Re: [討論] 假如沒有海軍條約的話巡洋艦會怎樣

看板Warfare標題Re: [討論] 假如沒有海軍條約的話巡洋艦會怎樣作者
(Jerry shou)
時間推噓 1 推:1 噓:0 →:3

ADM 239/261把前衛的職責寫的清清楚楚

If, when the fleet is at sea in daylight, enemy forces are in the vicinity,
they should be reported by reconnaissance forces, and contact should occur
between the advanced forces of the two fleets.

The primary duty of reconnaissance aircraft is to locate and report both the
enemy battlefleet and aircraft carriers, subsequently keeping them under
observation while endeavouring to remain unseen. When visual contact has beenmade between the advanced forces of the two fleets, air reconnaissance will
no longer be needed and these aircraft will take over action observation

確切一點說 是偵查(Reconnaissance)跟locate的區別

It is very desirable that the probable direction of deployment is signalled
early, in order that the cruisers can destroyers can gain an advantageous
position in the van. Until this is signalled, the advanced forces will
endeavour to maintain a position near the line joining the two battlefleets.
As the movements of the enemy flotillas may be an indication of direction of
deployment, it is of the utmost importance that these should be reported to
the Admiral.

The advanced forces will endeavour to prevent enemy flotillas and cruisers
from reaching a position favourable for torpedo attack on the British
battlefleet. The secondary armaments of the battleships will also be used to
counter torpedo attacks, more especially when attacks are developing on the
beam of the battlefleet. In the even of a heavy attack developing, it may
also be necessary for the capital ships to use their main armaments to
disperse enemy flotillas and cruisers.

Screen?我何時談論過Screen的職能? 屏衛就是屏衛

Either battlecruisers or fast battleships may be detailed to support the
cruisers ahead of the fleet. For convenience these vessels are referred to asbattlecruisers and the instructions which follow apply to either type of
ship, when carrying out this duty.

Although many reports from other ships of the advanced forces may be
expected, signals from the Senior Officer of the battlecruisers during his
approach and action giving the general situation will be of particular value
to the Admiral.


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※ 編輯: wl00669773 ( 臺灣), 07/24/2021 12:25:21 ※ 編輯: wl00669773 ( 臺灣), 07/24/2021 12:28:38

fw190a07/24 12:30你猜缺乏BC的國家會想照著這邊寫的方式派前衛嗎? 小船派

fw190a07/24 12:30出去是前衛,拱衛時作為屏障,只是前者在理想情況效益更大

fw190a07/24 12:30而已,不代表後者沒戰力。我知道你沒提screen,但你已經

fw190a07/24 12:30把他寫成戰力0了

真是不好意思 戰間期沒有BC的國家 如美國選擇派重巡出去當前衛 沒有戰巡怎麼辦? 重巡頂著用阿! 反航戰戰術只能彌補戰列線上被搶T頭的航速劣勢,不能彌補沒高速主力艦使得驅逐巡洋孤立無援的窘迫局面 能怎麼辦,列克星頓就死了阿! 啊我就只有彭薩柯拉可以用!死馬當活馬醫! 另外如果進入決戰階段,除了戰列線外的隊伍叫Van跟Rear 而戰巡高戰及重巡(美國這種國家的話)就會於隊伍前方的支持位於Van的巡洋及驅逐作戰 To engage leading enemy capital ships and to support light forces in the van.

支持Van位置上的巡洋跟驅逐幹嘛? (d) Cruisers in the van: To command the areas ahead of and between the two fleets and so support the attack of the flotillas, and to attack the enemy battlefleet with torpedoes. More cruisers are required in the van than in the rear. (e) Tribal class destroyers in the van: To give close support to the destroyer flotillas and to counter-attack, subsequently to make use of their torpedo armament. (f) Destroyers in the van: To attack the enemy with torpedoes as soon as the two fleets become fully engaged and to counter-attack. 時間點再往前拉吧 日德蘭之後舍爾怎麼看英方戰巡艦隊?

舍爾認為: 英軍的戰術意圖,顯然是要截斷德軍的退路,誘使德軍與其優勢主力部隊接戰,然後戰勝 之。 英國前衛艦隊的航速和兵力優勢,使其優於德國的第一偵察集群,又能逃避德國主力艦隊 的打擊。 基於這些優勢,英軍傾向於在遠離本隊的方向開戰,一方面迫使德國戰巡隊只得跟隨行動 ,另一方面實現強行偵察,給本隊報信。 如果前衛隊單獨開戰,英國戰巡隊對於德國人有兵力優勢,而德國主力艦隊太慢無法加入 戰鬥,對德軍是不利的。 而如果讓德國戰巡和本隊抱團,而不利用其航速前出,則可能遭到英國高速單位的側擊( 包抄戰列線一端),同時本隊也被迫改變航向 如果是這樣,德軍本隊的行動就完全被英國高速艦隊限制住了。英國人可以在有利的位置 和時機,集結優勢兵力發動攻擊,並完全包圍德軍前衛。

※ 編輯: wl00669773 ( 臺灣), 07/24/2021 12:53:21