[問卦] 請問AIT發表的這聲明是在說啥?

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恭喜台灣的整體投資環境風險排名居全球第三! 美國商業環境風險評估公司(BERI)最新結果出爐,台灣跟韓國並列第三,皆為亞洲第一。BERI報告採用三項指標為評估投資的依據,分別為營運風險指標、政治風險指標、匯兌風險指標,台灣整體投資環境風險評比總共獲得62分,恭喜台灣!

Congratulations to Taiwan for being ranked the third-best investment destination worldwide in the latest U.S. Business Environment Risk Intelligence (BERI)report! Taiwan and South Korea, who tied for third place, were also ranked the best investment destinations in Asia. The BERI report uses three main indicators to assess investment risk -- operating conditions (operation risk), political risk, and foreign exchange/external accounts position (remittance and repatriation factor) risk, and Taiwan received a total score of 62 points for profit opportunity recommendation.


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ZxoF 05/05 10:06只有八卦版缺而已啊 出了八卦版就沒事了

Win7 05/05 10:06你少了幾個 缺德缺智

aa95618 05/05 10:06利多看股市反應

rainylife 05/05 10:07沒事不要情緒勒索人家

hmt17 05/05 10:07對高端階級而言不怕缺電缺水缺醫療物資啦

hmt17 05/05 10:07懂?

c07strange 05/05 10:07只有八卦版缺喔

cloudeda 05/05 10:08只有八卦這邊缺智而已好運

cloudeda 05/05 10:08嗎?

exceedMyself 05/05 10:08工業不太會停到

Riya520 05/05 10:09地下總督哪管你真實情況 數字好看就好

kamichu 05/05 10:10停的都是平民百姓 死的都是韭菜 投資環境

kamichu 05/05 10:11當然好

ajemtw 05/05 10:11AIT就是垃圾美帝綁在台灣脖子上的狗鍊

sturmpionier 05/05 10:14反正沒人會來 騙騙猴子夠了

needmmmoney 05/05 10:18只有八卦底端在缺水缺電缺快篩

bluepahahaha 05/05 10:23美國之友 發個聲明免費又沒差

cosmite 05/05 10:30結果美國跟日本要聯手開發2奈米晶圓搞台

cosmite 05/05 10:30積電

akway 05/05 10:34覺得爛的 平行宇宙看太多 被洗腦了

keane9112 05/05 10:37開發2奈米又怎做得出來跟良率解決了?

ioofish 05/05 10:49外資狂賣超台股1兆多,鎂匯率又便宜,股

ioofish 05/05 10:49匯雙賺,的確是投資好地方☺

jerry810113 05/05 10:56五育均缺

espresso1 05/05 11:21八卦板才是真實民意

foxey 05/05 12:47五毛很生氣