Re: [情報] 《往日不再》賣出8百萬套,索尼高層依然
They said a lot on that podcast.
- Bend was not forced to do anything Uncharted/TLOU related as the Bloomberg article said.
- As Bend grew from their tiny 30 dev team to a AAA studio with 100+ people needed for the development of Days Gone, quite a bit of tension grew between the original members and the new talent coming in.
- The creative leads for Days Gone did not see eye to eye with some folks at upper management at their own studio.
- Bend itself (management), did not push Days Gone 2 to Sony, Ross was not aiming the tweet at SIE itself, but at Sony Bend Management and Producers.
The whole Bend situation was just a mess of Days Gone not being received well, the devs not wanting to follow the Bend creative management due to them not being nice to work with and Sony not being happy with Bend management either.
Either way, it looks like Bend is in a better place now that Ross and Garvin are gone, wish it worked out well for them but they needed to make concessionswhich they weren't willing to do.
But with all these tweets and stuff by Ross it just looks like he is salty that he got kicked out of his studio by both the devs and Sony. At least Garvin was humble enough to state that he did have problems to the point that Sony offered him training and help, even though it didn't work out requiring him to be let go.
Edit: Ross also said that the sale numbers are based on gamstat (a website that uses trophy data to estimate sale figures) with PC numbers coming from SteamSpy, he never had access to actual sale data, so that does throw the 8 million number into question.
企業不會跟錢對幹!! 我覺得不少幹過啊
會不會跟錢對幹我不知道 不會跟___對幹我可以保證
神:love me or hate me!!!
Jeff 原始那篇文其實很酸葡萄,對馬好好的慶祝被拿
沒計畫其實不就是沒想認真經營這個作品嗎 作者失望正常
真實的銷售數字只有真 高層 才知道,之前戰神的總監也
所以他說Bend的管理層沒有跟Sony推要Days Gone 2;Sony
也沒有要Bend做TLOU Remake。那傳言是哪裡來的?
哦,是Jason Schreier 記者
前一篇我就好奇他說的 local studio management 是把矛
跟玩家對幹的後果就是跟錢對幹啊 光這幾年就不知道多少
你不管去哪講到索尼都是最2 好像只出過這款一樣
往日有同志但是有拿來宣傳?一開始賣不好或評價不好有跳出來罵人恐同?沒有啊 反觀某遊戲或現在一些電影,宣傳就在那邊主打LGBTQABCDE打預防針,遊戲出來後 被罵立刻就導向玩家恐同反特殊族群。這就是兩者的差別。 往日的媒體評價也是莫名,忘記是GS還是IGN,給個低分,原因是主角是白男。這也很雲 尼爾會被嘴就是因為反玩家硬要政確,被嘴還有媒體一起捧LP,還有小眾玩家斯德哥爾摩爆
首Po一樣的成績兩套標準?《往日不再》賣出8百萬套,索尼高層依然對遊戲失望。 就在日前《對馬戰鬼》銷量宣布突破8百萬套這個值得開心的消息,但有人卻分享令人黯淡的心情。 前《往日不再》遊戲總監傑夫.羅斯(Jeff Ross)在個人推特上轉貼Game Informer的推文,在內文寫到 「我從Sony離職時,《往日不再》發售一年半,遊戲的銷售量達8百萬套,從那之後遊戲的銷量更高了。而之後發售的Steam版銷量也超1百萬套。但公司的管理層依然認為這是個令人失望的成績。」
[情報] 台積電美國來台受訓在glassdoor評論網頁在glassdoor 這glassdoor上的評論這樣寫是可以的嗎? "The work culture in Taiwan is really different than in the US. I am sure TSMC will have to change to an 8 hour work day five days a week or do what other companies do with Fabs and run three days on, four days off, four days on, three days off rotations. As it is right now in Taiwan The minimum amount of time at the company is 10 hours a day, but realistically is running up to even 12 hours a day. This is for those of us who are American training to go back to the new operation in Arizona. The reality for people from Taiwan is that they are doing even more than 12 hour days often. There's also the night shifts and weekend shifts on duty and/or on call. That last part is understandable as the fab lives 24/7."爆
[外絮] Woj:KD決定是否留下取決於西門跟KI的狀態Woj:KD決定是否留下取決於西門跟KI的狀態,各隊都在關注KD何時再喊吹密 Kevin Durant recently talked about the team, what he expected from Nash during t he offseason and how that led him to request a trade from the Nets. He also spok e about the players he had to play with and lead, which was taken as a shot at h is teammates. Those comments have been clarified, and KD is ready to keep playin9
[情報] Curry很有可能在迎戰暴龍隊的比賽復出Steve Kerr said Steph Curry’s return on Thursday is “a possibility.” A conversation still needs to be had, but sounds like a likelihood. At home vs Raptors on TNT. 補充一下Kerr受訪影片