[情報] 12/15 the daily horoscope
When a person feels "broke," they become very conscious of that lack of money, and it translates into a feeling of insecurity and fear. This kind of thinking can affect a person in many areas of life - feeling broke, feeling alone, and more. When you become very aware of what you do not have, it seems to loom over you. The antidote for that is to be more mindful of what you do have thatyou are grateful for. When you concentrate on your abundance, you draw in more of it. If you're feeling severely lacking in any area of your life today, dear Gemini, concentrate on the areas where you feel "rich."
這種想法可能影響一個人生活的許多方面 — 感到破碎、感到孤獨等等。
Ps. 如果有誤譯請指教,謝謝。
首PoIt is easy to fall into the trap of negative thinking. One thing goes wrong, then another. Then someone says something to you that has hurtful or insulting connotations. And when you are already in a negative mindset, it is easy to interpret everything in a negative way. But if you catch yourself falling into a negative groove, Gemini, you can pull yourself out of it. If2
首PoWhen you get up in the morning each day, you probably first brush your teeth, wash your face and hands, or perhaps take a shower, and comb your hair. It's y our way of getting ready for the day and feeling presentable, and being your b est self is important. These are physical things that wake you up and help you feel ready for the day. But you can make your day even more successful if you1
首PoDid you notice that someone's behavior towards you has been confusing? You don 't understand where the animosity or anger is coming from, even though you hav e tried. There is some missing piece of information that must hold the clues, but despite racking your brain for it, dear Gemini, you have not figured it ou t. This may be causing you some distress. You need to let it go for now and ju
[情報] 08/06 the daily horoscopeWhen the people around you or the situations you witness are fraught with trou bles and insecurities, you may start to pick up those vibrations yourself. And if you are in that kind of environment for an extended period of time, you ma y begin to start feeling a sense of foreboding because you are picking up on t hat energy. But don't be fooled by what surrounds you, dear Gemini. You should5
[情報] 1/30 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Jan 30 2021 You are a confident person, Capricorn. You are well aware of your strengths and your weaker areas too. This gives you a feeling of self-assurance when you take on a new venture - and you often take on only the best endeavors because you are good at assessing what's right for you. But right now, you3
[情報] 09/14 the daily horoscopeTry to be very mindful today and not care what other people think. You may hav e a natural urge to ask for the opinions of others when you aren't feeling sec ure about your work or your efforts in an important venture. But if you make t he opinions of others more important than your own, dear Gemini, then you are going to become very confused. First, plot out what you want your end result t1
[情報] 04/20 the daily horoscopeYou may be feeling uncharacteristically down or negative today, dear Gemini. N ormally you are upbeat, hopeful, and the one to be the first to see the potent ial and the upside of any situation. Therefore, Gemini, if you aren't feeling good about a new development in your life, there may be more to it. Perhaps th ere is something fundamentally wrong that you are sensing. It could also be as1
[情報] 11/04 the daily horoscopeA pat on the back for a job well done, or for support and understanding, can g o a long way in someone's life. When a person is feeling alone, even that smal l bit of recognition can show care and love, and can make someone feel like th ey belong. You may be in need of a pat on the back now, dear Gemini, but it ma y be that no one has noticed or understands. That's okay. Give yourself a pat1
[情報] 12/19 the daily horoscopeBelieve only half of what you see today and none of what you hear. There may b e deception happening around you, concentrated on an endeavor where there is s ome level of jealousy coming from someone in your life - perhaps on the periph ery. You have an inquiring and alert mind, though, and so if you remain alert and aware of this possibility, Gemini, you will see it clearly. Don't feel bad1
[情報] 07/12 the daily horoscopeYou may be craving greater abundance in your life in many areas. You may want something greater to be present in your love life. In your friendships, in you r romantic relationships, and yes, also in material things. But when you focus so much on something that is tangible, Gemini, it seems to be harder to attai n. But the world is a lush, rich place, and you were born to be happy. Stop pr1
[情報] 2024/05/28 Daily Horoscope親愛的月之子,你是一個善良、充滿愛心和關懷的人,你也熱情好客。 然而不知為何,你也發現自己處於孤獨寂寞的境地。 這可能更多的是你如何對待自己,而不是別人如何看待你。 當你遇到不順心的事情時,當你感到受傷時,或者當你渴望得到一些你未能得到的東西時 ,你就會退回到自己的殼裡。1
[情報] 09/23 the daily horoscopeWhen a relationship ends, or you lose a job, or an exorbitant expense causes m oney loss - it can seem like a terrible thing in the moment. It can leave you feeling empty, unconfident, and broke. Yet this kind of experience can be used to motivate you to strive for something better, bigger, and more satisfying. If you have experienced some kind of loss recently, give yourself the chance t- 親愛的月之子,你總是一個善解人意的人,但今天你可能會從別人那裡學到比平時更多的 東西。 這意味著你不僅感受到了他們的喜悅,也感受到了他們最深的痛苦。 太多的事情會讓你感到沮喪,導致你更多地關注自己生活中的悲傷、遺憾和傷害,以及你 從他人那裡得到的感受。