Department onthis topic and it was highly surprising to learn of the investigation througha media statement.
"We wholly reject the allegation in the statement and associated media
coverage, which wrongly impinges on the integrity and compliance of our team
"As a matter of course, we invite full, prompt, and transparent
correspondence from the FIA Compliance Department regarding this
investigation and its contents."
Formula 1 offered an equally robust denial of any wrongdoing having occurred,saying: "We note the public statement made by the FIA this evening that was
not shared with us in advance.
集體聲明(X) 集體套好話(O)
網飛: :)
感覺是F1跟FIA在鬥法 哈哈
NF:晚了 我們就不要了
還是是麥拉倫 因為只有麥套自己名字
A number of sources told BBC Sport at the season-ending Abu Dhabi Grand Prix last month that if Ben Sulayem continued to act in a manner senior figures considered to be detrimental to the sport, F1 owners Liberty Media would lose patience and consider breaking away from the FIA. 多位消息人士透露,如果FIA主席Ben Sulayem再繼續危害這項運動16
賓士最新聲明 難道代表著有車隊在說謊? 還是FIA真的在演戲? 註*此貼文是在其他九個車隊發出聲明後沒多久的貼文,多數人認為這張圖片是在反諷其中
[閒聊] F1 championship is "tarnished"F1 championship is "tarnished" by Abu Dhabi safety car controversy, admits FIA FIA目前承認有誤解跟爭議 要跟各車隊溝通以完善規則 但是沒認錯XDrz32
[情報] 一通電話改變了澳大利亞大獎賽的命運Motorsport.com獲悉,戴姆勒CEO奧拉·康林鬆與Mercedes F1車隊主管Toto Wolff在半夜的一通電話,改變了澳大利亞大獎賽的命運。 星期四晚上,緊隨著一名McLaren車隊成員被確認感染新冠病毒,英國車隊就決定退出本賽季F1揭幕戰。這引發了其他車隊與F1競賽事務主管Ross Brawn在墨爾本的皇冠酒店裡開會討論下一步應該做什麼。 FIA主席Jean Todt通過電話加入了會議。達成共識的是,本賽季揭幕戰的命運將取決於大多數車隊的意願。 汽車運動管理機構和F1只有在一種情況下可以取消比賽,那就是在McLaren之後,另有四支車隊也退出比賽。因為《競技規則》第5.7條寫道:“一項賽季可以被取消,如果少於12輛賽車可以參賽。” 當時的選項是取消,或者無論有或沒有觀眾,車隊繼續進行周五練習。如果那一天F1圈內沒有新增病例,那麼就會試圖讓澳大利亞大獎賽周末繼續進行。26
[情報] Marko: 賓士要求FIA限制豚跳只會適得其反標題 Marko: Mercedes F1 push for FIA help on porpoising has "backfired" Red Bull motorsport advisor Helmut Marko believes Mercedes’ lobbying of the FIA to help cure porpoising in Formula 1 has "backfired". 作者: Jonathan Noble28
