Re: [新聞] 外資怕有戰爭賣超台股?謝金河曝兩岸不會

看板Stock標題Re: [新聞] 外資怕有戰爭賣超台股?謝金河曝兩岸不會作者
(Jerry shou)
時間推噓14 推:16 噓:2 →:7

: 推 kenndy : 11/21 03:46

: → kenndy : 希特勒打進法國,巴黎股市還是續創新高 11/21 03:46
根據DAVID LE BRIS的Wars, Inflation and Stock Market Returns in France,1870-1945文中說明到二戰時期的法國市場並非自由市場導致股價上漲

World War I and World War II differ in the level of capital freedom.
The financial repression applied can explain the surprising rise of stock prices during the
second world conflict.
During World War II, the monetary creation is carried out in a context where frontiers are closed to the exportation of money
Money can only buy national assets and is oriented to buy public debt.

The new money created without any new wealth generation within the French
economy should have arguably caused price adjustment (i.e. inflation), but
most of the prices were at that time controlled in an authoritarian manner.
All prices were legally frozen from 1939, with only a few exemptions.

At that time, people fled the Franc for real assets with prices free to
increase in nominal value.
It is a flight to quality, and a subsequent boom for stocks.
Stocks representing claims on real value (for instance real estate or retail stores with many real estate properties,
like Au Printemps) provided the best performances



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sunnyhung 11/21 07:47証交所都被炸毀了,開什盤? 宣佈台北不設防?

keepingtime 11/21 07:53拿這種考古時代的東西來比?不知道現在是2021嗎?

※ 編輯: wl00669773 ( 臺灣), 11/21/2021 08:09:11

apcr1115 11/21 08:17這篇算是查證 不必須吧

alouis 11/21 08:30查證推

giveUstars 11/21 08:48查證推

autoexecbat 11/21 08:49這篇比板上一堆文更有股點吧 換句話說資金不能自由

autoexecbat 11/21 08:49流通的話 只要限制別的資產投資 股市還是有可能上升

nodnarb1027 11/21 09:02推查證,不要理前兩樓

venusvirus 11/21 09:30推查證

TECOCSC 11/21 09:37無網路,無營業員

Tiger23 11/21 10:01有查證有推

redsaizu 11/21 10:19兩岸發生戰爭真正影響最大的不是股市,而是貨幣。台

redsaizu 11/21 10:19幣國際流通性那麽差,到時都不知道貶值到哪裡了,

redsaizu 11/21 10:19那些有錢人會傻到持有台幣與台灣共存亡?

redsaizu 11/21 10:22到時候資產多出好幾個0,當個紙上大富翁

KID0924 11/21 10:40藍綠紅一家親 不可能有大型戰爭

start0917 11/21 11:18封鎖台海就閃尿了啦

fenix220 11/21 11:51應該海空一起封吧 只封海是在打假的

ericjaing 11/21 14:25推查證,但!市場經濟規模及國力差太多,相信很多

ericjaing 11/21 14:25人早轉成美金,只差登機而已

ericjaing 11/21 14:27台灣不用封鎖一個月,油電可能就掛了,供參

Justisaac 11/21 14:37可以查一下發電天然氣儲備量 很有趣XD

s800525 11/21 15:29封鎖台海全球半導體直接下去了,半導體下去其他衍伸

s800525 11/21 15:29的產業一起下去,還以為只有台灣慘嗎XD

sunandmoonof11/21 15:43查證推