[問卦] 利益良善的英文怎麼說?

看板Gossiping標題[問卦] 利益良善的英文怎麼說?作者
時間推噓11 推:11 噓:0 →:11

抱歉 我書讀得不多


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postpost 11/19 19:33大郎吃藥

crc2121 11/19 19:34霸凌的英文叫過勞

sdamel 11/19 19:34for you good

elec1141 11/19 19:35benefit kindness

Rockman5566 11/19 19:35Fuck you up吧

au4g3wk4k 11/19 19:35God of dpp

leoz69927 11/19 19:36LiYiLaShit

linda17a3 11/19 19:40Ddp

BaRanKa 11/19 19:42better for DPP

kevinpc 11/19 19:43The road to hell is paved with good

kevinpc 11/19 19:43intentions

SAMON5566 11/19 19:44good for u

tomhawkreal 11/19 19:45benefit cool fan

dean1990 11/19 19:47Democratic progress

ptrpan 11/19 19:48SIE YI RONG

vindiesl2000 11/19 19:52IKEA

yeats0327 11/19 19:56dpp for you

leterg 11/19 20:04positive scolding

leterg 11/19 20:04friendly shouting

kaeyo 11/19 20:23DPP always right

vey6666 11/19 21:57This is for your own good lah

speedup 11/20 01:31回去複習小孩不笨