Re: [新聞] 找到方法了!朱瓦特級艦安裝C-HGB 不用
In October of next year, USS Zumwalt (DDG-1000) is expected to enter a
maintenance availability that will include the removal of the two AGS from
the 16,000-ton destroyer and the support systems for the guns and ammunition
the destroyers were built around.
“We are removing the guns, the upper and lower gun rooms. That includes the
loading system, the transfer carts, the ammo, etc.,” Capt. Matthew
Schroeder, DDG 1000 program manager, Program Executive (PEO) Ships told USNI
News in a Wednesday interview. “[We’re] going down about five platforms to
accommodate the height of the missile, which is significantly larger than
other missiles in the inventory.”
Last month, Chief of Naval Operations Adm. Mike Gilday outlined to USNI News
an older version of the hypersonic missile installation plan that included
leaving the AGS in place. That has been superseded by the newer plan, USNI
News has learned.
Replacing the two mounts with the tubes that will hold the hypersonic weaponswill leave the ship’s margin for growth about the same as if the guns had
stayed aboard, Schroeder said.
“There are small changes in the overall stability of the platform, but it’s
essentially neutral. The weight of the AGS mounts and the distribution of
that weight is very similar to what we’re going to experience with
[conventional prompt strike] in the future,” he said.
拆掉兩門炮換成發射管不會影響該艦的發展潛力 (也就是說在旁邊裝發射管可能會?)
He said that Johnson, currently undergoing a combat system activation at
Ingalls Shipbuilding in Pascagoula, Miss., will not have its AGS removed as
part of the period at the yard.
“The focus of the combat system availability down in Huntington Ingalls is
to install the program-record baseline combat system for the ship, cruise theship, train the crew, how to operate the systems, and then and then put it
out in the fleet for a couple of years of employment,” Schroeder said.
目前正在進行「戰鬥系統啟用」的Lyndon Johnson號(DDG-1002)則不會拆除AGS。
2023/10還有超過一年半 在那之前真的不會再改嗎…
從前有個馬鈴薯王國 有個高貴偉大的國王
有的人尊敬他 有的人畏懼他 但有個人敢看不起他不只是一條龍
嘿呵 快出動 去征服 去擺平 嘿呵 快出征 去征服那條龍
嘿呵 快出動(宰了它!轟了它!)嘿呵 快出征 去征服那條龍
:■ Potatoes and Dragons (C)Alphanim France 2004-05 :.
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