[問卦] 「爸爸留下的只有貧窮」英文怎麼說?

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syntax123 11/06 10:49爸爸留下的只有爽

morgoth 11/06 10:49I am rich man

LeeSeDol 11/06 10:49My name is William.

KSHLO 11/06 10:49五樓後門流下的 只有後門液體的餘溫

WIGGINS22 11/06 10:49DPP illegal structure

sj4 11/06 10:50Pen pineapple apple pen

pig14283105 11/06 10:50I am fucking rich

judas666 11/06 10:50Forever Green~

teeo 11/06 10:50爸爸留下貧窮跟「I am a rich man」所以共

echochrome 11/06 10:51wen diao a

enthpzd 11/06 10:52英文叫 你要自立自強

huangjyuan 11/06 10:52DPP Only

rb731024 11/06 10:54I have 黨證

Lucas0806 11/06 10:54Nothing to left but poverty.

jimlexus 11/06 10:57DPP is our father

kunamatataha 11/06 10:57LPYEATSHIT

teeo 11/06 10:57有兩個爸爸嗎?

Solti 11/06 10:57my father's legacy is poverty

BerlinerBlau 11/06 10:58I born poor

macassans 11/06 10:58what father left is poverty only

zaqimon 11/06 11:02我爸今天還沒死

Master1999 11/06 11:05My father left nothing but poverty

gn0481914 11/06 11:05翻成英文?英文才不會說這種話。

andysamlee 11/06 11:09My mom is rich.

ganbee 11/06 11:11從小記恨到現在,難怪長大後人格分裂。

daniel3658 11/06 11:11DPP is the law

philip81501 11/06 11:14Fxxk them I wanna money.

aquaticplant 11/06 11:16不孝子孫

TomChu 11/06 11:17My dad is poor as fuck

orz151426 11/06 11:18美國阿公

metroid0104 11/06 11:21

skullno2 11/06 11:25My name is poor.

yangweiisi 11/06 11:27D批批 can,you can't

SuNnyMooN89 11/06 11:28still foolish,still hungry

gusser 11/06 11:36Lie Pi

wind7065 11/06 11:56英文一輩子不知道貧窮是甚麼感覺

jevan 11/06 12:08英文不會說

flashseal 11/06 12:15沒有你 很重要

zerowingtw 11/06 12:17VOTE DPP

YCLiu1984 11/06 12:17上一個三級貧戶 現在非常有錢

DAHOO 11/06 12:19What my father left behind was o

DAHOO 11/06 12:19nly poverty.

be00148 11/06 12:51英文他家可有錢了

shadowdio 11/06 12:53green can you can't

suijojo 11/06 13:06英文:「貧窮」沒聽過

tonyycool 11/06 13:19I am a man.A man have many many pen

afabletw 11/06 14:17The only thing left behind by my fat

afabletw 11/06 14:17her is poor.

iwinlottery 11/06 14:25DPP留下的有貧窮 蟑螂 人渣 垃圾