Re: [閒聊] 自行車騎士該騎路邊還是道路中間呢?
純分享UK highway code關於汽車超車其他交通工具部分(highway code並非針對高速公路)
Rule 66
- be considerate of the needs of other road users when riding in groups. You can ride two abreast and it can be safer to do so, particularly in larger groups or when accompanying children or less experienced riders. Be aware of drivers behind you and allow them to overtake (for example, by moving into single file or stopping) when you feel it is safe to let them do so
Rule 72
Road positioning. When riding on the roads, there are two basic road positions you should adopt, depending on the situation.
1) Ride in the centre of your lane, to make yourself as clearly visible as possible, in the following situations
- on quiet roads or streets – if a faster vehicle comes up behind you, move to the left to enable them to overtake, if you can do so safely
- in slower-moving traffic - when the traffic around you starts to flow more freely, move over to the left if you can do so safely so that faster vehicles behind you can overtake
- at the approach to junctions or road narrowings where it would be unsafe for drivers to overtake you
2) When riding on busy roads, with vehicles moving faster than you, allow them to overtake where it is safe to do so whilst keeping at least 0.5 metres away, and further where it is safer, from the kerb edge. Remember that traffic onmost dual carriageways moves quickly. Take extra care crossing slip roads
Rule 163
Overtake only when it is safe and legal to do so. You should
- give motorcyclists, cyclists and horse riders and horse drawn vehicles at least as much room as you would when overtaking a car (see Rules 211 to 215). As a guide:
- leave at least 1.5 metres when overtaking cyclists at speeds of up to 30mph, and give them more space when overtaking at higher speeds
- pass horse riders and horse-drawn vehicles at speeds under 10 mph and allowat least 2 metres of space
- allow at least 2 metres of space and keep to a low speed when passing a pedestrian who is walking in the road (for example, where there is no pavement)
- take extra care and give more space when overtaking motorcyclists, cyclists, horse riders, horse drawn vehicles and pedestrians in bad weather (includinghigh winds) and at night
- you should wait behind the motorcyclist, cyclist, horse rider, horse drawn vehicle or pedestrian and not overtake if it is unsafe or not possible to meetthese clearances.
連最最基本的Rule H1~H3都無法認同的國家就算了吧
外國是外國 台灣有台灣的玩法 某t會這樣講啦
ride in the center “on quiet roads or streets
100%是公車的問題 到底是怎樣的人才能一直護航啊 就
下坡路段自行車比公車快 公車會靠右讓嗎?
前車就是有權可以不讓 要檢討自行車前 麻煩先去檢討
If you can do so safely
Quiet road 是指優先照顧非動力車輛用路人如自行車
