Re: [情報] 李鴻源:高雄無足夠水台積不可能去

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圖 李鴻源:高雄無足夠水台積不可能去

This week, #TSMC confirmed that the Kaohsiung plant will adopt the 2nm process #technology. TSMC stated that the construction of the #wafer fab in Kaohsiung will proceed as usual, but the previous expansion plans will be adjusted to accommodate the production of the 2nm advanced process technology, in responseto strong market demand for advanced processes.

As for the specific details and contents of the plant development, they have not been further disclosed at this stage. According to TSMC’s plans, mass production of the 2nm process is expected to begin in 2025, with production basesincluding the previously announced #Hsinchu and #Taichung facilities, as wellas the newly announced Kaohsiung facility.


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okderla08/14 16:56哇 這是官網嗎

leonidass08/14 17:40幫推

gamova52008/14 20:35高雄酸是不是英文或眼睛不太好?