[情報] 11/02 the daily horoscope
There are all kinds of intelligence, dear Gemini. It's what keeps the world going. Some people might excel at math, while others are better at creative thinking. And let's not underestimate the value of emotional intelligence. You may have a specific idea of what you are looking for from someone now for a venture that has many requirements. Don't jump to conclusions too quickly based onan assumption based on outward appearances. Look deeper, and you will find exactly what you need - perhaps from a surprising source.
看深入一點,你將會發現你確實所需要 — 也許來自一個驚訝的來源。
Ps 如果有誤譯請指教,謝謝。
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首PoA change of heart could come over you today about something big in your life, perhaps connected to an important relationship, or maybe it would be something else. But are you sure this feeling isn't about getting along and getting on with things, rather than a genuine change in the way you see things? Don't lea p into change based on this initial feeling. Give yourself some time to think3
首PoWhen you don't recognize your own value, you expect less than you should. When you don't treasure who you are and you don't appreciate your talents, your in telligence, and all that you offer, you start to see yourself as "less than." Therein lies the problem of not getting what you want and deserve in life. By limiting your perception of yourself, you limit what you can have and what you2
首PoSomeone may seem to be pushing you away, dear Gemini. You may not have a clue as to why they would do such a thing. And because of that unknown, you may be driving yourself crazy trying to figure it out. So, in a way, you are putting this on you - you are carrying this weight on your shoulders and maybe even fe eling guilty - even though you have done nothing wrong. Get it out of your hea
[情報] 12/17 the daily horoscopeIt may seem that up is down and right is left in the way a certain relationshi p is going right now, dear Gemini. At this point, you may be perplexed about h ow to proceed. You don't want to upset or anger someone, so you may be staying quiet about an issue you really need to talk about. But it is the issue itsel f that may be causing all the upheaval. Talking about this matter could be exa2
[情報] 10/25 the daily horoscopeYou may be feeling limited by fate, dear Gemini. You may feel that something y ou want to do will exclude you for some reason. Maybe you don't have the right connections. Perhaps you are lacking resources. But that is not your fate, de ar Gemini. If you want something, you can't give up. If you don't have what yo u need at the moment, you can go and seek it out, or you can find a creative w2
[情報] 03/21 the daily horoscopeSomething that has always seemed ordinary in your life is beginning to take on greater resonance. You may not be able to put your finger on it, dear Gemini, but you are becoming mesmerized by the possibilities. This may be a person wh o has been in your life for a long time, or a place, or an idea, but whatever it is, it never stood out to you before in the same way. Now, though, you are1
[情報] 12/28 the daily horoscopeA clash you recently experienced with someone may not be about what you think it's about, dear Gemini. Even though it may have come about during a certain c onversation, and you are drawing a natural conclusion because of that, the iss ue may be much deeper. Think back to the past and review other conflicts you h ave experienced. You may find that at least one of them was left unresolved. I1
[情報] 04/15 the daily horoscopeYou may be very confident that an upcoming decision is going to go very well f or you, dear Gemini. That's because you know precisely what you want. You can picture it. You can imagine what will happen after you acquire what you want. But that may be a problem in itself! You are ordinarily a very flexible person , but your idea about something you want now might be extremely specific. Try1
[情報] 11/30 the daily horoscopeA change can be made that could work really well in an endeavor you have a par t in, dear Gemini. You can see it very clearly. You may even have some experie nce or perhaps some expertise in this area, and it wouldn't be hard at all. Th e only trouble may be that you will have to express your ideas to someone who happens to be in charge, and they may see themselves as the expert. It wouldn'1
[情報] 06/06 the daily horoscopeBe careful not to make judgments about anyone today based on first impressions or even on assumptions based on prior experiences. Someone might offer you in sight or advice, and it should be taken seriously, dear Gemini. Even if that p erson has not seemed able to provide sound guidance in the past or your impres sion of that person is not that of someone who is wise or experienced, you nee1
[情報] 09/18 the daily horoscopeWhen we say that someone is wearing "rose-colored glasses," we are saying that they are fooling themselves about something being better than it is. Most of the time, it is preferable to see things realistically. But every now and then , dear Gemini, putting on a metaphorical pair of glasses with a rosy tint isn' t such a bad idea! You may be seeing someone in a negative light based on some1
[情報] 11/26 the daily horoscopeYou may soon have to present or promote an idea or an endeavor that you want o ther people to get involved in, sort of a team project. But you may be so conc erned that you have to get it right that you are striving for absolute perfect ion. You may come up with ideas and then reject them because they don't feel p erfect. But it is your passion for this project that will convince others of i1
[情報] 06/03 the daily horoscopeYou have been asking someone a question with the idea that you already know th e answer. You were probably only asking in the first place as a formality or a s a way of being respectful. The answer you receive, however, which may come t o you today, may not be at all what you were expecting, dear Gemini. And since that answer is in someone else's hands, you probably can't do much, if anythi