[閒聊] 艾薇兒最優秀的歌是不是這幾首呢:)

看板WomenTalk標題[閒聊] 艾薇兒最優秀的歌是不是這幾首呢:)作者
時間推噓25 推:25 噓:0 →:13

如題 如圖


艾薇兒top 13 !

我覺得前三名是complicated , nobody’s home, innocence ,排名不分先後

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kimura070101/19 21:20怎麼沒有I’m with you

Jenny072501/19 21:20nobody’s home

hcc57091001/19 21:29When youre gone

Moana15601/19 21:30我比較喜歡她後來出的Head Above Water?


ovarbda01/19 21:31有買complicated那張專輯


gk4432y01/19 21:31Naked

rlhl779901/19 21:32sk8er boi smile complicated

jezz974001/19 21:39Warrior跟Nobody's fool還有He wasn't拿掉


※ 編輯: ccyaztfe ( 臺灣), 01/19/2022 21:39:47 ※ 編輯: ccyaztfe ( 臺灣), 01/19/2022 21:40:11 ※ 編輯: ccyaztfe ( 臺灣), 01/19/2022 21:40:21

jezz974001/19 21:40換成Losing grip跟I'm with you還有Anything bot ordina

jezz974001/19 21:40ry

amei3032101/19 21:41Hush Hush

jezz974001/19 21:41but*

BellyButton01/19 21:48最喜歡wish you were here

twinkle3611101/19 22:14沒有let me go

Beanoodle01/19 22:22超複雜那張超經典阿扁的阿

Beanoodle01/19 22:23阿扁殺小啦

Jenny072501/19 22:29樓上左轉政黑

timmy99901/19 22:30smile

joannalang01/19 22:37I’m with you也很神啊啊啊啊啊

sirloin01/19 23:11inder my skin 跟 complicated 這兩張是神專

sirloin01/19 23:11打錯 under

shermanqoo01/19 23:50沒有 I’m with you?

GeogeBye01/19 23:54我最常聽的是under my skin那張

kobe778507501/20 00:47nobody’s home 神曲

rairobin01/20 00:48sk8er boi ,complicated,my happy ending 都超神~小艾超

rairobin01/20 00:48棒~

claire199901/20 00:51推innocence

claire199901/20 00:5110幾年過去聽的歌路換了又換

claire199901/20 00:51這首再聽還是完全符合審美

gradient2001/20 00:59complicated也是我的NO.1

twoin01/20 01:41hot、wish you were here、hello kitty

abby9901/20 02:02damn damn damn~

garten01/20 04:54Things I never say 、my world

tavern01/20 12:44幹 怎麼沒有anything but ordinary

c06091701/20 14:56complicated絕對是第一!!!!還有15樓阿扁我笑到不行XD

fancyfreer01/20 19:12I’m with you

ppopp101601/21 12:47Head above water超神

nacheong1701/21 17:29Everybody Hurts 也超好聽