[情報] 12/05 the daily horoscope
Are you turning to someone for advice, or are you asking that person's opinion because you want their approval? That may seem like a subtle difference on the surface, dear Gemini, but it is huge. If you are really just looking for feedback and opinions on something you are doing, with the goal of objectively assessing your effort to make it as great as possible, that's a wise thing to do. But if your real goal is for that person to approve, then you need to back up a bit. If you feel good about what you're working on, you shouldn't need anyone else's endorsement.
Ps. 如果有誤譯請指教,謝謝。
首PoMany people believe that no matter how talented and intelligent you are, if yo u aren't also connected to someone with influence and power, you may not make it very far. People like to say things like that when someone expresses a big dream. But today, Gemini, it won't be about "who" you know; it will be all abo ut what you know and how you go about showing it off. Don't be afraid to be sp7
首PoAlthough you love adventure and excitement, and you always welcome change, you may be a bit tired of all the upheaval you have experienced recently. You are no stranger to shifts of fortune or changes of the landscape that surrounds y ou, but right now, Gemini, you may be longing for the comfort of familiar thin gs and a steady and stable pace. You will soon get your wish. The ride you hav1
首PoSomeone's joking manner or awkward sense of humor might rile you today, dear G emini. You can joke around with the best of them, so others might be surprised that a certain person is irritating you. But it may not be the fact that they are bringing humor into this situation; it may be more about the sensitive ar eas they are poking fun at. Try to lighten up. Try not to see this as a statem1
首PoYou may have become angry during an argument with someone recently. At the tim e, Gemini, you may have felt very justified in reacting the way that you did. You are, after all, a very fair and reasonable person. However, news may have come to light recently, or you may learn something that will shed a brighter l ight on what transpired with this individual and why. You may feel foolish tha
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/06/10親愛的牛牛,去仔細地聆聽別人對你的計劃的看法。你可能已經將整件事規劃的非常清晰 ,也清楚它的走向,所以你並沒有去尋求他人的建議或反饋。 但如果你的目標是想讓整件事盡可能的完美,傾聽他人的想法或許可以讓你的想法更透徹 ,也可能會讓你思維的方式比以前更好。這當然是件沒有壞處的事,不要讓你的自負或是 其他事情限制了你。2
[情報] 03/22 the daily horoscopeWhat if you went to someone for approval, support, and validation, and you wou nd up receiving harsh words of criticism? Surely that would be a letdown, most ly because it was not what you were expecting. It is important for you to see today, Gemini, that sometimes a letdown is a good thing that looks bad. You ma y not get what you are expecting and what you want, but it should be exactly w2
[情報] 02/23 the daily horoscopeYou may be seeking advice or feedback now on something you are working on or t hat you are about to start. You may be looking for people you feel are knowled geable and have some experience or expertise in a certain area. But don't just blindly assume that the responses that are provided are a fact - they may jus t be opinions, and unverified opinions at that. You should also consider, dear2
[情報] 09/12 the daily horoscopeIf you're feeling like you're in an emotional pressure cooker right now, dear Gemini, there's only one thing you need to do. Release the pressure! You may t hink that means you should get angry and vent, and that might help. But before you do that, you need to find a place where you can feel secure and comforted and think through what's bothering you. There has been a buildup to this feel1
[情報] 02/18 the daily horoscopeGemini horoscope for 星期二 2月 18 Gemini horoscope for 星期二 2月 18 There may be countless people in your world who would be willing to give you a dvice if you were to ask for it. There are probably many who would be honest a nd tell you if they did not have the knowledge and experience you needed for g1
[情報] 03/03/2022 Daily Horoscope建議的好壞只取決於其來源。 親愛的月之子,如果你在你不確定的事情上隨意尋求意見,你需要對去哪裡尋求建議要有 所挑剔。 如果你無意中挖掘了一個不了解你的人的想法,有可能會影響他們所見東西的意見,或者 一個事項,那麼它根本不會有太大幫助。1
[情報] 06/23 the daily horoscopeWhat is the worst thing that could happen if you were to approach someone and ask for an opportunity you know they can offer? The worst thing would be that they would say no. But if you don't ask, Gemini, that's the answer you will li ve with anyway. You could seek out other avenues for getting what you want, bu t if a certain person in your path represents a chance to gain entry towards a1
[情報] 08/11 the daily horoscopeSomeone may come to you soon looking for feedback or an opinion. And even thou gh they may insist that they want honesty, Gemini, that may not be what they w ant at all. They may want validation. They may want an ally. They may want faw ning over whatever they have said or done. If you don't feel that way - and yo u may not - then be cautious about offering honesty. You can be non-committal,1
[情報] 09/16 the daily horoscopeYou need to safeguard your self-esteem and your feeling of confidence in what you are doing now, dear Gemini. Someone may be giving you criticism you did no t ask for, but even if this is an authoritative person, that doesn't make it a utomatically valid. If you allow negative comments to erode how you feel about something you are working on, you may not have the will to continue, and then1
[情報] 12/20 the daily horoscopeAsking for help does not mean you are helpless. Asking for advice does not mea n you are clueless. Asking for ideas does not mean you have no creativity of y our own. When someone seeks to balance out what they have with what they need, the results can be brilliant and can bring success. Don't feel bad about aski ng for whatever it is that you need right now, dear Gemini. It's a smart, savv