[情報] 12/22 the daily horoscope
The pressure may be building around a work-related matter. Someone may be pushing you to complete something, but you may have a grievance with the way things are going or the way they are expected to go. You could complete your mission, but for some reason, it may not feel right. You could share what you are thinking, even if you are still pressed to continue with the way things are. That way, you would get it off your chest, and you could still follow through onwhat is expected if the requirement remains.
Ps. 如果有誤譯請指教,謝謝。
※ PTT 留言評論
首PoYou would really like to wash your hands of a certain matter and be done with it. You have had enough. There is the temptation to run away without looking b ack. But you can't do that, Gemini. There are a few loose ends left to tie up, and if you didn't take care of those loose ends, you would have a hard time l iving with yourself. But look at it this way: you are almost there! The light1
首PoAn upcoming opportunity might not seem like anything you have ever experienced before. You may believe that you don't have the necessary knowledge though, G emini, and so you may be thinking about turning it down, even though it is app ealing. However, you are brave and bold, and you have the ability to adapt and learn as you go. This might actually be cut out perfectly for you. So, before1
首PoSomeone may have included you in a group effort. At the time, Gemini, you prob ably felt needed and therefore flattered. However, they may not be tapping int o your talents or your ideas yet, and you are starting to wonder why you ever got involved. Give it a chance. It might take some time before the need for yo ur signature kind of talent will come into play. Don't be insecure about this.
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/07/31有件正在飛速發展中的事情帶來了新的冒險或計劃,阿牛。這並不是你所預期的,但這確 實是個好消息。儘管你可能還沒準備好進展的這麼快,但你需要後退一步,認知到你是多 麼幸運才能讓事情發展的如此順利。或許你覺得自己還沒準備好,但如果你準備出一種什 麼事都難不倒你和靈活的方法來迎接這件事,你就能夠走上正軌。這是件好事。 ——2
[情報] 01/11 the daily horoscopeUnexpected obstacles may have suddenly popped up in a venture you have already begun. This is not what you expected, dear Gemini, and now you may be having second thoughts about it. You may also be blaming yourself for not foreseeing certain things. But if you still want what you wanted when you started, then y ou can keep going. You can rely on your inner strength, your charm, your intel2
[情報] 04/01 the daily horoscopeIf you were to order chicken cacciatore in a restaurant, and your waiter broug ht you grilled salmon instead - but it was absolutely delicious - would you re gret the mistake? If you felt it was better than what you ordered, then why co mplain? Sometimes we all get so caught up in things not meeting our expectatio ns perfectly that we don't leave room for the appreciation of other things. Yo1
[情報] 04/30 the daily horoscopeThings may not be going your way in an endeavor you have put a lot into, Gemin i. And even though this has seemed like an uphill battle all the way, that doe s not mean that it will always be that way. Perseverance is one of the biggest components of success, and if you keep trying, you may eventually get what yo u want. At this point, that may feel like a hard thing to do, but it is one of1
[情報] 06/02 the daily horoscopeThings may have been going along quite smoothly with an endeavor that you beli eved would eventually yield impressive financial results. At some point, thoug h, Gemini, you may have hit a bottleneck, and you gave up since you could find no way around it or through it. But things may be easing up a bit, and that b lock may soon be passable. If you still feel ambitious about this, then try ag1
[情報] 09/16 the daily horoscopeYou need to safeguard your self-esteem and your feeling of confidence in what you are doing now, dear Gemini. Someone may be giving you criticism you did no t ask for, but even if this is an authoritative person, that doesn't make it a utomatically valid. If you allow negative comments to erode how you feel about something you are working on, you may not have the will to continue, and then1
[情報] 10/05 the daily horoscopeSomeone may be seeking an answer from you now, dear Gemini, but you are not ye t ready to provide it. You have things to think about. You have a few things t o learn. And when you are ready, you can then share the answer you have reache d. Until then, don't allow someone to push or pressure you. Take your time fig uring this out, and recognize that you absolutely have the right to do so. If1
[情報] 12/17 the daily horoscopeSomeone’s expectations of you might exceed what you had in mind to do or to g ive. But because you don't want to hurt anyone's feelings, dear Gemini, you mi ght wind up going along with what is expected anyway. But try to see this in a n objective way. You are trying to protect someone else, but what about you? I s it fair to do more than you feel comfortable doing? If you don't feel good a- When someone finds themselves in a situation where they feel like they are "go ing around in circles," it is naturally very frustrating. Experiencing the sam e thing over and over doesn't feel productive. But there can be benefits to th at kind of repetition if you pay attention, Leo. You may notice helpful things you didn't see the first time around, or come to understand things that confu
- You may not understand why a big disappointment has recently occurred in your life, dear Gemini. You want to figure it out because you may feel as though yo u have been cheated by fate in some way. But maybe you are not meant to know t he reason just yet. Maybe you are just meant to push ahead and find a path tha t will turn out better. Sometimes it is best to simply have faith that the rea