[情報] 5/1(五)DailyHoroscope
If it weren't for the difficult times in our lives, the good times would all blend together in one indistinguishable expanse. Sometimes, Leo - even when things are especially challenging - it is good to be grateful for your troubles. They offer chances to learn, and they can be sources of change.
If you are having trouble enduring a particularly frustrating experience now, recognize that there is some silver lining to it, even if you can't see it yet. It could turn around in a very surprising way and offer you something positive.
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[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/10/11你能夠相信你一直在關注的私事正在發生快樂且充滿希望的發展。阿牛,你可能幾乎不敢 相信事情開始產生了變化,但這正是發生中的事。你也需要去探究為什麼你看不到自己值 得這樣的變化。其他巨大而正面的變化也將很快就會發生。你越認知到自己值得擁有這些 ,那麼就會有越多的好運到你身邊。 ——6
[情報] 12/30 Daily HoroscopeYou may be feeling worn out or even exhausted. The last week or so has put you through a lot - not just physically and with authentic physical exhaustion, b ut also emotionally. And sometimes, Leo, that's the hardest kind of weight to bear. But things are looking up. Good things are flowing into your life now. A nd if you recognize this, take a deep breath, and you acknowledge that you wan4
[情報] 12/26 Daily HoroscopeYou may have taken on a responsibility, probably of your own free will, that h as come to feel more like a burden. That may be because you currently have so many other obligations and so many things that are weighing on your mind. But you did this in good faith and with good intentions, Leo, and that's a good th ing. By trying to recognize this as you follow through and by having the inten4
[情報] 05/18 the daily horoscopeEven the most heart-wrenching situations and the most upsetting conflicts can have a silver lining, Gemini. That is often a hard thing to see, though, when you are in the midst of a tough situation. But if you can muster a glimpse in your mind's eye of something good that can eventually come out of what you are now going through, it will uplift you, give you a positive feeling of anticip2
[情報] 0221 DailyHoroscopeA cloud that you hoped would reveal a silver lining has lately only given you more rain. So, Capricorn, how long can you hope for more without becoming disi llusioned? You are very steadfast and dedicated when you have a goal, so of co urse, you could hang in there for a bit longer. But the good news is that it p robably won't happen. The silver lining to a dark cloud that seems to have fol2
[情報] 12/15 the daily horoscopeIt is easy to fall into the trap of negative thinking. One thing goes wrong, then another. Then someone says something to you that has hurtful or insulting connotations. And when you are already in a negative mindset, it is easy to interpret everything in a negative way. But if you catch yourself falling into a negative groove, Gemini, you can pull yourself out of it. If1
[情報] 0531 DailyHoroscopeWhen you stay certain that good will prevail and things will turn out well as you work through something difficult, they usually do - even when you don't ne cessarily get exactly the result you wanted. When you stay positive, you are s omehow better able to see the upside, and to wind up getting something good ou t of even the worst-case scenario. This may be hard to do for you, Capricorn,1
[情報] 12/15 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Dec 15 2020 Success, a good offer, or a unique opportunity may come to you today through a friend or family member. This might be completely unexpected because of the person themselves, the chance that arrives, or both. That's why it is important for you to be ultra-aware today of any development that seems even1
[情報] 07/09 the daily horoscopeEvery person experiences sadness, trouble, and disappointment in their life. S ome seem to experience more than others, but it isn't something that can be co mpared. If you are adding up your experiences against someone else's, Gemini, you're in the wrong frame of mind. Although we all have moments when we feel s orry for ourselves, this is never positive or productive. If you are tempted t- Something that is very good in your life right now could be even better. You h ave a lusty way of living your life, Leo, but there are times when you are sim ply grateful for what you have, and you may feel guilty for wanting even more. But something that could be even better for you now is something you deserve, and you should not feel bad about wanting it. Get over any feelings of being