[情報] 03/06 the daily horoscope
When you bake a cake, you don't actually need to use food coloring or fancy decorating to add to the cake's appeal. If the cake itself is delicious, then any splash of color or decoration that you add is, quite simply, the "frosting on the cake." The little frills of life may not be necessary, dear Gemini, butthey can add another level of satisfaction to your achievements. Keep that inmind today if you are thinking of splurging or indulging yourself in some way. You deserve it!
Ps. 如果有誤譯請指教,謝謝。
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首PoSometimes good luck is really just good timing. Sometimes it's an insightful d ecision. Sometimes it is knowing the right person with influence. And what we perceive as good luck can take many forms. If you are feeling like luck has pa ssed you by with something you want to attain, dear Gemini, you need to stop s eeing luck as a force that you have no control over. Do some reflecting today1
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[情報] 11/03/2020 Daily HoroscopeYou can have all the ingredients for a cake - flour, butter, eggs, sugar, and so on - but you still don't have a cake. You must put all of the ingredients together carefully, bake your creation, let it cool, and then decorate it and add whatever else is needed - and then you will have a cake! You might be jumping ahead emotionally now in a process that is more4
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[情報] 02/08 the daily horoscopeYou may be hoping for validation for a choice you made recently, dear Gemini. And because you are craving that reinforcement, you might be turning to the wr ong people if the right ones aren't available. But the feedback you receive wi ll only be as good as the people you seek it from. Keep that in mind today. Al so consider that you are an expert on this in your own right, and you don't re1
[情報] 04/26 the daily horoscopeSomething that you do with great ease may be a lot more difficult for someone in your family or in your social circle. It might be easy to become aggravated if this person is dragging their heels as they struggle to do what they need to do with you or for you, dear Gemini, but you have to assume they are doing their best. Surely this person offers other gifts that come to them more easil1
[情報] 06/13 the daily horoscopeYou may be thinking that there is no reason on earth why you should apply for an opportunity that is available to you. Perhaps you are telling yourself that there is someone else being considered for this chance, and they are far more qualified, talented, and intriguing, or you can fill in the blank yourself, d ear Gemini. Don't sell yourself short. If you feel drawn to an offer or a chan1
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[情報] 01/10 the daily horoscopeAs a child, Albert Einstein had certain difficulties. According to some biogra phers, he did not learn to speak until he was past the age of three. Even his parents thought he might be intellectually challenged. And yet he was to becom e the most brilliant mind of the 20th century and one of the most brilliant mi nds of all time. You may feel now that you are being judged in some way, dear