[爆卦] 杜蘭大學研究 covid 對靈長類腦部影響

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Tulane study shows COVID-19’s lingering impacts on the brain
April 01, 2022

COVID-19 patients commonly report having headaches, confusion and other
neurological symptoms, but doctors don’t fully understand how the disease
targets the brain during infection.
covid 確診病患常有頭痛和其他神經系統症狀 但目前不完全瞭解病毒如何影響腦部

researchers at Tulane University have shown in detail how COVID-19 affects the central nervous system, according to a new study published in Nature
Communications. The findings are the first comprehensive assessment of
neuropathology associated with SARS-CoV-2 infection in a nonhuman primate
杜蘭大學研究人員展示 病毒影響中樞神經系統
這是首次在非人類靈長類 對 covid 病毒的神經病理學研究
發表在 Nature Communications 自然通訊期刊

The research team found severe brain inflammation and injury consistent with
reduced blood flow or oxygen to the brain, including neuron damage and death.Microhemorrhages, or small bleeds in the brain, were also present.
發現嚴重的腦部發炎 往腦部血流量及氧氣輸送減少 包含神經元損傷和死亡

Surprisingly, these findings were seen in subjects that did not experience
severe respiratory disease from the virus.
驚訝的是 這些症狀在沒有嚴重呼吸道疾病的感染個體也有出現

“Because the subjects didn’t experience significant respiratory symptoms, no
one expected them to have the severity of disease that we found in the brain,” Fischer said. “But the findings were distinct and profound, and undeniably
a result of the infection.”
感染個體沒有明顯呼吸道症狀 沒人預期腦部會有嚴重疾病
但這些發現是獨特的 不可否認是感染造成的

The findings are also consistent with autopsy studies of people who have diedof COVID-19, suggesting that nonhuman primates may serve as an appropriate
model, or proxy, for how humans experience the disease.
這些發現也與 covid 感染死亡的人類驗屍結果一致

Neurological complications are often among the first symptoms of SARS-CoV-2
infection and can be the most severe and persistent. They also affect people
indiscriminately — all ages, with and without comorbidities, and with varying degrees of disease severity.
神經系統症狀經常是第一個 covid 感染症狀 而且可能是最嚴重及持久的
而且它不挑人 年齡 有無共病症 輕重症 都有機會

Fischer hopes that this and future studies that investigate how SARS-CoV-2
affects the brain will contribute to the understanding and treatment of
patients suffering from the neurological consequences of COVID-19 and long
Fischer 希望這項 covid 如何影響大腦的研究
對治療 covid 或 long covid 的神經系統疾病患者有幫助




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Gandalf 04/03 05:52一樓中COVID變智障

weeklyquiz 04/03 05:54二樓中COVID變智障

theusedno23 04/03 06:02三樓中COVID變智障

boulard 04/03 06:06四樓中COVID變智障

venomsoul 04/03 06:12支那賤畜越看越想承認這是祖國的發明

jabari 04/03 06:15中國近代最偉大的發明

a221877890 04/03 06:18八樓中COVID變智障

Aequanimitas 04/03 06:20沒影響 台灣幾乎都是單細胞生物

bernie1 04/03 06:34打得過8+9?

MrXD 04/03 06:48XD 推文是啥小

zebra901006 04/03 07:00十一樓中COVID變智障

bearKQG 04/03 07:02本來就是智障 沒差

loom0et0bust 04/03 07:04大部分的問題都還是跟局部阻斷血流

loom0et0bust 04/03 07:04導致細胞受損有關吧

siloin 04/03 07:12prion?

q34355997 04/03 07:14結論是得病的都是智障

steward68 04/03 07:25跟玩抖音的效果一樣

chenweichih 04/03 07:30這篇沒告訴你的是 一堆病毒都會影響

chenweichih 04/03 07:30神經

samhou6 04/03 07:31前4樓證明了這篇文章研究得出的結論

max2604 04/03 07:40可怕喔

NotOtaku 04/03 07:43這個研究應該是指武肺,Omicron才出現不

NotOtaku 04/03 07:43到半年,不可能這麼快有結果

iksion 04/03 07:56前面四樓 感謝你們為生存研究而犧牲

MrCool5566 04/03 08:06恐慌仔大勝利

peasuka 04/03 08:07看小粉紅跳針的狀況,武漢肺炎搞不好已經

peasuka 04/03 08:07流行很久了

ajoe0909 04/03 08:09真的該好好清零

ffaatt 04/03 08:10感冒不會嗎

bcyeh 04/03 08:148+9中了會更低能美

sbdr 04/03 08:15恐慌仔拿到雞毛要當令箭進攻惹

ctisme 04/03 08:48這這還好 小時候的發燒聽說會把頭腦直接燒

ctisme 04/03 08:48壞的

cosmite 04/03 09:06比率多少都不敢寫 拿出來嚇人的嗎

kevin28 04/03 09:13恐慌仔抖起來

as7766332211 04/03 09:20就日本腦炎啊

bitcheggs 04/03 09:47前四樓XD

zakijudelo 04/03 10:24共存仔可能腦袋本來就不太好,才會想

zakijudelo 04/03 10:24害其他人跟他們一樣

polestar0505 04/03 11:23塔綠班沒中就是智障惹

soulivee 04/03 11:30前四樓智障笑死

a14589761 04/03 12:38祖國第5大發明,世界讚歎吧

selvester 04/03 15:29杜蘭goodjob

ha99 04/03 20:21這些後遺症才是真正有威脅性的

jetalpha 04/05 16:37推摘譯