[情報] 01/01 the daily horoscope
You may be trying to get someone to join your team or help you in an effort you feel passionate about. And to do this, dear Gemini, you may be exaggeratingabout how fabulous it is going to be, even though you don't really know for sure. That's something that salesmen do all the time, but when you are dealing with a person - especially when it's a friend or a family member - honesty is really the best policy. What you can do, though, is share your passion and illustrate how great it can be. That's pretty powerful, too.
那是銷售員在做的事情,但是當你在跟一個人打交道時 —
特別是他是你的朋友或者是家庭成員時 — 誠實是最佳的策略。
Ps. 如果有誤譯請指教,謝謝。
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感謝翻譯 新年快樂
首PoA recent visit that you didn't want to make to someone you didn't want to see, or a recent obligation that you filled that you didn't really want to be both ered with, might have made you feel rather uncomfortable. That's okay. You fol lowed through and did what had to be done, anyway. Hopefully, Gemini, there is a large amount of satisfaction in that. You have been able to turn something
[情報] 07/15 the daily horoscopeYou may have let go of something recently in an effort to make more room in yo ur life for something else. But now it may feel like there is an emptiness the re, and you could be wondering if you've made a mistake. Nothing is certain, o f course, but you have to at least give this a try. You must have felt strongl y enough about your goal to make changes that would accommodate it, so keep th3
01/01 the daily horoscopeTrust may be lacking in one of your more important relationships. It wasn't al ways that way. In fact, this may be a pretty recent development, but it has le ft you feeling a bit shaky. Not only are you feeling that maybe you can no lon ger count on someone you once counted on, but you might also be afraid that yo ur own judgment isn't all that great. Neither may be true, dear Gemini. Give t2
[情報] 08/19 the daily horoscopeIf you have a best friend, you can turn to them when you need to talk or simpl y to vent. But if you don't have such a person in your life, or if they don't happen to be around in a moment of need, you can't let a struggle get to you, dear Gemini. If you are feeling the need to share something or free yourself o f a burden, there are other ways you can help yourself. By writing it down or2
[情報] 12/12 the daily horoscopeCan you pull off a successful partnership with someone you know on a personal level, such as a friend or a family member? Maybe. But before you get into it, dear Gemini, consider the facets of each of your personalities. Do they mesh? Are they compatible? Whether this is as simple as a partnership to team up fo r a personal activity - or as complex as a business venture, you have to be ab1
[情報] 05/09 the daily horoscopeA recent argument with a friend or family member may have begun because of a m isunderstanding. You may have been talking about two different things, or just not getting where the other party was coming from. While this may have left y ou feeling a bit wobbly about the relationship, you will soon have a chance to clear things up and get back to enjoying good interactions. Don't let this go1
[情報] 04/23 the daily horoscopeYou may believe that if you only had the right support behind you, you would b e brave enough to aim for the dream you want for yourself. As it is now, thoug h, you may feel misunderstood. Others in your family or your social circle don 't believe in your ideas or may even think you are wasting your time. But just because others are not behind you doesn't mean you are wrong. If you have a v1
[情報] 08/05 the daily horoscopeYou may have a secret, negative opinion of someone who has recently entered yo ur social scene - perhaps a friend of a friend or a friend of a family member. And even though you may not be saying this out loud, dear Gemini, it is color ing your interactions with that individual. While they may not perceive specif ically how you feel, they may be at least picking up the unflattering vibes, a1
[情報] 11/26 the daily horoscopeYou may soon have to present or promote an idea or an endeavor that you want o ther people to get involved in, sort of a team project. But you may be so conc erned that you have to get it right that you are striving for absolute perfect ion. You may come up with ideas and then reject them because they don't feel p erfect. But it is your passion for this project that will convince others of i- If you have an important message to communicate to someone, today is the day t o try it. You may have made attempts to do so in the past, dear Gemini, but yo ur thinking on this matter has become clearer, and you have formed more creati ve thoughts in your mind that you can now express. This is an excellent time f or negotiating, for presenting, and for convincing others of your ideas, and a
- A family matter could occupy your thoughts and a lot of your time on and off t oday, dear Gemini. You may have wound up in the role of counselor and mediator for a family member who is frequently a challenge. But if anyone can talk sen se into this individual, it would be you. Just be careful not to let it cause you stress or worry, because once you dispense advice and encouragement, that'