[情報] 土耳其不顧盟約 用S400測試美國F-22 F-35

看板Military標題[情報] 土耳其不顧盟約 用S400測試美國F-22 F-35作者
時間推噓22 推:22 噓:0 →:14

urkey tested its first Russian-made S-400 Triumph systems on F-22 Raptor and
F-35 Lightning II fighters, learned citing the Evening
Courier and Fighter Jets World magazines. The test results were not
disclosed, but judging by the lack of complaints, it can be assumed that the
country is completely satisfied with the systems, as BulgarianMilitary writes.


The two batteries of Russian-made S-400 air defense systems are deployed at
the Myurt airbase. They were tested at least three times on American stealth
fighters. AviaPro news agency indicates that not only F-35 aircraft, but alsomore classified F-22s appeared in the detection range of systems.


The “targeted” American fifth-generation fighters were sent to rotation in
the Middle East through the Black Sea and directly Turkey. Their route ran
approximately 170-200 kilometers from the Turkish Air Force Airbase of Myurt.Therefore, the Turkish side had a great opportunity to test its S-400s for
aerodynamic purposes. This was not the first test of Turkish S-400 over
American fighter: in November 2019, video footage appeared showing the
testing of the S-400’s radar on F-16s and F-4E Phantoms. So, Turkey has
crossed ‘another red line’ by starting tests of the radar detection system
it purchased from Russia as part of the S-400 missile defense system, U.S.
Senator for Maryland Christopher Van Hollen said.


因此,民主黨參議員范霍倫(Christopher Van Hollen)說,土耳其開始測試S-400的雷達偵測系統,又已踰越了「另一道紅線」。

The United States wanted to buy S-400 missile systems from Turkey to exit theimpasse regarding the participation of Ankara in the program for the
production of F-35 Lightning II. Turkey declined the offer, to the relief of

美國參院共和黨黨鞭圖恩(John Thune)原本提案,要買下土耳其向俄羅斯採購的S-400防空系統,以化解土方參與F-35戰機專案的僵局,不過安卡拉拒絕,倒是讓俄羅斯鬆了口氣。

來源: army recognition


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diechan07/10 15:39測到龍柏透鏡嗎

Harryhi07/10 15:47還比較像洩漏雷達波段

jason74807/10 15:503角形畫到要歪了

a2517236607/10 15:55雜誌是怎麼獲悉的,有個據姓內鬼嗎

kuma66022407/10 15:58就算要測 平時都帶龍柏透鏡 放大rcs

kuma66022407/10 15:58這樣測是快樂表 你用老雷達也看得到

tenorac19507/10 16:00所以F35收集到參數了?

b1003608807/10 16:21F35反而抓到參數?

Leo042207/10 17:28哪來的f22啊

dirtyman07/10 17:28根本放水給美國抓參數吧

idunhav107/10 17:51這是跟美國套好招吧

bill661307/10 17:59帝國空軍:計畫通

mmmimi11tw07/10 19:41不知道在滿意什麼XD

tofukingkion07/11 00:23這美帝真的爽到~裝備沒花錢買還收集參數

Yanrei07/11 01:09該不會從一開始就是這樣算計的吧XD

firefeather07/11 07:14老美應該抓完S-400的參數了吧…

mmmimi11tw07/11 07:19美國:謝謝 謝謝 謝謝

a18636107/11 08:58俄羅斯:...

mkie12307/11 11:20附近有沒有神秘的六芒星飛機路過

Galm07/11 11:49這是爽到美帝吧 XD"

henryyeh073107/11 11:54美國、土雞、布丁:^_^ 這是一個win-win的局面

patentshit07/11 12:09普丁:ヽ(`Д됩ノ 竟然沒有來下訂單!

sugoichai07/11 13:17老實說,收集參數根本也是假議題,因為美軍要買S400大

sugoichai07/11 13:17帝也還是會賣的XD......

emptie07/11 13:35真的假的?

emptie07/11 13:36那我們要美軍幹嘛 直接拿錢買下全世界就好了

mmmimi11tw07/11 13:48可是瑞凡,沒錢

ejsizmmy07/11 19:0025樓,這你就不知了,月球的陰影那一面拍不到的某個海

ejsizmmy07/11 19:00裡....是美軍繼續增強軍備的答案

mmmimi11tw07/11 19:12

mmmimi11tw07/11 19:12一定是在左上角那個特別黑的地方,

geminitw07/11 21:30前面十樓互搓達到高潮,有需要衛生紙喊一森

mmmimi11tw07/11 21:38不需要,可以走開了

link1607/12 01:23土耳其是美國的無間道臥底 然後下次紅旗在土耳其辦

patentshit07/12 01:26不是叫土耳其把S-400運去美國參加紅旗嗎?

patentshit07/12 01:27然後蘇丹再去下單買紅旗9