[情報] 01/09 the daily horoscope
Have you been feeling mistrustful of someone? Are you picking up clues that you can't count on that person, dear Gemini? If so, you need to first examine your reasons for thinking this way. Could it be the circumstances or the situation, rather than the person? If that's a possibility, then you need to review all of that rather than casting doubt on this individual - and potentially causing friction and perhaps even trouble. There may be ways you can mitigate anyproblems if you focus your suspicions in the right direction.
而不是對這個人產生懷疑 — 那會造成潛在的摩擦也許甚至是麻煩。
Ps. 如果有誤譯請指教,謝謝。
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首PoDid you make any New Year's resolutions for this year, Gemini? Hopefully you d id, and hopefully these are things that will improve your life and make you ha ppier. And if that's the case, then get started on manifesting what you have p romised yourself. It is easy to let these little vows slip away as the days an d then the weeks go on. But you have the potential for great change this year,3
首PoIt is just the ninth day of January in a brand-new year. Do you know what that means, Gemini? That means you still have 357 days left to make 2024 a fabulou s year - 357 new beginnings to do everything you want to do. If you start now, just think of all that you can accomplish! Will you? Will you actually get ou t there and pursue your goals and make your dreams come true? If you have any
01/01 the daily horoscopeTrust may be lacking in one of your more important relationships. It wasn't al ways that way. In fact, this may be a pretty recent development, but it has le ft you feeling a bit shaky. Not only are you feeling that maybe you can no lon ger count on someone you once counted on, but you might also be afraid that yo ur own judgment isn't all that great. Neither may be true, dear Gemini. Give t2
[情報] 10/25 the daily horoscopeYou may be feeling limited by fate, dear Gemini. You may feel that something y ou want to do will exclude you for some reason. Maybe you don't have the right connections. Perhaps you are lacking resources. But that is not your fate, de ar Gemini. If you want something, you can't give up. If you don't have what yo u need at the moment, you can go and seek it out, or you can find a creative w1
[情報] 10/01 the daily horoscopeYou may be trying to avoid thinking about something that has been bothering yo u. This may be connected to an event or experience that left you with some reg rets, dear Gemini. It is easier to pretend it never happened. But if you do th at, you won't have the benefit of some insight that would be possible with som e introspection and review of what you went through - even if it was upsetting1
[情報] 04/09 the daily horoscopeAll talk and no action may describe a charming individual who keeps making pro mises. At first, Gemini, you may have believed this person was being sincere, and maybe that was their intention. But actions speak louder than words, as yo u know, and it's time to call this person out for not following through on wha t they promised. Words are not enough, and you need to make that as clear as p1
[情報] 08/05 the daily horoscopeYou may have a secret, negative opinion of someone who has recently entered yo ur social scene - perhaps a friend of a friend or a friend of a family member. And even though you may not be saying this out loud, dear Gemini, it is color ing your interactions with that individual. While they may not perceive specif ically how you feel, they may be at least picking up the unflattering vibes, a1
[情報] 02/01 the daily horoscopeSomeone in your world may need a reality check. You can see this very clearly, dear Gemini, yet the person who is confused may think everything is going jus t fine. You may be wondering if it is your role to shed light on this, which c ould cause some conflict and upheaval. But time has a way of setting things ri ght, and that's likely to happen in your situation. Reality catches up with mo1
[情報] 04/11 the daily horoscopeYou may be feeling overwhelmed by the magnitude and complexity of a project yo u have taken on. Now, instead of being as productive as you possibly can be, y ou are thinking ahead to potential problems and wondering how you will do it a ll. That's not helpful to you at all, dear Gemini. Right now, what you have to do is concentrate on simply putting one foot in front of the other. Take one1
[情報] 11/17 the daily horoscopeA memory that you keep revisiting has a sad tinge to it. You may be thinking a bout this a lot recently, dear Gemini. First, you need to understand why this has come back into focus. It might help you to realize that there is some sadn ess you need to heal. You can't change the past, but you can use a sad memory from the past to infuse your future with hope by doing things differently. Mos- Someone in your life may be trying to convince you to trust them in some impor tant matter. You are not a distrustful person, generally speaking, Gemini, but this individual may have let you down in the past. Therefore, trust does not come easily. Even so, you may want to give them the benefit of the doubt this time, and hope they come through for you. Is that wise? Well, you can go out o
- Trusting someone right now who happens to be in a position of authority might take a huge leap of faith and a lot of benefit of the doubt. Even so, someone else may be urging you to trust someone that you just don't trust. You have yo ur reasons, Gemini, and they are good reasons. And besides that, you can proba bly feel it in your bones that any trust would be misplaced. Even though you w