[情報] 01/07 the daily horoscope
The phrase "live and let live" is a noble idea, and it's certainly an easy thing to say. However, when you are dealing with a situation that is agitating or simply wrong, it can be very difficult to follow through. You may be in a situation now, dear Gemini, where you would like to just let someone go on as they are, even though it bothers you for some reason. If you can't let go of it emotionally, you may have to get away from the situation until it dissipates. That would be an emotionally healthy thing to do.
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首PoTry not to read too much into something unusual that someone says to you today , or some odd behavior they exhibit. It would be easy to interpret what you se e or hear in a negative way, but that would not be the right way to see things , Gemini. There is more to what you are experiencing today than meets the eye. Try to see this as a test. No matter what happens, try to find a way to inter5
首PoSometimes letting go of something gives you far more power than clinging to it tightly. While this may seem counterintuitive, dear Gemini, it may be exactly what you have to try right now. If you let go of a situation that seems to be getting out of hand, you will start to see things more objectively, freeing y our mind to come up with plans that would not have occurred to you otherwise.2
首PoYou may have started out with a vision of how great the year ahead could be fo r you, but you may be struggling now with thoughts and plans on how to bring y our plans to fruition. It seemed, at first, like all you had to do was wish fo r a happy, prosperous year, and it would somehow magically happen. But now you are feeling more realistic, and you don't know what to do to change the curre1
首PoThe stars are encouraging you to say yes to an offer or opportunity that you t urned down at some point last year. You may have had regrets about it the last time, but you were not ready anyway. You are now better positioned to make a success of this effort, and another chance to take it on should come to you ve ry soon. You may see signs of its arrival as early as today, so be on the aler
[情報] 12/03 the daily horoscopeA happy or thrilling experience is even better when it is shared with someone you enjoy and care about. You may be on the verge of an adventure, Gemini, and you may be perfectly willing to experience it alone. But what if you invited someone along that could enhance the adventure? It could be so wonderful. Don' t be shy about expressing your desire to have a special person come along for1
[情報] 05/27 the daily horoscopeA very challenging situation in your life is beginning to wind down, Gemini. Y ou may not believe this, because this has gone on for so long you may have tho ught you would just have to live with it. It may have even got you believing t hat you were destined for conflict in your life, and to have to fight tooth an d nail for every good thing that you get. But a surprisingly easy transition i1
[情報] 11/07 the daily horoscopeYou may be in the process of making a decision that you see as more than just financial. Yet you may be experiencing a conflict because someone else believe s it should be purely financial. You would prefer to blend in empathy and comp assion before coming to a decision, dear Gemini. Maybe you are being criticize d for that. The most honorable decisions are often subject to criticism, but i1
[情報] 12/10 the daily horoscopeWouldn't it be a shame to become embroiled in a conflict if it wasn't necessar y? You may be on the verge of an argument with someone you care about, Gemini, but it's possible that a simple clarification could stop it in its tracks. Th at would, of course, require a mature exchange of thoughts, with each side tru ly listening to what the other side has to say. You are capable of that, and y1
[情報] 01/02 the daily horoscopeSpeaking from the heart can get awkward in some situations, and it may not alw ays give you the greatest leverage in a relationship or situation - but you ca n't go wrong when you are true to yourself. This may be a dilemma you are faci ng now, Gemini. You really have the need to say what you feel, and you probabl y should. You may not win in a negotiation, but those in your presence will kn- A fence is meant to delineate a boundary. That doesn't mean you can't cross th rough its gate if it's yours or if you have permission from the property owner . But that's the key, Gemini, and that's what you need to keep in mind today. You may feel like someone you're dealing with right now is putting up a barrie r or boundary. While you should pause and assess the situation, you don't have