[分享] 90年代的庫艦奇聞

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After all this it is not surprising that the "Kuznetsov" notorious. The bosses everywhere and frightening: "Will you behave badly - to send the" Kuznetsov
"(a nickname -" Kuzma ")."Well, those who are "lucky" to get to serve in the
"Kuznetsov", be it not very desirable. Hence, the high turnover of staff.
Every 4-5 years of age (on the expiration of the contract) junior officers
- and this is the main skeleton of the ship - is changed to 80%. Departure ofexperienced, and in their place come the "green". The same applies to warrants.All this is clearly not conducive to improving the operation of equipment.
In connection with such contract terms after the military service on the
aircraft carrier enter into only those who are not suitable for "citizen"
- and this will agree, is far from the best "human material".It is no accidentthat not all officers consider it desirable to have the ship "contract".


As for the personnel, ie sailors, then looking at them, believe that the USSRis alive, he lives and will live. There just are no nationalities here! Russian- no more than 60%, though they called, like, only residents of the Russian
Federation. The point is probably that we, Russian, "zakosit sacred duty" is
considered an indicator of social status and prestige.
Therefore rowing all those who have not had the sense or money to avoid.
You read recruits addresses and believe not fail Rus land.Village, town, farm,but not among young sailors nor Muscovites or Petersburgers (even Admiral NO
Essen used to say: "We cultivators are not needed in the Navy").
Another thing - the North Caucasus. It is believed that a real man has to pass an army school, and they get to feel the happiness of the fleet.
Therefore, the ship did not come to the worst representatives of the North
Caucasus. Of course, they quickly mastered with the situation by organizing asmall-town groups and seizing power in a sailor's environment.
In another case with Tuvinians and Bashkirs: probably due to lack of
familiarity with the civilizations they just do not know how to escape from
the honorable duty of the state. Now, perhaps, it is understandable why everytenth inductee not speak in Russian.

至於基層人員--海兵,你看他們一眼就覺得蘇聯依然不死,她不只活著,未來也會活著。 在這裡沒有國籍!俄羅斯人不到60%,其中大多只是剛好是俄羅斯籍而已。或許因為對

Of harm's way, the entire contingent not even allowed in the dismissal (so
nothing uchudili in Murmansk). So they sit 2 years to "iron". The main
measure of education in relation to the sailors has now become a "whip"
( "Gingerbread" is missing), ie solitary confinement, where sometimes fall
even warrant. From a life of sailors like "lost", the benefit of a large ship.This occurs 3-4 times per month. Then all the officers and warrant officers
painted on gatherings, and we are looking for hiding sailor. The search usuallylast 1-2 days (if you do not find on the first day, and this is 50% likelihoodthat the sailor is usually 2-3 days beyond itself), but there were also
champions. So, one matrosika in the Mediterranean looking for a week. But themost famous was the case with aviation equipment, which is in a state of
extreme intoxication missing.His (or rather, his mummy) found four years
later in a place that until now no one can understand how he got there ...


"You want to live - learn to spin." This good old truth, well characterizes
lifestyle on "Kuznetsov". The commander likes to talk about fools - junior
commanders, that put unrealistic demands on "dostavaniya" something, pushing
the men to steal, and then scares that will cover ashore any warhead, if it isin the morning did not bring to light their hallways. And where to get the best light bulbs, if the ship does not give? Vestimo where-from neighbors, at night

喜歡說一些「傻子」的故事 -- 年輕的軍官,對下屬提出不合理的要求,迫使海兵去偷



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mmmimi11tw 07/07 07:33在船上失蹤,四年後最後被自己媽媽找到這也太傳奇了

mmmimi11tw 07/07 07:33

SIKI3316 07/07 07:43那個Mummy會不會是乾屍的意思

對誒,不好意思我忙到一點多開始寫,整個眼花 XD

concord 07/07 07:55那段應該是樓上的意思...在匪夷所思的地方找到

mmmimi11tw 07/07 07:57欸對 mummy 木乃伊(乾屍)

