[情報] 02/14 Daily Horoscope

看板Leo標題[情報] 02/14 Daily Horoscope 作者
時間推噓 4 推:4 噓:0 →:0

Something really good is happening for you. You may be one part happy, and one part worried, as though you are waiting for "the other shoe to drop." Perhaps you have gotten used to things going wrong a lot recently, Leo, and you can't imagine something so good happening without something negative occurring to balance it out. But there is no other shoe. Stop waiting for something to go wrong and enjoy what's going right. It's about time, and you do deserve it.




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oceanfishwu 02/14 13:10謝謝翻譯,真的需要好運

eddie804 02/14 17:40今天馬上就收到壞消息 真的是很無力...

kingq 02/14 22:13情人節快樂,謝謝分享

jhbgybj123 02/15 06:00好運在…哪裡