[情報] 11/02 the daily horoscope
Someone may seem to be pushing you away, dear Gemini. You may not have a clueas to why they would do such a thing. And because of that unknown, you may bedriving yourself crazy trying to figure it out. So, in a way, you are puttingthis on you - you are carrying this weight on your shoulders and maybe even feeling guilty - even though you have done nothing wrong. Get it out of your head. Since this is an adult, they have an obligation to address whatever is wrong. If they don't, it isn't your problem! Don't make it your problem.
所以,在某種程度上,你把這一切加諸在自己身上 —
你把這個重擔壓在自己身上,甚至可能感覺內疚 —
Ps. 如果有誤譯請指教,謝謝。
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※ 編輯: Nicolas01 ( 臺灣), 11/01/2023 14:26:00
首PoA change of heart could come over you today about something big in your life, perhaps connected to an important relationship, or maybe it would be something else. But are you sure this feeling isn't about getting along and getting on with things, rather than a genuine change in the way you see things? Don't lea p into change based on this initial feeling. Give yourself some time to think3
首PoWhen you don't recognize your own value, you expect less than you should. When you don't treasure who you are and you don't appreciate your talents, your in telligence, and all that you offer, you start to see yourself as "less than." Therein lies the problem of not getting what you want and deserve in life. By limiting your perception of yourself, you limit what you can have and what you1
首PoThere are all kinds of intelligence, dear Gemini. It's what keeps the world go ing. Some people might excel at math, while others are better at creative thin king. And let's not underestimate the value of emotional intelligence. You may have a specific idea of what you are looking for from someone now for a ventu re that has many requirements. Don't jump to conclusions too quickly based on
[情報] 03/18 the daily horoscopeGemini horoscope for 星期三 3月 18 Gemini horoscope for 星期三 3月 18 When you discover a problem, Gemini, you usually like to address it and resolv e it right away. That's because you tend to move through your daily checklist of things to do very quickly, and when you keep putting something off, it does3
[情報] 08/18 the daily horoscopeA tedious assignment or obligation you keep putting off may come back to you f ront and center today. You could put it off yet again, dear Gemini, but that w ould not be wise. You may not realize it, but by not completing this, you are blocking something good from happening in your life. Your procrastination is d redging up negative energy and clogging the flow of auspicious energy that is2
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 8/25Taurus horoscope for 星期二 8月 25 當你尋求一個問題的答案時,親愛的牛牛,你可能在思考一個看起來毫無意義的線索。即使如此,你也知道一定有辦法去想清楚,且你有可能得出這樣的結論:如果不瞭解這個線索,你永遠找不到答案。但那些都是胡扯——線索也可能都是胡扯。 今天別爲一些你弄不懂的事情如此煩惱。有時候當生活丟給你一個令人疑惑的信號,最好的方法是繼續前進。繼續加油吧。 ----- As you seek an answer to a problem, dear Taurus, you may be pondering a clue2
[情報] 08/15 the daily horoscopeIn even the best-laid plans, there is always something that can go wrong. It i s one thing to recognize this possibility and to plan for it accordingly. But it is another thing entirely to become so focused on it that you are always wa iting for something to go wrong. If you have traveled to that place in your mi nd over a current endeavor, Gemini, reel yourself back in. Although there is a2
[情報] 02/13 the daily horoscopeSomeone may be trying to draw you into a problem of theirs, hoping that you wi ll help them solve it - or even solve it for them by yourself. While you are c ertainly a compassionate individual, dear Gemini, you need to think twice befo re getting involved. Giving advice now could be risky, and taking on someone e lse's troubles could be a burden you should not be carrying. You may want to k1
[情報] 07/02 the daily horoscopeIt would be easy to jump to a conclusion because of something someone has said to you recently. That initial burst of information may be alarming and, there fore, upsetting. And because of that, you may be putting two and two together to come up with a theory, but you are very likely to be wrong, dear Gemini. Wa it for more information to come to you, even if it trickles in slowly. There i1
[情報] 09/24 the daily horoscopeYou may have to move quickly to address an issue at work today, dear Gemini, b ut someone might be imploring you to slow down. This may be something you hear every now and then because of your fast-moving nature. But that does not mean that you are wrong to act quickly in this case. Consider what is being said t o you, but go with your gut. If you feel you need to make a move, then do so.- You have been waiting for someone to complete an obligation that is essential to something you are involved with, dear Gemini. In your mind, you have been w aiting patiently. But you are starting to get antsy. You are beginning to worr y that this will never get done. However, putting pressure on the individual m ay have the opposite effect. You could just decide to take their role on yours
- The fine print in a contract or the details of a verbal agreement may need a l ot more scrutiny, dear Gemini. You may be glossing over things for one of two reasons: you may trust this person implicitly, or you might be afraid of insul ting the individual if you press too hard. But you have a right to know everyt hing. You have an obligation to yourself to make sure you are protected. If an