NKN 07/07 08:14應該就是他在船上失蹤被發現時已經是乾屍了

NKN 07/07 08:14可能意外死亡或者被謀殺卡在沒什麼人會察覺的地方

whitefox 07/07 08:14被電死造成電路故障然後4年後才有人去修而發現屍體

ggeneration 07/07 08:39我猜 就死在床底 他老母來一掀就找到人了

assanges 07/07 08:57クズマ 渣航媽 XDDDDDD

otis1713 07/07 08:59His (or rather, his mummy) found four years

otis1713 07/07 08:59這是指乾屍沒錯吧

immmy 07/07 09:15百度俄文直翻:"最著名的是一名航空技術人員的案件,

immmy 07/07 09:15他在醉酒狀態下失蹤。他(或者更確切地說,他的木乃

immmy 07/07 09:15伊)在四年後被發現在這樣一個地方,到目前為止,沒

immmy 07/07 09:15有人能理解他是如何到達那裡的"

immmy 07/07 09:16沒有被母親發現這段情節 Google俄文直譯也相同。

kuma660224 07/07 09:19his mummy大概有人把這句翻成他的媽咪

kuma660224 07/07 09:19英文老師常常請假

十年沒有英文老師了 QQ

zzman01 07/07 09:50媽咪應該是mommy吧

zzman01 07/07 09:52而且mommy是用於親子之間 外人稱呼會用mother

wistful96 07/07 09:53我聯想到外國有個便利店員卡在冷凍櫃後面很多年,發

wistful96 07/07 09:55現的時候也是MUMMY了,這航空技術人員大概類似這樣吧

kuma660224 07/07 10:02俄國當時徵兵制沒用 沒錢就沒建軍

kuma660224 07/07 10:02尤其科技兵種 連維護也是燒錢

verdandy 07/07 10:12Mummy 是可以當作媽媽啦,不過那是英式用法

verdandy 07/07 10:12但這裡明顯是當人形肉乾的用法


nanozako 07/07 10:16莫曼斯克頗冷,要是酒醉掉進船身的縫隙隔間

nanozako 07/07 10:16四年後被發現,剩下乾屍也是很有可能的

nanozako 07/07 10:16要是台灣這種亞熱帶,不用三五天馬上臭不可聞

moeliliacg 07/07 10:17原文是мумию 是木乃伊沒錯


york1987 07/07 10:48最後一段敘述,有點像是軍官要求一些生不出來的東西

york1987 07/07 10:49然後逼迫底下的人去偷其他單位的東西來應付

kuma660224 07/07 10:53就我管的艙間沒燈泡 叫士兵創造性解決

kuma660224 07/07 10:53去隔壁幹來

ssarc 07/07 10:54就天天高裝檢


kuma660224 07/07 10:54各國軍隊都有類似狀況 但燈泡這麼便宜...

kuma660224 07/07 10:55配給缺成這樣很糗

hazel0093 07/07 12:31所以作為艦娘來說瓦良格被共匪買去是好事...

hazel0093 07/07 12:31軍隊不恐怖,缺錢的軍隊最恐怖


ssarc 07/07 12:33海上沒有六級廠可以買,要補貨只能用幹的

hazel0093 07/07 12:34Mummy不就是神鬼傳奇


ssarc 07/07 12:34至於物資便不便宜也不是重點,可能撥補單在某個長官

ssarc 07/07 12:34,然後他忘了,或者調職沒交接,然後就什麼都沒了

DaveLu 07/07 13:13同意ss大,當兵時前幾任補給很認真填單,等到我這任

DaveLu 07/07 13:15發下一堆物料,害我到處張羅合格舊品,繳舊換新

DaveLu 07/07 13:16有的單補給老鳥就跟菜鳥講,填也沒用然後就偷搶拐騙

swatseal 07/07 13:37幹 寫得好有40K帝國海軍的感覺

rzv500r 07/07 15:29大點的船上總找的出藏東西的空間...

ssarc 07/07 15:47人都能藏成乾屍,這船很適合玩大逃殺

hsinhanchu 07/07 16:54USS Shiloh上面的阿兵藏了一個星期,庫艦更大更好藏


wayne1120 07/07 22:21

※ 編輯: mikee3216 ( 比利時), 07/07/2021 23:11:25 ※ 編輯: mikee3216 ( 比利時), 07/07/2021 23:13:09