Re: [其他] 手上有GME的貼出對帳單發P幣

看板Stock標題Re: [其他] 手上有GME的貼出對帳單發P幣 作者
時間推噓 6 推:13 噓:7 →:19

※ 引述《siberia (釘子要打進去啦!!)》之銘言:
: [標的]GME
: 讓美國Ptt Reddit看見台灣
: 全世界的鄉民起來吧!
: 昨天券商聯手華爾街輸牌就翻桌。
: 超過我的底限。
: 反正老子錢還夠。買個一張高價戲院入場券。
: (買完FT就不讓買第二張了,他媽的華爾街基金管理人)
: 人生在世,有多少機會參與歷史時刻。
: 過了二十年,小孩問我: 爸爸,你有參與過改變歷史的舞台嗎?
: 我沒有去過1989的天安門廣場,
: 我沒有去過1989的柏林圍牆
: 我沒有去過2019的武漢海鮮市場
: 但是我2021買過GME
: 推文有圖持有GME的,隨機抽出10個人發300P!
: 有人可以把這一篇翻譯一下,貼到Reddit WSB版嗎?

[Target] GME

(Message from Taiwan PTT)

Let Reddit see Taiwan people are standing with them.

It's time to show them don't ever try to mess with all netizens in the world !

Yesterday, the brokerage and Wall Street just knocked over the table
because they were losing at cards.

That's a shame move would absolutely pushed everyone's buttons.

They think they rule the market so they could always win whenever they want.
We are here to tell them that we don't care how great the cost will be
to join this show.

We all know for sure if we step out this time, this shit will just come over
and over again in the future.

We were born and living in this world, how many chances we get to be in this
kind of historic moment.

When twenty years are past, my kid may ask me:
Dad, have you ever been on the stage of changing our history?

I've never been to the Tiananmen Square, 1989.
I've never been to the Berliner Mauer, 1989.
I've never been to the Wuhan Seafood Wholesale Market, 2019.

but I have bought the GME in 2021.

We might not be the powerful ones to change the history, but we knew
each one of us gave the things we got to fight for it.






※ PTT 留言評論
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: (臺灣)
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Redbeansauce01/29 11:41轉到Reddit 去吧開幹

guilty13 01/29 11:41你有點容易被煽動耶...而且REDDIT不太鳥外來人的...

SonAkali 01/29 11:42翻成這樣還是...

SonAkali 01/29 11:42別了吧

BoXeX 01/29 11:43算了吧 你這樣很難看

kurtis0359 01/29 11:44算了吧 六師弟


※ 編輯: danielele ( 臺灣), 01/29/2021 11:46:36

blue1204 01/29 11:44好糗

td123 01/29 11:46跌股

AllBlack 01/29 11:46不要丟臉了

gofigure 01/29 11:46不夠native還是算了吧

pissartist 01/29 11:46這種事情就是要煽動才會看見真相-.-

TWeng 01/29 11:47直接說WSB, we are with you還比較簡單

pissartist 01/29 11:47你不用沒自信 WSB現在有成千上萬的全球鄉民在留言

pissartist 01/29 11:48昨天有個中國人貼100M的對帳單 大家也是很支持

NewLifePage 01/29 11:50有心又認真 給推!

SonAkali 01/29 11:50taiwan can help wwww

BoXeX 01/29 11:52第一句就尷尬到不行 這種話你po在reddit是搞毛

aq227235371201/29 11:53先推

SonAkali 01/29 11:54好歹也說自己是台灣的redditt吧 說人家美國ptt會不

SonAkali 01/29 11:54會太看得起自己

BoXeX 01/29 11:54在reddit說reddit是美國ptt......

unrealstars 01/29 11:55第一句超他媽監介....麥鬧辣


BoXeX 01/29 11:56面向台灣的文章跟面向美國人的文章完全不一樣 你

BoXeX 01/29 11:56照翻只會讓人覺得你大腦很快樂

※ 編輯: danielele ( 臺灣), 01/29/2021 12:00:17

SonAkali 01/29 11:58不意外啊 這波跟著鬧的鄉民很多都...

kevinmeng2 01/29 12:01最簡單明瞭的native 翻譯是這樣:

kevinmeng2 01/29 12:01Fuck you Wall Street! Eat my shit & Go to hell

kevinmeng2 01/29 12:01!

BoXeX 01/29 12:01你改了第一句你再看一下你第二句

BoXeX 01/29 12:02那句話對著美國人說不覺得奇怪?


sai0613 01/29 12:02第一句會不會反而引起美國鄉民對我們不爽啊

※ 編輯: danielele ( 臺灣), 01/29/2021 12:07:51

BoXeX 01/29 12:03不是說不能po 但拜託你自己以reddit為對象寫一篇

BoXeX 01/29 12:03

※ 編輯: danielele ( 臺灣), 01/29/2021 12:36:37

icevenus 01/29 12:13Taiwan can help 一票

sqt 01/29 12:18厲害,看股版,學英語

lawer119 01/29 12:31每日一笑 哈哈

※ 編輯: danielele ( 臺灣), 01/29/2021 12:38:16

tim96tim 01/29 12:44推熱心啦

kinomon 01/29 12:53勇氣可佳 紅包1000p

kenichisun 01/29 13:29你還是別po了