[爆卦] 彭博點名準大法官人選 台灣人入列

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今天彭博報導 川普極有可能會提名亞裔人士擔任大法官


彭博同時也點名六位最可能獲川普提名的亞裔人選 分別是

James Ho (台灣)
Neomi Rao (印度)
Patrick Bumatay (菲律賓 公開出櫃)
Amul Thapar (印度)
Michael Park (南韓)
Kenneth Lee (南韓)

對於James Ho法官 彭博形容他愛用挑釁的修辭來建構他的意見

例如他曾在不同意見書中 批評同庭的法官用"覺青憲法"來指導判決

他也因為不滿取消文化 公開抵制錄用耶魯和史丹佛的學生

Judge James Ho, a Taiwanese-born American Trump picked for the US Court of
Appeals for the Fifth Circuit in 2017, is expected to be a top contender for
a Supreme Court seat if Trump is re-elected and he gets a vacancy to fill. Hohas made a name for himself as an outspoken member of the nation’s most
conservative appeals court.

Off the bench, he’s jumped into fights over Columbia University’s handling
of Israel-Hamas war protests and a perceived “cancel culture” at Yale and
Stanford by announcing plans to boycott potential law clerks from those

Ho, who clerked for Justice Clarence Thomas, is known for using provocative
rhetoric to stake out his positions in opinions. He once accused his
colleagues of using a “woke Constitution’’ to guide a decision he
disagreed with.


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ccmvic 11/09 08:03加入犬法官釋憲

SINW 11/09 08:05敢嗆左膠法官 讚啦

WeGoStyle 11/09 08:05果然很懂,大法官找台灣的就對了

MADAOTW 11/09 08:10又有美國大法官死掉了嗎?

cck525 11/09 08:13印象這位又太右了

kukulee 11/09 08:26美國人就美國人台你媽

xvited945 11/09 08:34頂多台裔,誰跟你台灣人

adf926 11/09 08:57感覺是ptt鄉民

wuklean 11/09 09:03公開出櫃那個 共和黨可能提嗎?

Qunnine 11/09 09:10wuki講他九歲就移民了,我覺得跟台灣關

Qunnine 11/09 09:11係不大

Qunnine 11/09 09:11wiki

gopath 11/09 09:38出櫃的再等下一次吧!

wargod536 11/09 11:53真是好 大法官

wulaw5566 11/09 18:18看起來是好法律人