[情報] Wolff發出警告:下賽季將全程使用派對模式Mercedes車隊的領隊Toto Wolff表示,他對於F1決定禁用派對模式感到沮喪,但他向車隊的對手們發出警告,這條禁令將給這支車隊帶來額外的動力。 FIA從義大利大獎賽開始禁止動力單元的排位賽模式,F1動力單元在排位賽和正賽期間的模式不可調整。據信,這條禁令針對的是Mercedes,受衝擊最大的也可能是Mercedes。不過從自由練習賽看,Mercedes賽車仍然遙遙領先於其他賽車。 Wolff承認,他對這條禁令實施感到“失望”。“我們對這個決定多少有點失望。在排位賽期間我們會在規則允許範圍內對引擎進行優化。這是我們為自己設定的目標,尤其是今年。當這一切都被剝奪之後,我們的確有點失望﹔ ”但另外一方面,我們也理解這項運動需要動力,這不是第一次引領世錦賽冠軍的車隊受到懲罰了,或者是試圖讓這樣的車隊放緩步伐,不是由FIA出面,就是由商業利益所有人出面。” Toto Wolff在Mercedes的社交媒體上對FIA頒布的TD(技術指令)/037-20評論到:“我們肯定能夠獲得更大的優勢,因為我們可以使用更強的引擎模式。我們在2021年的目標是,在整場正賽中使用排位賽模式。這可能是一項對我們有利的指令。”15
Fw: [閒聊] FIA 正式開放 F1 新車隊的申請FIA 正式開放 F1 新車隊的申請 Racingnet 編譯 作為評估潛在的 F1 新車隊可能性的首個步驟,一級方程式管理機關正式啟動他們的申請 程序,邀請極有興趣加入 F1 的各方,來表達他們的意圖,並向其說明接下來他們該怎麼 樣來做。7
[情報] Toto被指控「非法」洩密F1機密訊息Toto Wolff總是F1的焦點人物。這位Mercedes車隊的老闆經常發表一些有影響力的言論, 無論是對新規則的修訂還是對新賽制的討論。然而,這種顯赫的地位可能會反噬他,鑑於 他對F1幕後資訊瞭若指掌,這位奧地利人被指控向F1老闆洩露機密資訊。 根據《Business F1》雜誌報道,Toto Wolff的競爭對手曾抱怨Mercedes車隊的老闆是如 何參與車隊之間的所有會議,而且除了Toto,他的妻子Susie現在也是 F1 Academy的領導9
[情報] Wolff缺席F1重要會議 Hamilton離隊前奏?英國《郵報》報導:Lewis Hamilton在Mercedes的前途堪憂,因為車隊負責人Toto Wolff 錯過了一級方程式的重要電話會議。 ※ Mercedes車隊負責人Toto Wolff缺席了週四的F1電話會議; ※ 有報導說,他可能會接任阿斯頓 馬丁公司的首席執行官; ※ Lewis Hamilton暗示他留下來取決於Wolff是否離開;4
[情報] 義媒:Mercedes反擊意味向FIA和法拉利宣戰意大利媒體認為,Mercedes車隊聯手其他六支車隊針對FIA與法拉利車隊私下和解所提出的抗議是對法拉利和FIA主席----前法拉利車隊領隊Jean Todt的宣戰。 針對法拉利引擎的合法性問題調查持續了數月,對手們相信法拉利動力單元中存在違反了燃油流速限制規定的行為,不過上周五FIA宣布他們與法拉利達成了一項和解,此事宣告結束,但妥協的細節屬於保密范疇。 不過Mercedes、紅牛以及其他非法拉利引擎的車隊並不買賬,他們要求FIA給出一個解釋。本周他們發表聯合聲明,要求FIA予以澄清,並威脅訴諸法律行動。 意大利媒體表示,其他車隊的行動等同於向法拉利和FIA宣戰。 《晚郵報》記者斯帕裡奇寫到:“法拉利和FIA處於包圍之中。他們的聲明等於宣布F1處在交戰狀態,而距離墨爾本站只有10天時間。Toto Wolff與FIA和法拉利的戰爭贏得了百分百的支持,對手們懷疑法拉利的引擎違反了技術規則﹔3
[情報] 傳Toto Wolff將卸任領隊 Mercedes探討F1傳Toto Wolff將卸任領隊Mercedes探討F1項目 未來 據<F1-Insider>和<Motorsport Total>報導稱:Mercedes F1車隊領隊Toto Wolff可能卸 任,Mercedes董事會正在考慮F1項目的未來。 《F1-Insider》發表新聞強調了Toto Wolff將從F11
[情報] Marko:FIA的行為才是真正的醜聞紅牛車隊Marko斥責FIA與法拉利簽署了一份保密協議,奧地利人將該管理機構的交易稱為 「醜聞」。 FIA上週五宣佈,已與法拉利就2019年的動力裝置達成和解,涉及它如何繞過燃油流 量限制,違反F1的技術法規。 不過,FIA選擇不披露和解條款,也不披露與法拉利引擎調查有關的任何細節。