[情報] 04/27 the daily horoscope
You may be experiencing a lot of doubts about someone in your life, dear Gemini. Whether this is a personal or professional relationship, you need to take your worries seriously. Could it be that you are reading something into it, orcould your fears be real? If your worrisome thoughts are consistent and persistent, then it may be that your intuition is picking up something you do need to be concerned about. Protect yourself by exploring what you are afraid of. If it is nothing, that's great. If it is, then you can handle it.
Ps. 如果有誤譯請指教,謝謝。
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首PoYou cannot control the force of the waves in the ocean. However, Gemini, if yo u were so inclined, you could use the ocean's powerful force to propel a boat to go wherever you want it to go. That's how you harness power in some situati ons - by going with it rather than trying to control it. You are in a situatio n now where you are fighting against something. But if you could flow with it,1
首PoYou are only as young as you feel. You are also only as old as you feel. You c an feel vibrant, passionate, and excited about life at any age, Gemini, and th at can give you a youthful exuberance. But when you allow yourself to fall int o a tired, bored groove, you make yourself a bit older simply because you lose your enthusiasm for life. If the latter is something you feel now, you don't1
首PoSomeone who presents an air of authority can walk into a situation, take charg e, and inspire confidence in others - even if that person has no clue what the y are doing. On the other hand, someone with all the knowledge and talent, but no confidence, may not be able to take charge because of a lack of confidence in themselves and because no one else will believe in them. Sometimes it isn'2
首PoIf you want to plant pretty flowers in front of your house and you live in an area where there are deer, the deer will probably eat those lovely flowers. Th e only way to stop them is to spray the flowers with some substance the deer f ind noxious or to place them behind a wire barricade. This silly allegory is m eant to remind you that you need to protect something you are now working on.
[情報] 0311 DailyHoroscopeHow many times in your life have you fixated on a problem or a worry and specu lated about everything that could go wrong because of it? Probably quite a lot , Capricorn, given your penchant for trying to make everything perfect. But ho w many times have your fears actually manifested? Probably not nearly as often as you were afraid they would. If you have done everything possible to avoid3
[情報] 02/22 the daily horoscopeIf you somehow woke up in the middle of a farm field, and the corn crop towere d over your head, you might imagine that it went on for miles. If you struggle d through the stalks for a few minutes, finding your way out could seem imposs ible. That's how problems may seem when you are in the thick of it, dear Gemin i. If you find yourself in a situation like this now, take heart. If you could3
[情報] 08/30 the daily horoscopeYou may be feeling a lot of anxiety about an upcoming experience. You may be p icturing all the things that can go wrong. It might almost be like a reflex. E ach time you think about it, your thoughts escape to fear and apprehension. Bu t it is unwarranted, Gemini, and that's all you need to remember right now. Th ere may be past experiences that are causing you to feel afraid or nervous abo3
[情報] 2024/01/25 Daily Horoscope親愛的月之子,你現在可能覺得事情進展得不是很順利。 你心中可能會升起恐懼和焦慮,但這並不是因為直覺,也不是因為事情真的出了問題。 你對事情應該如何發展有一個理想化的願景,而你的現實卻與之不符。 然而,如果你繼續保持這種想法,就會阻礙更好的事情盡快發生。 儘管你很有創造力,但你甚至無法想像它會有多棒!2
[情報] 07/03 the daily horoscopeYou may be concerned that the guidance you recently received from someone is n ot accurate. You may have sought it out, though, and so you owe it to yourself to at least explore it, especially if you don't consider yourself an expert. Sometimes the oddest things turn out to be the wisest, and this may be one of those times, dear Gemini. And looking into it can't have a negative effect any2
[情報] 03/27 the daily horoscopeA lot of people travel the world or do other extraordinary things in an effor t to "find" themselves and find their purpose. You may be embarking on or thin king about a quest of this kind now, dear Gemini. However, you won't have to g o far to discover something important about yourself. If you have lost confide nce or you're having trouble believing in a happy future for yourself, look at1
[情報] 04/30 the daily horoscopeThings may not be going your way in an endeavor you have put a lot into, Gemin i. And even though this has seemed like an uphill battle all the way, that doe s not mean that it will always be that way. Perseverance is one of the biggest components of success, and if you keep trying, you may eventually get what yo u want. At this point, that may feel like a hard thing to do, but it is one of1
[情報] 05/11 the daily horoscopeA rift you may be experiencing in a work or business relationship might actual ly be a good thing. Since you have to restrain yourself and provide a diplomat ic, professional outward appearance while you are roiling inside over someone' s unfairness or arrogance, you are striving to be patient and hopefully tolera nt. This will pay off if you can maintain it, dear Gemini. But through this ex1
[情報] 08/31 the daily horoscopeHave you ever had a bad dream and then woken up in a bad mood because of it? I t could ruin your day, or at least your morning. But would that be silly, Gemi ni? It would be ridiculous to allow the fears and worries that you wrestled wi th during your dreaming to create the path your brand-new day would take. But guess what? The same thing goes for any kind of fear or worry that is not rati1
[情報] 12/17 the daily horoscopeSomeone’s expectations of you might exceed what you had in mind to do or to g ive. But because you don't want to hurt anyone's feelings, dear Gemini, you mi ght wind up going along with what is expected anyway. But try to see this in a n objective way. You are trying to protect someone else, but what about you? I s it fair to do more than you feel comfortable doing? If you don't feel good a