感謝你替大家解釋,適合騎在路中只有三種路段 :1.
Quiet roads or streets (如同你說的非動力車輛,
在台灣能以此定義的基本上是自行車專用道。2. In sl
ow-moving traffic 3. At the approach to junction
or road narrowing。
差點以為這篇的讀者都只看得懂黃字 鬆口氣了
第二項 Busy roads 怎麼騎,記得也看一下
首Po昨天的影片應該很多人都看到了吧,先不論嘴秋等其他人身攻擊,單純就自行車騎士路權討論一下,大家覺得騎車該靠路邊?還是路中間呢? 題外話,該影片留言有99%都是站在騎士這一方,甚至支持提告;但在另一則新聞影片下方留言,大概有8成都在調侃自行車騎士…嗯…很有趣的現象 -- Sent from nPTT on my iPad (9th generation) --14
權 : 題外話,該影片留言有99%都是站在騎士這一方,甚至支持提告;但在另一則新聞影片 下? 難怪台灣是行人地獄 如果說行人地獄是第18層10
: : → uranusjr : 台灣是 19 層美國大概 50 以上, 你太誇張... 08/30 21:12 "台灣是 19 層美國大概 50 以上" 這是美國那邊給你這種感覺啊? 我在加州灣區騎車,覺得還滿舒適的 除了有單車道的道路還滿多的以外,而且四輪大爺對自行車普遍非常的禮貌,30
我是頻道創辦人 但非Z宇本人 開頻道之初還在這邊請益過大家意見 剛好自己頻道影片的討論自己來回覆 還原現場 這一天是彼得潘還有Z宇跟我一起去拍片測試輪組 彼得潘的部分是以230W騎測平緩坡 他有任務在身不會隨意停腳或是減少瓦數3
灣區我只在舊金山附近騎過一次, 確實是沒有被逼 不過其他地方就...一言難盡 我有在中西部又長又直車又少的路上被擠過 那個感覺比這次公車「擋屁路」誇張很多 是駕駛根本覺得你不該出現在這條路上要消滅你的感覺22
分享自己的經驗啦 小弟本人三年前出門騎車有一次就像影片裡的車友一樣 騎在單線道上被後車直接撞下去 警察初判表我是無肇責,對方後車撞我全責。 對方不服到車禍鑑定委員會上訴8
小弟獨騎仔 個人覺得關於路權 理論上 騎中間偏內側是沒啥問題 但是實際上總是有些車子不太會保持安全距離 會靠你很近 也不一定是故意 我之前就被小貨車後照鏡撞到11
看到這串討論不得不推一下雷達 原本買之前也一直覺得是個沒啥必要的電子垃圾 有次腦波弱一點就被店員推銷成功 用了之後升級的感覺大概是功率計>輪組>雷達>電變這樣... 在一般道路真的安心許多3
不要跟四輪大爺在PTT辯論 直接拿影片去檢舉吧 老實說這種惡意逼車也不是現在才有的狀況 之前在騎拉拉山櫻花勇士的時候我也有被一台小發財車逼車過 然後2018年台中時代騎輪節更是有公車司機不知道在不爽什麼17
記得在前面的討論推文中有板友提到: 他們就是單純不爽而已。 台北市的長春路靠近龍江路那邊,有一兩家 開很晚的自助餐跟燒臘店 (小有名氣,環境 很髒但分量很足的燒臘店) 。深夜的時候,
[閒聊] 少了專武?頑皮狗推《最後生還者2》艾比頑皮狗合作Dark Horse推出《最後生還者2》艾比模型 作為《最後生還者2》上市一周年紀念,開發商頑皮狗工作室近日宣佈與 Dark Horse 工 作室合作,共同推出主角艾比雕像。 Dark Horse Direct 先前曾與頑皮狗合作推出過兩款《最後生還者 2》雕像,現均已售罄25
[情報] 星期日NBA舉辦首次HORSE挑戰賽名單出爐來源: ESPN推特 網址: The pairings for this Sunday's first-ever NBA HORSE Challenge on ESPN have been revealed 本周日NBA首度舉辦HORSE挑戰賽,ESPN轉播,以下是名單17
[情報] Mike Conley 拿下HORSE投籃比賽冠軍消息來源: @MCONLEY10 took down Catchings, Billups and LaVine to win the NBA HORSE Challenge title17
[抽獎] steamgifts抽獎HB烏克蘭組包,LV3 時間到3/25 11:00PM 未限區,應該是都可啟用,今天收HB信發現多了兩個遊戲進組包,不過都有了。 我有看到遊戲序號售完的訊息,如果中獎者啟用有問題, 我會連絡客服,如果沒辦法解決,我會刪除GA。 祝大家遊戲跟統一發票都中獎。14
Re: [閒聊] 剛剛請 chatgpt寫武俠小說,它不肯英文版真的猛 我輸入 "Create a love story to me" (創造一個愛情故事給我) “about a girl and her horse8
[情報] 聯盟官方與ESPN洽談轉播H-O-R-S-E投籃比賽消息來源: The NBA and ESPN are working on televising a H-O-R-S-E competition involving several high-profile players, sources say. Players would shoot in isolation – presumably in home gyms – and match shots against competitors. Details are3
[問卦] House拼成Horse,英文有多差?我朋友啦, 在幫忙打工的咖啡店製作傳單時, 把House寫成Horse,還印了一大堆傳單, 現在那一堆破英文傳單已流通市面。 House拼成Horse,英文有多差?X
[問卦] 馬英9的英文我們都知道 菜英文的英文是「Vegetable English」 那馬英9的英文應該要叫做什麼? 翻作「Horse English Nine」也不對啊 那樣就變成「馬英文9」了啊X
[問卦] 斑馬線的英文是horse line?本肥很好奇 斑馬線應該是zebra line吧? 怎麼有人說horse line啊? 真D有夠丟臉的 大家好好練一下英文好嗎1
[問卦] horse line是什麼line?欸欸問大家一下 本魯剛才在看直播啦 NPC丟來一張紙條說 走在horse line上面比較安全 horse line是什麼啊??