[情報] 松華特級預計將配備高超音速飛彈

看板Military標題[情報] 松華特級預計將配備高超音速飛彈作者
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U.S. Navy’s Hypersonic Missile Will Give Zumwalt Class New Capability

The Conventional Prompt Strike (CPS) is a non-nuclear strategic hypersonic
weapon system. It’s long range (hundreds, possibly thousands of miles),
incredible speed (Mach 5+, likely much faster) and high agility offer new
capabilities to US planners. It will be able to make precision strikes on
time-sensitive targets with little chance of interception.

Sources suggest that it is still undecided how many CPS missiles will be
carried by the Zumwalt class. And whether the existing 155mm gun mounts will
be retained. Indications are that 2 CPS can be carried without affecting the
gun mounts, or 6-8 if both gun mounts are removed. A Lockheed Martin
visualization suggests 4 Missiles and one of the two gun mounts retained.



1.不拆AGS砲塔 可配備2枚CPS

2.2座AGS砲塔全拆 可配備6-8枚CPS

3.拆1座AGS砲塔 可配備4枚CPS(洛馬推薦作法)


有了高超音速飛彈 AGS砲塔真的是變成雞肋


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※ 編輯: saccharomyce ( 臺灣), 06/08/2022 20:41:56

chyx741021 06/08 20:50有砲無彈的AGS留著是要幹嘛?

MOONRAKER 06/08 20:56三月份不是就說2023/10起就要把AGS拆光光

MOONRAKER 06/08 20:56

Two2Seven 06/08 21:07看了一下標題,還想說松華特是什麼

Two2Seven 06/08 21:07,原來是朱瓦特級

vincenter 06/08 21:14原來是朱瓦特級XD

vincenter 06/08 21:15松華特級很像某種高級牛肉

CGT 06/08 21:19好像還有電磁軌道砲/雷射砲方案?

chyx741021 06/08 21:21洛馬提議留著一座AGS不知道要幹嘛

nanozako 06/08 21:33留一座大概是預算和速度考量吧

nanozako 06/08 21:37美國國會最近對軍艦大退潮和相應的戰力損失很敏感

nanozako 06/08 21:37拆一座的錢和時間遠比兩座好,迎合國會要求

nanozako 06/08 21:37要是成功,之後二階看國會賞不賞臉繼續給經費

Bf109G6 06/08 21:49近岸匿蹤攻擊手(?

MOONRAKER 06/08 21:51電磁炮早就入土為安了 沒事請update一下

IMGOODYES 06/08 22:19AGS換成MK45算了

birdy590 06/08 23:45武器商還想著繼續開發砲彈吧~

kuma660224 06/09 04:47洛馬很不滿意研發的遠程砲彈賣不掉了

aeoleron 06/09 08:29那個彈藥報價三級跳太誇張 被元老院打槍正常

kuma660224 06/09 10:20洛馬大概希望ags留在現役 就有一線希望

birdy590 06/09 11:18砲在就還有可能起新案研發新砲彈~ 拆掉就全完了

sassuck 06/09 12:09松華特是什麼奇怪的翻譯XD

MOONRAKER 06/10 13:47不是孫瓦特就好了。