[吃草] DailyHoroscope11/8
It is said that you should live your life with abandon.
That line can certainly apply to many aspects of life because it's about living
your life with passion.
Right now , Taurus , this is a sentiment that you should take to heart.
If you are feeling awkward or afraid to try something new , those feelings will
have an impact on what you do.
It is important for you to put your heart and soul into an endeavor that you may
There is no reason to care what anyone else thinks.
Dance like nobody's watching.
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[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/08/26在你的世界裡,可能有個新來的人身邊圍繞著神秘的氣息。事實上,阿牛,現在你的生活 中可能有種一般意義上的神秘感,因為現在正發生著一些你無法解釋的事情。和善的宇宙 正注視著你,也許它在你的生活中投入了一些特殊與幸運的元素,這或許會為你提供一個 新的機會。某個有著神秘光環的人可能與此有關。你是被祝福的,這是個能讓好事發生的 時機,也許這會使你的生活有著更大的保障。8
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/10/09不要放棄夢想。這可能是你今天需要聽到的最重要的訊息,阿牛。你可能在幾次嘗試過某 項目標後感到有些洩氣。但當生活將你擊敗時,你必須重新站起來。你沒有被打敗,你沒 有被打倒。這些事情發生的唯一途徑是你放棄了自己。把這句話記在心裡,即使你今天不 再嘗試,也要開始制定一個計畫並很快再次摸索。你能做到這一點。 ——7
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[情報] 18/02/2021 Daily HoroscopeYou are feeling really good now, dear Cancer, aren't you? You may be afraid to admit it for fear of jinxing yourself or finding out it isn't real, but you are sensing a dramatic improvement in your life. Don't be afraid to feel that feeling. Furthermore, don't be afraid to believe it is real and that things are indeed getting better and better. This is more5
[情報] 0719 DailyHoroscopeWhen it comes to your allegiances, Capricorn, you are a free agent. Logically you know this. But you may keep forgetting that you do have a choice about som ething in your life that you are now feeling weighed down by. You may not see that you have other options, and so you aren't even considering a change. Toda y may bring a wake-up call that will open your eyes and your heart to other po5
[情報] 10/14 the daily horoscopeNo matter how old you are, Gemini, you may be grasping the idea that it is too late for something you hoped for. It may seem that you have gone past the poi nt of ever having the life you idealized and envisioned. But no matter what yo u have done or been through, it is not too late. If you are feeling as though you screwed something up, then learn the lesson and move past it. That's a mai2
[情報] 25/07/2021Daily HoroscopeIt may feel as though something is missing from your life, Moonchild. Even if you have a loving family, a good job, and other positive aspects in your life - you may be feeling an emptiness you can't identify. It could be that you nee d an outlet that satisfies the deeper desires of your soul. This may be a crea tive need, for you are someone who does benefit incredibly from self-expressio1
[情報] 01/12 the daily horoscopeIt's a brand-new year, Gemini, and today you may be focused on the options you have for a brand-new start in some area of your life. You may have a strong u rge now to build enthusiasm and passion for something that could change the fu ture for you in a big and powerful way. What are your big dreams? What do you want your life to look like in a month from now or a year from now? The possib1
[情報] 11/02 the daily horoscopeA change of heart could come over you today about something big in your life, perhaps connected to an important relationship, or maybe it would be something else. But are you sure this feeling isn't about getting along and getting on with things, rather than a genuine change in the way you see things? Don't lea p into change based on this initial feeling. Give yourself some time to think1
[情報] 11/22 the daily horoscopeIf any of us could see the future laid out with certainty, life would not be n early as much fun. There would be no sense of anticipation and no reason to tr y for anything. You may be feeling antsy now because you cannot predict the ou tcome of an endeavor you are involved in or one that you are creating. Rather than fearing that something will go wrong and that you won't get what you want