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※ 引述《toyakoyosu (蘑菇)》之銘言:
: 備註請放最後面 違者新聞文章刪除
: 1.媒體來源:
: 路透社
: 2.記者署名:
: 路透社
: 3.完整新聞標題:
: Belarus holds referendum to renounce non-nuclear status
: 4.完整新聞內文:
: Feb 27 (Reuters) - Belarus held a referendum on Sunday to adopt a new consti
: tion that would ditch its non-nuclear status at a time when the country hasbe
: come a launchpad for Russian troops invading Ukraine and marching on Kyiv.
: The vote, almost certain to pass under the tightly controlled rule of Presid
: t Alexander Lukashenko, could see nuclear weapons on Belarusian soil for the f
: irst time since the country gave them up after the fall of the Soviet Union.: It raises the stakes at a time when Lukashenko has fallen behind Russian Presi
: dent Vladimir Putin's military assault on Ukraine after earlier playing an int
: ermediary role between the two neighbours.
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: On Sunday, speaking at a polling station, Lukashenko said that he could ask
: ssia to return nuclear weapons to Belarus.
: "If you (the West) transfer nuclear weapons to Poland or Lithuania, to our b
: ders, then I will turn to Putin to return the nuclear weapons that I gave away
: without any conditions," Lukashenko said.
: Lukashenko turned to Russia after mass protests erupted against his 28-year-
: ng rule in August 2020, weathering Western sanctions with the help of Russian
: loans.
: His rival in the 2020 vote, exiled opposition leader Sviatlana Tsikhanouskay
: called on Belarusians to use the referendum vote to protest the war against U
: kraine.
: "For a long time I did not know how to start this appeal. Because how can yo
: demand courageous actions from people who live in fear for a year and a half?
: The war we've been dragged into started two days ago," she said in a special a
: ddress.
: "But until now, the Belarusians have not declared publicly that they are aga
: st it, they have not shown this to the Ukrainians by their actions. So do Iha
: ve the right to ask you for action? Maybe not. But I won't forgive myself if I
: don't try."
: In videos and photos posted on social media, dozens of people gathered at po
: ing stations in Minsk and other cities in Belarus. Several videos showed the c
: rowd chanting "No to war".
: "There is little we can do now, with all this terror and horror in which we
: ve. But I wouldn't forgive myself if I didn't try to do something. We are alre
: ady considered accomplices,” said Elena, 45, who came to one of the polling s
: tations along with a couple of dozen people. She declined to provide further i
: nformation about herself for security reasons.
: The West has already said it will not recognise the results of the referendu
: which is taking place against the background of a sweeping crackdown on domes
: tic opponents of the government. According to human rights activists, as ofSu
: nday, there were more than a thousand political prisoners in Belarus.
: On Sunday, amateur ensembles performed at polling stations, food and cheap a
: ohol were sold in buffets.
: The new constitution would give powers to the All-Belarusian People's Assemb
: , created by Lukashenko and populated by party loyalists, local councils, offi
: cials and activists of pro-government organizations.
: It would also give lifetime immunity from prosecution to the president once
: left office.
: 簡單來說
: 盧卡申科想要核武,放棄非核國家
: 個人感覺要跟俄羅斯共進退了
: 5.完整新聞連結 (或短網址)需放媒體原始連結,不可用轉載媒體連結:





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PoloHuang 02/28 01:13這總統準備被斬首了

angellll 02/28 01:13歐洲把核彈放俄國門口 俄國把核彈放

angellll 02/28 01:13歐盟門口 應該是禮尚往來吧?

willism 02/28 01:19你也會怕?

saber0408 02/28 01:39我會先選擇殺掉拜登

KJoshT 02/28 02:06也要俄羅斯願意提供原料技術給白俄吧